
Overlord: Trinity

Trinity is the top guild in the game of Yggdrassil prior to its shutdown, it was led by three powerful players, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They were hired by the developers of the Yggdrassil to stop Momonga's madness in the new world. Would they be the one to end his tyranny that threatens the very existence of the world he was settling or would they fail utterly like those who have fought them? A light novel where enemies seems to have no chance against the main character will now face the greatest threat he didn't expect.

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6 Chs

The Grand Entrance

Two hours later, the Trinity had taken control of Carne Village. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit gathered in a small house, deep in discussion about their next moves.

"The Carne Village was once an outpost of the Re-Estize Kingdom, but it aligned itself with the Sorcerer Kingdom," the Son began, providing some background. "It's located ten kilometers away from the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and if we head northwest, we'll reach the Re-Estize Kingdom."

The Holy Spirit contemplated their options. "So, what's our plan? Should we make an unexpected visit to Nazarick and demand an audience with Momonga?"

The Father shook his head, recognizing the danger of such a move. "No, that would be perilous. Nazarick is filled with monsters of level 70 and above. We'll wait for Momonga to emerge from the tomb and oversee the war outside the Re-Estize Kingdom."

Consulting his user interface, the Son reviewed the flashcards they had received from Mr. Nobody. "Shalltear Bloodfallen, Cocytus, Demiurge, Aura Bella Fiora, Mare Bello Fiore, Albedo, Sebas, Rubedo. These raid-boss-level monsters are formidable inside the tomb. Our best chance to defeat them is outside Nazarick, so I agree with Father's approach."

"Very well," the Holy Spirit consented to the plan. "But before we proceed, I have some questions that need answers. Son, when you fought Lupusregina Beta, how did it feel?"

The Son's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "It felt surreal and exhilarating! It's addictive, as if I crave more, to learn more and experience everything."

The Holy Spirit mused, excitement dancing in their eyes. "So, it's truly that extraordinary? This is getting me pumped up."

The Father interjected, addressing their appearances. "Are you both content with how you look? As for me, I find my current appearance a bit ostentatious. I will make a change."

With those words, the Father's form underwent a sudden transformation. His majestic divine aura dissipated, and he assumed a more unassuming presence. Equipped with full plate armor of the divine class, radiating in shimmering silver hues, he now sported a blue cape, black gloves, and platinum silver shoulder guards. His face became more distinct, revealing his chestnut hair gracefully swept up.

Grasping a mighty greatsword in his hands, he exuded an air of authority and strength.

"Nope, I'm fine with my outfit," The Holy Spirit said.

"Same here," The Son said and continued. "Also, the maid that I just fought earlier, Lupusregina Beta, it seemed like there were many of them. They are composed of Aureole Omega, Sebas Tian, Yuri Alpha, Nabernal Gamma, CZ2128 Delta, Solution Epsilon, Entoma Vasilissa Zeta, and lastly, Lupusregina Beta. Sebas and Aureole Omega are max-level mobs, while the rest are under 65. They are weak in Yggdrasil standards."

"Okay, we are going to use the two days to recuperate," The Father said. "Because after that, it will be an endless battle."


The night has fallen, shrouding the Carne Village in darkness. The lives of the villagers continued as usual as Enri assured them that the Divine Beings won't do anything to them. However, despite those reassurances, there is still an air of unease that hung over the village.

The Son and the Holy Spirit found solace in the tranquility of the clear night sky, spending most of their time gazing upwards. In their world, the polluted skies rarely revealed the beauty of stars, making this sight all the more breathtaking. Their hearts skipped a beat as if experiencing a newfound love for this world.

During one such moment of contemplation, a shooting star streaked across the heavens, captivating the attention of the Trinity. Their eyes followed the radiant trail of light as it gracefully arced across the night sky.

"Is that…"

"That's a shooting star," The Holy Spirit said. "We never get a chance to see it in our world as well. Good grief, the more hours I spend in this world, the more I want to remain here. But I can't do that, I have a family waiting for me back home and they are going to need the money."

"I respect that," The Son nodded. "Oh, I just remembered something. You might want to try your spells here. It's best that you test if your spells are working or not."

"You are right," The Holy Spirit agreed. "Well let's try this one."

The Holy Spirit class is a Sorcerer with spells over a hundred. He might not have as many spells as Momonga has but it was enough.

"I'll try this one," The Holy Spirit decided. He extended his staff in front and chanted.

"Call Greater Thunder," he mouthed.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of light illuminated the night sky. A massive bolt of lightning materialized, descending from above and striking the ground with earth-shaking force. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing the ground to tremble beneath the villagers' feet.

The sheer power of the spell was awe-inspiring. The bolt of lightning surged along the ground, its brilliant energy illuminating the darkness momentarily and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Trees were charred and splintered, rocks were pulverized, and the earth itself trembled under the onslaught of the spell's force.

The Father, who was spending his time alone in one of the houses provided by Enri teleported next to the two and demanded.

"What is it?! Is there an enemy?"

"Nope," The Holy Spirit shook his head. "I was trying one of my spells."

"Ah…I see, well do inform me next time if you are going to attempt something like that again," The Father chided The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit nodded, realizing that their display of power might have caused unnecessary panic among the villagers. "My bad."


Two days later, the army of the Re-Estize Kingdom had gathered outside the imposing walls of their capital. It was a sight to behold—a vast sea of people stretching as far as the eye could see, their ranks organized with military precision. However, the atmosphere was tinged with fear and nervous anticipation. The soldiers, their faces etched with worry, knew they were about to fight a formidable foe that had decimated 70,000 soldiers with a single spell. A monster that isn't supposed to exist in this world.

In the midst of the soldiers, they stepped aside, making way for Prince Zanac, who rode on horseback. His minister of military affairs accompanied him, riding alongside.

"Your Highness," the minister said, addressing Zanac respectfully.

"I know, I just want to speak with him," Zanac replied, his gaze fixed on the horizon where their conquerors stood.

On the other side of the hill, a tent had been set up for the forces of the Sorcerer King. Inside, Ainz, Albedo, Cocytus, Aura, Mare, the Death Knights, and the Frost Virgins awaited.

"Ainz-sama, a representative is approaching from the human army," Albedo informed.

Ainz hummed as he gazed at the approaching stallion. He noticed the rider raising his hand to his lips, a magic circle forming on top of his ring.

"I am the crown prince of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself! I would like to speak with the Sorcerer King," Zanac declared, his voice carrying a determined tone that reverberated through the air and reached the ears of those within the tent.

Ainz exchanged glances with Albedo, contemplating their next move.

"What do you wish to do, Ainz-sama? I feel there is no need to listen unless it's a messenger announcing the start of battle..." Albedo suggested.

"If he refuses to converse with an opponent, others may think him close-minded," Cocytus interjected.

"Who cares about a rumor when no one is left to spread it?" Albedo responded, looking at Cocytus with a hint of defiance.

"Albedo, have you forgotten? There may be someone watching us from afar who can speak ill of us," Ainz reminded her.

"My apologies," Albedo bowed her head reverently, acknowledging her oversight.

"Yes. Then I will go," Ainz announced, rising from his Throne of Kings and walking forward.

"Lord Ainz, shall I bring guards with you?" Cocytus offered.

"A royal came to me alone. It's only right that I return the favor," Ainz replied firmly, declining Cocytus' suggestion.

Ainz rode his own stallion and met Zanac in the center. Upon arriving, Ainz hopped down from his stallion and Zanac began.

"I am glad to meet you, Sorcerer King. I am Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself."

"I am glad to meet you as well," Ainz returned the gesture. "I am the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown. Will water be sufficient?"

Ainz fished through his inventory, pulling out a jar of purified water, summoning a table and a chair for them to discuss, and pouring him a glass of water.

"Yes, thank you very much, Your Majesty," Zanac said as he received a glass of water from Ainz. "I appreciate your hospitality."

"Now, the preparations for our talk are complete," Ainz said, returning to his seat. "What did you wish to speak about? Shall I discuss why our invasion is just?"

"Your Majesty, there's something I'd like to ask. Why are you doing something this cruel? Why won't you accept our plea of surrender?"

"Because there is no merit to it."


"We will sacrifice your kingdom to show the world that it is foolish to escape the Sorcerer Kingdom. To that end, we will enter your royal capital after decimating your forces and turn everything into a mountain of rubble. We'll leave everything like that for hundreds or even thousands of years… In this way, stories about the folly of going against the Sorcerer Kingdom will be passed down for eternity."

"W–Why have you chosen to do so?"


"There are other ways to have Your Majesty's prestige known throughout the world. Why are your actions so close-minded?"

"Close-minded, huh?"

"What is your goal?"

"My goal? My goal seems simple and complicated at the same time. My goal is… there is only one I'm searching for… Happiness."


"In the end, isn't it the ultimate goal of all creatures, happiness?"

"So you are saying it's fine to take away the happiness of others for the sake of your own?"

"Isn't that obvious? If I can bring happiness to the ones I treasure, I don't care what happens to anyone else. If your people could only achieve happiness by making the people of another country suffer, what would you do? Would you tell your people to give up on happiness?"

Zanac rose to his feet, smashing the table. "That logic is extreme!" But he immediately composed himself. "Excuse me, Your Majesty."

"No, I don't mind."

Zanac returned to his seat.

"Are you telling me that someone of Your Majesty's intelligence and power had no other way to move forward?"

"There may be other ways. However, it's better to grab hold of the chance to obtain such happiness if the opportunity to do so is easily available. They say 'the goddess of fortune is bald behind'."

"What a strange goddess. Oh pardon me, I'm not belittling the gods you believe in or anything. Please forgive me."

"I don't mind. I don't particularly believe in them. So that's how it is. I will have you suffer for the happiness of the people I must protect. Does my answer satisfy you?"

"Well, they say it is the duty of those at the top to pursue the benefits for their country and bring happiness to their people. I understand the reason behind your refusal of our surrender. It seems there's nothing I can do."

"Now, I guess it's my turn to question you. That's right. Who currently holds the sword that Gazef Stronoff wielded? The armor you are wearing was also previously worn by him."

"Yes, a man named Brain Unglaus is currently in possession of that sword."

"Brain Unglaus, huh? Oh, is that man currently here?"

"No, he should be in the Royal Palace."

"I see, it seems it doesn't matter what spells I use to decimate your forces."

"We don't plan to lose. But I hope you use magic that will kill us without much suffering."

"Well… We've now become acquainted with one another. I'll make sure to kill you as gently as I can."

"I appreciate that," Zanac chuckled and then drank the water Ainz gave him. "The drink was delicious, Your Majesty. Oh before I go, may I ask something?"


"Did you or perhaps one of your subordinates kill my elder brother?"

"Your brother? The deed was probably done by one of mine."

"I see, so he is dead after all. Thank you for letting me know, Your Majesty. I'll take my leave now."

As Zanac's horse was about to trot away from Ainz, a sudden rumble echoed through the sky, shaking the very foundation of the earth. Zanac looked up in bewilderment, scanning the clear skies for any signs of the source of this disturbance.

"Ainz-sama!" Albedo cried out, her voice filled with urgency as she rushed towards him. The Guardians braced themselves, their weapons at the ready, prepared for whatever might come.

In a breathtaking display of power, a figure burst through the heavens, soaring through the air with incredible velocity. The very atmosphere quivered in awe as the figure descended from above, defying the laws of gravity. A trail of golden light followed in their wake, illuminating the battlefield with an ethereal glow.

With a thunderous impact, the figure landed fifty meters away from Ainz and Zanac, causing the ground to shudder beneath their feet. Gravel and dust were sent flying into the air, carried by a powerful gust of wind that swept through the surroundings.

The dust slowly settled, revealing a towering and imposing figure before them. Clad in golden armor that radiated a divine brilliance, The Son stood with an air of unrivaled majesty. His eyes, burning like molten fire, surveyed the scene with a mix of authority and superiority.

Ainz, though initially perplexed, now recognized the awe-inspiring presence that stood before him. It was none other than The Son, a player from the legendary guild Trinity, known to be one of the powerful players in Yggdrasil.

"No way... they are in this world?!" Ainz uttered, his voice laced with astonishment and a hint of unease.

The Son's voice boomed through the air, commanding attention and instilling a sense of awe in all who heard it. His godly presence radiated an overwhelming aura, evoking a potent mixture of fear, respect, and curiosity among the onlookers.

"I see that they call you Ainz here, Momonga," The Son's words resonated with divine power, reverberating through the very souls of those present. "And what a wonderful answer you received from that young fellow."

Silence fell upon the battlefield as The Son's golden wings folded behind him, his imposing figure casting a long shadow over the land.

"Who is that?" Zanac asked, his mouth gaping.

"I am the one who will save you from the Sorcerer King's tyranny," The Son answered.