
Overlord: Trinity

Trinity is the top guild in the game of Yggdrassil prior to its shutdown, it was led by three powerful players, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They were hired by the developers of the Yggdrassil to stop Momonga's madness in the new world. Would they be the one to end his tyranny that threatens the very existence of the world he was settling or would they fail utterly like those who have fought them? A light novel where enemies seems to have no chance against the main character will now face the greatest threat he didn't expect.

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6 Chs

The Encounter

Arriving at the Re-Estize Kingdom, The Son gazed around his surroundings, taking in the sea of soldiers on his left who looked at him with a mix of awe and reverence. To them, he seemed almost godlike. On his right stood the Floor Guardians, alongside their leader, Ainz himself.

Just as he took a step forward, a black streak blurred past him, and before he knew it, a menacing blade of a halberd was aimed at his neck, poised to strike.

"Move one step and you will meet your demise," Albedo said, her voice dripping with threat as she tightened her grip on the halberd.

A smile tugged at The Son's lips as he addressed her, "You sure are a prickly one, Albedo." His gaze flickered onto her, noticing the change in her attire. Gone was the beautiful white dress, replaced by an obsidian armor that encased her figure from head to toe.

"How did you know my name?" Albedo demanded, her voice laced with curiosity and suspicion.

"Can you please move your halberd away from my neck?" The Son requested calmly, not betraying any hint of fear.

"Albedo! Step back!" Ainz's voice echoed from the distance, a warning in his tone.

But it was too late. In a swift motion, The Son's golden mace materialized in his hand, and with a single sweeping arc, he deflected Albedo's halberd, giving The Son a momentary opening.

[Demolition Fist]

The Son's gloves glowed radiantly as he channeled his power. With a mighty swing, he unleashed a devastating haymaker toward Albedo, aiming to knock her off balance and seize control of the situation.

Albedo's eyes widened in surprise as she found herself momentarily caught off guard. The force of The Son's blow sent shockwaves through the air, creating a resounding impact that reverberated throughout the battlefield. The ground beneath them trembled as the sheer power behind the attack threatened to shatter the very fabric of reality.

However, before The Son's fist could connect with Albedo, a surge of dark energy erupted from her, enveloping her body in an impenetrable barrier. The haymaker collided with the barrier, causing an explosive burst of energy that sent shockwaves in all directions, blowing away nearby soldiers and causing the ground to crack.

Albedo emerged from the blast unscathed, her obsidian armor gleaming ominously. Her eyes burned with determination and a fierce resolve as she regained her composure. The Son took a step back, his expression unfazed but filled with intrigue.

"Hoh? You blocked that. Now, this is getting interesting," The Son mused, his voice laced with a mix of admiration and curiosity. He regarded Albedo with renewed interest, recognizing the strength and resilience she possessed.

Albedo's grip on her halberd tightened, her resolve unyielding. "You possess impressive power. But do not underestimate the might of the Supreme Beings and the Guardians who stand by Ainz-sama's side."

And then Albedo launched a flurry of swings and thrusts with her halberd, her movements a blur of black streaks that sliced through the air with deadly precision. The Son's reflexes kicked in, his body moving with an almost instinctual grace. He matched Albedo's speed, his golden streak becoming a blur as he effortlessly blocked, deflected, and parried her strikes with an almost ethereal finesse.

Their clash created a spectacle that defied the limits of mortal perception. The soldiers in the area could barely register their movements, their eyes struggling to keep up with the lightning-fast exchange. The clash of their weapons resounded like thunder, echoing across the battlefield.

Zanac on the other hand, watched the battle unfold before him. The divine being that appeared just now and is fighting toe-to-toe with one of Sorcerer King's subordinates gave him a renewed hope that humanity may survive if they have him on their side.

"Ainz-sama, I will help Albedo," Cocytus stepped forward and pulled out his God-Slaying Sword.

"Stand your ground, Cocytus," Ainz ordered. "We don't know if he's the only one here…"

"Understood, Ainz-sama."

Seconds turned to minutes. The Son and Albedo have been exchanging blows with unmatched intensity. Their clash was a whirlwind of steel and magic, their movements blurring the line between reality and illusion. The Son's golden streak weaved through Albedo's relentless onslaught, his reflexes honed to perfection.

But The Son knew that it was time to reveal the true extent of his power. As Albedo unleashed another flurry of strikes, he saw an opening, a split second where her focus shifted. With the swiftness of a striking viper, he seized the opportunity.

The Son's shield gleamed as he was about to cast another spell.

[Transcended Shield Bash.]

With a surge of energy, The Son lunged forward, his shield leading the charge. Albedo barely had time to react as the shield collided with her halberd, sending a shockwave rippling through the battlefield.

Albedo's eyes widened in disbelief as the force behind The Son's shield bash overwhelmed her defenses. The sheer power behind the attack propelled her through the air, her body hurtling with tremendous speed. As her figure disappeared into the distance, the sound of an ear-splitting impact resonated, followed by a deafening silence.

The battlefield stood frozen, soldiers and guardians alike immobilized by the sight before them. A massive hill from a distance, now bore a gaping hole, a testament to the immense force unleashed by The Son's shield bash.

Slowly, the dust settled, revealing the aftermath of The Son's devastating blow. Albedo's body pierced through the hill, her obsidian armor fractured and crumbling. Her halberd lay abandoned, embedded in the ground nearby.

"That's a max-level shield bash skill, and you took it head-on," The Son scoffed, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Well, let's put a nail in your coffin."

However, before he could enact his next move, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught his attention. The air crackled with intense heat, causing sweat to bead on The Son's forehead. His gaze turned to the right, where a horrifying sight greeted him.

A sea of flames roared toward him like a merciless tsunami, devouring everything in its path. The inferno danced with an otherworldly fury, its radiant glow casting an eerie light on the battlefield. The heat was suffocating, threatening to consume everything that was behind him, which is the Kingdom and the thousands of human soldiers.

Reacting swiftly, The Son's instincts kicked in, and he canceled his impending ability. He raised his shield, a formidable barrier that shimmered with a protective aura. The flames collided with the shield, causing a tremendous explosion of heat and light. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the surrounding area, toppling soldiers behind him.

Despite The Son blocking it directly, he could hear the sizzles from behind him, the soldier's armor melting and their flesh. The sound of them screaming in agony from the radiation. The stench of burnt flesh and melted armor wafted through the air, assaulting his senses. The intensity of the heat threatened to seep through his shield, testing its limits.

With each passing second, the onslaught of flames intensified, relentless in its pursuit to consume everything in its wake. The ground beneath him is vitrifying and turning into molten glass as the flames licked at its surface. The Son gritted his teeth, feeling the strain of maintaining his shield against the unrelenting inferno.

But just as it seemed that the overwhelming blaze would overpower his shield, a wave of icy coldness surged through the air. The temperature plummeted abruptly, extinguishing the flames and freezing the flame itself.

"You should thank me for this later."

The Son gazed upward, and saw the Holy Spirit, levitating in the air. His robe fluttering around him, the Holy Spirit extended his arms, emitting an aura of frost and ice that dispersed the residual heat. The frozen landscape spread out from the epicenter of the Holy Spirit's presence, enveloping the area in a winter's embrace.

The Son lowered his shield and gazed toward the caster. It was Ainz.

"That's a ninth-tier magic, Inferno," The Son commented.

"You…You dare to hurt Albedo!" Ainz furiously exclaimed, his voice laced with anger and concern. The Son's actions had ignited a fire within him, a protective instinct for his loyal subordinate.

The Son's expression remained composed, his gaze fixed on Ainz. "She was the one who attacked first."

Ainz's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening around his staff. "You will pay for your audacity," he declared, his voice resonating with a dangerous authority.

"Calm down everyone," The Holy Spirit interjected. "Perhaps we can negotiate."

As the Holy Spirit landed on the ground. He opened a portal, and two familiar figures stepped out from it.

Ainz and the rest of the Guardians were shocked.

"Enri…Lupusregina Beta?" Ainz spoke.

It was Enri and Lupusregina Beta, their body immobilized by The Son's [Divine Chain of Judgement]

"Let's make a deal," another figure stepped out from the portal, it was The Father.

"I'll return to you this woman in exchange for a truce," The Father stated.

"You…there's no mistaking it, you are the Trinity. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Why are you here? How are you here?" Ainz demanded.

"Well, we have a mission to take you out Momonga, but the way I see it, you earned yourself a bit more time. We aren't supposed to be here. There's no place for us in this world."

"I see, so you will take those who are precious to me, is that right?" Ainz asked.

"That is right, your roleplay ends now Momonga. So do we have a deal?"

"Very well, you have a deal but let me warn you, the full force of the Nazarick Army will be unleashed upon you," Ainz threatened.

"That is one we already factored in," The Father said flippantly. He glanced at The Son, giving him a meaningful nod.

The Son flickered his fingers, and the golden chains restraining Enri and Lupusregina Beta dissolved into particles of light, freeing the two captives. Enri and Lupusregina Beta stumbled forward, momentarily disoriented by their sudden release. Ainz watched them closely, his eyes filled with a mix of relief and concern.

Enri and Lupusregina walked toward Ainz, and the three divine beings watched.

"We'll see you soon, Momonga," The Father said before Ainz summoned [Gate] and entered it with his subordinates.

With them gone, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well that thwarted their plans of invading the country and possibly killing hundreds of thousand civilians," The Son said.

"We have to fight Momonga to a location where there will be no collateral damage," The Holy Spirit said.

"True," The Father agreed with the Holy Spirit. "Oh, Son, heal those soldiers suffering behind us."

"Understood," The Son's golden wings sprouted and lifted in the sky. The soldiers who were assaulted by the intense radiation and the intense heat looked up at the sky.

[Super Tier Magic: Great Heal]

Upon casting the spell, a wave of healing energy emanated from The Son, spreading across the battlefield like a gentle breeze. The soldiers who were previously writhing in pain and agony felt the warmth of restoration wash over their bodies. Wounds closed, burns faded, and their strength returned. The wave of healing magic reached even the interior of the Re-Estize Capital, healing those who are facing grave diseases, amputated limbs, and other debilitating conditions. It was as if a miracle had swept across the land, rejuvenating and restoring hope to those who had suffered.

As the soldiers looked at The Son in awe and gratitude, Zanac approached the three divine beings.

"You are Gods descended from the heavens... who answered our prayers... and saved us," Zanac's voice trembled with a mix of awe and reverence. He dropped to his knees, bowing before The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. The soldiers around him followed suit, their eyes filled with gratitude and newfound hope.

"Please give us salvation!"

"Please save us from the evil forces!"

The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit looked upon the people who kneeled before them and exchanged glances with one another.

"This is going to be a problem," The Holy Spirit said.

"We are to eliminate Momonga and his NPC, not start a religion," The Son said.

"Let's speak with the representative of this country for now," The Father said and looked at Zanac.

"You, Zanac, was it?"

"Yes, my lord," Zanac replied, his voice filled with respect and anticipation.

The Father gestured for Zanac to rise, indicating that he should stand before them. Zanac obeyed, his eyes fixed upon the divine beings with a mixture of reverence and curiosity.

"We need to speak with your leader, are you the leader? Because you were the one negotiating with the Sorcerer King earlier."

"No, the King is the ruler, Your Grace. He is in the royal capital. Do you want me to show you to him?" Zanac offered.

"That would be great," The Father said.