
Overlord: Trinity

Trinity is the top guild in the game of Yggdrassil prior to its shutdown, it was led by three powerful players, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They were hired by the developers of the Yggdrassil to stop Momonga's madness in the new world. Would they be the one to end his tyranny that threatens the very existence of the world he was settling or would they fail utterly like those who have fought them? A light novel where enemies seems to have no chance against the main character will now face the greatest threat he didn't expect.

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6 Chs

The Aftermath

Enri's wide eyes widened further as she finally managed to tear her gaze away from the battle unfolding between the Son and Lupusregina. Her attention now turned to the three godlike beings who had materialized in their once peaceful village. She couldn't help but marvel at the sight before her, captivated by their ethereal presence.

At the forefront stood the Father, a figure of imposing stature and commanding presence. His features bore the weight of wisdom and experience, etched with lines that told countless stories. Despite the passage of time, there was a ruggedness to his face, as if it had been carved from ancient stone. Each weathered line and crevice seemed to carry the weight of untold ages, granting him an air of timeless authority.

Enri's gaze trailed down to his armor, a relic of ages long past. Its polished surface glinted with a radiant sheen, reflecting the hues of the surrounding world. The intricate engravings adorned its surface, depicting scenes of mythical battles and forgotten heroes. Every detail spoke of craftsmanship long lost to time, hinting at the countless battles this armor had witnessed.

Next to the Father stood the Son, an embodiment of raw power and untamed potential. His youthful countenance was adorned with golden blonde hair that cascaded around his face, catching the light-like rays of the sun. His eyes, a mesmerizing shade of crimson, burned with an intensity that mirrored the fervor of a blazing inferno.

The sharp angles and chiseled features of his face exuded an otherworldly beauty, blending the delicate allure of divinity with the unmistakable aura of strength. Every line and contour seemed meticulously sculpted, a testament to the divine craftsmanship that had fashioned his form.

Clad in resplendent golden armor that gleamed with an otherworldly luster, a regal red cape cascaded down from his broad shoulders, flowing like a river of crimson silk. It billowed behind him with otherworldly grace, its vibrant hue a stark contrast against the radiant golden armor. As he moved, the cape trailed behind him, reminiscent of a streak of fire blazing through the night sky.

Lastly, Enri's gaze landed on the Holy Spirit, his presence emanating a sense of ethereal mystique that seemed to transcend the mortal realm. An aura of celestial energy enveloped him, bathing the surroundings in a soothing warmth that seemed to caress the very air.

His features exuded a pearl of serene wisdom, each line, and contour etched with an otherworldly grace. Timeless beauty radiated from his visage, his eyes shimmering like pools of stardust, carrying the weight of countless galaxies within them. With each glance, it felt as if the Holy Spirit peered into the depths of one's soul, unraveling the mysteries hidden within.

Cloaked in a robe woven from the very fabric of space itself, the Holy Spirit appeared as a conduit between the celestial and the mortal realms. The fabric billowed around him, adorned with intricate patterns of stars and galaxies, as if the entire cosmos had been captured within his attire. Each thread sparkled with celestial light, hinting at the boundless power and knowledge that resided within him.

Enri's gaze was irresistibly drawn to the staff wielded by the Holy Spirit, the pinnacle of his divine presence. The staff appeared as a slender orb, seemingly crafted from crystalline starlight. Within its translucent core, stars and galaxies swirled and twirled, their cosmic dance casting a mesmerizing glow that pulsed with otherworldly energy.

As the Holy Spirit moved, the staff trailed behind him like a comet's tail, leaving a trail of shimmering stardust in its wake. The particles glimmered with an iridescent brilliance, painting the air with an ethereal tapestry of colors. It was a celestial symphony, a visual testament to the immense power and cosmic knowledge harnessed by the Holy Spirit.

Enri's voice trembled with awe as she spoke, her words barely escaping her lips. "So these are the Supreme Beings... Like the Sorcerer King?" Her mind swirled with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, realizing the magnitude of the divine entities standing before her.

Before she could gather her thoughts, the Holy Spirit's piercing gaze met her own, his stardust-filled eyes peering into the depths of her soul. His voice resonated with an otherworldly calmness as he reminded her of their agreement.

"Are you going to answer our question? We held the end of our bargain, we let your werewolf live in exchange for information. Tell us about the Sorcerer King."

Enri's heart skipped a beat, the weight of responsibility settling heavily upon her. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage to speak before the enigmatic beings. "The Sorcerer King... He is a ruler of unmatched power and wisdom. His presence casts a shadow over the lands, and his name strikes fear into the hearts of both friend and foe."

She continued, her voice trembling with a mixture of respect and caution. "He hails from the Great Tomb of Nazarick, a colossal fortress that lies hidden beneath the earth. It is said that within its depths reside countless powerful beings, servants, and guardians of the Sorcerer King."

Enri's eyes darted between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each radiating their own unique aura of authority and strength. "The Sorcerer King's abilities are said to transcend mortal comprehension. He wields powerful magic, commanding forces beyond imagination. His dominion stretches far and wide, and his influence is felt throughout the realm."

A moment of silence hung in the air as Enri's words settled upon the divine ears before her. She could sense the weight of their attention, their hunger for knowledge and understanding. It was as if the fate of their world rested upon the information she held.

The Holy Spirit's voice broke the silence, its ethereal tone carrying a sense of urgency. "Tell us more, Enri. We seek to understand the depths of his power, his motivations, and the extent of his rule. Every detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is of utmost importance."

Enri took a deep breath, her voice resolute. "The Sorcerer King's actions are shrouded in mystery, his true intentions known only to himself. Some view him as a benevolent ruler, and a protector of the weak, while others fear his might and question his ultimate goals. His servants and subordinates carry out his will with unwavering loyalty, serving as an extension of his unparalleled might."

She hesitated for a moment, contemplating the consequences of her next words. "There are whispers that the Sorcerer King seeks to forge a new world order, one where he reigns supreme. Some say he harbors ambitions that reach far beyond the borders of our realm, but the truth of these rumors remains elusive."

Enri glanced at Lupusregina, who lay unconcious on the ground.

"I have witnessed the power of the Sorcerer King firsthand. He saved our village from annihilation, but his actions bear a complexity that defies easy comprehension. Whether he is a savior or a harbinger of a new era, only time will reveal."

"Well, that confirms the information given to us by Mr. Nobody," The Son said after hearing Enri's words. "Really, even the Great Tomb of Nazarick was transported along with Momonga."

"This is going to be troublesome," The Father spoke. "Momonga is one thing but with all the might of the Nazarick with him…Well, we signed up for this, it's too late to go back now."

"But we still need more information about its layout," The Holy Spirit said and glanced at the unconscious Lupusregina. "We are going to extract as much information out from her."

"About the invasion…" Enri interjected. "They are going to invade the Re-Estize Kingdom in two days."

"I appreciate the information," The Father nodded his head gratefully. "Son, why don't you take her and the werewolf inside these houses."

"Understood," The Son grabbed Lupusregina up and carried her over his shoulder, and when he approached Enri, the goblin troops that she summoned surrounded her immediately despite every cell of their body telling them to stay away from the divine beings.

"We won't let you…hurt…Lady Enri!" One of the goblins yelled as if its life depended on it. The goblin's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and determination, its beady eyes fixated on the Son, ready to protect Enri at all costs.

"Goblins huh? A low-level creature, an insignificant mob in the world of Yggdrasil. If you value your life, if you value your life, stand down," the Son's voice resonated with an undercurrent of power that sent shivers down the goblins' spines. Despite their fear, they couldn't ignore the undeniable authority behind his words.

Enri stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on the trembling goblin's shoulder. "It's alright, Suigyo. These divine beings mean us no harm," she reassured them, her voice filled with a comforting warmth. "Please, trust in me and let them pass."

Reluctantly, the goblins stepped aside. Enri rose to her feet and escorted the Son to her residence.

Inside, Enri's house felt even smaller and more cramped than usual in the presence of the divine Son. Lupusregina groaned on his shoulder, and her eyelids fluttered open. Enri guided the Son to a nearby bed and helped him gently lay Lupusregina down. The werewolf's injuries were severe, and her breathing was shallow.

The Son extended his hands and the palm glowed a golden brilliance, bathing Lupusregina in a soft, warm light. Enri watched in awe as the Son's divine power flowed through his fingertips, his healing energy enveloping Lupusregina's wounded body. The golden glow intensified, illuminating the room and casting a serene ambiance.

Time seemed to slow as the Son's healing magic mended Lupusregina's broken body. Enri watched as the wounds slowly closed, the torn flesh knitting together, and the bruises fading away. The pain etched on Lupusregina's face gradually transformed into peaceful serenity.

Finally, the golden glow subsided, and the Son withdrew his hands.

However, instead of gratitude filling Lupusregina's heart, a surge of rage and confusion consumed her. In a sudden burst of aggression, she lunged forward, intent on attacking the Son. But before she could even register her own movements, a blur of golden light flashed before her eyes.

In an instant, the Son's divine speed outmatched Lupusregina's ferocity. As she extended her limbs to strike, golden chains materialized out of thin air, swiftly entwining around her limbs and neck. The chains tightened with supernatural strength, immobilizing her in a vice-like grip.

Lupusregina's fury turned to shock as she struggled against the unyielding restraints.

"Do you really think I would let my guard down?" The Son smirked. "Those chains restraining you is a tenth-tier spell, designed to immobilize even level 100 players. A lowly creature such as you won't even be able to break free. Now, how does it feel to be powerless before the might of a divine being?" The Son's voice carried a hint of amusement as he observed Lupusregina's futile struggles.

Enri, caught off guard by Lupusregina's sudden outburst, hurriedly stepped between them, her voice filled with concern. "Please, Lupusregina, calm down!"

"Calm down…you say?! This divine being threatens to kill our Supreme Being, I won't let that happen."

"Sorry, but it is bound to happen," The Son corrected. "You and everyone in Nazarick will fall before us. The Floor Guardians might put up a fight but they will ultimately succumb to our power. We are Trinity, we are the most powerful beings in the world of Yggdrasil. Well, Touch Me is technically the one but he is not here right?"

"You damn!"

Enri's heart raced as she witnessed the intense confrontation between Lupusregina and the Son. The power disparity between them was undeniable, and it seemed like a futile struggle for Lupusregina to break free from the divine chains that bound her.

The Son laughed off Lupusregina's struggle as he turned towards Enri.

"Enri, I want you to tell me where this Re-Estize Kingdom is located."