
Overlord: Trinity

Trinity is the top guild in the game of Yggdrassil prior to its shutdown, it was led by three powerful players, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They were hired by the developers of the Yggdrassil to stop Momonga's madness in the new world. Would they be the one to end his tyranny that threatens the very existence of the world he was settling or would they fail utterly like those who have fought them? A light novel where enemies seems to have no chance against the main character will now face the greatest threat he didn't expect.

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6 Chs

Lupusregina Beta vs The Son

With a swift motion, the Son raised his Divine Class Mace, its golden surface pulsating with divine energy. He swung it with tremendous force, aiming to strike Lupusregina Beta and gauge her reaction.

Lupusregina's eyes widened in shock as the Son of Trinity unleashed his devastating swing. The sheer force behind his attack was beyond anything she had ever experienced. Despite her resolve, she found herself hopelessly outmatched.

With a thunderous impact, Son's mace collided with Lupusregina's colossal battle-ax. The clash sent shockwaves reverberating through the village, shattering the tranquility that once enveloped the air. The ground beneath them trembled violently, and the buildings nearby groaned under the strain of the immense power unleashed.

But instead of holding her ground, Lupusregina's body was overcome by an unstoppable force. The overwhelming disparity in strength sent her hurtling backward through the air with unimaginable speed. The sheer magnitude of the impact launched her into the sky, her form a mere speck against the backdrop of the heavens.

As Lupusregina soared through the air, her mind raced, processing the incredible velocity and power that propelled her. The wind whipped past her, tugging at her clothes and flowing through her golden hair, creating a mesmerizing stream of motion.

The distance between Lupusregina and the village grew rapidly, as she continued to be carried away by the force of the Son's strike. Five hundred meters felt like an eternity as she traversed the expansive sky, her body at the mercy of the uncontrollable momentum.

The villagers below, still in a state of shock and awe, watched in disbelief as Lupusregina became a mere dot in the distance. Their gasps of astonishment mingled with murmurs of concern, their hearts heavy with worry for their loyal defender.

Meanwhile, The Son was in a state of dumbfounded.

"What the…I just gave her a light tap and she is flying in the air?" The Son commented, amused at his newfound power in this world.

Lupusregina fought against the torrent of wind, utilizing her battle instincts to regain control of her airborne journey. She twisted her body and spun herself like a wheel as she descended towards the earth.

"Oh, she is coming back," The Son grinned, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He swiftly bent his knee, his powerful muscles tensing as he prepared for what was to come. The very ground beneath him trembled, succumbing to the raw might of his divine power. Cracks spiderwebbed across the earth, splitting the ground asunder.

With a surge of energy, the Son unleashed his gathered divine power, propelling himself upward with astonishing force. In a breathtaking display of strength, he defied the laws of gravity, soaring higher and higher into the sky, leaving a trail of shimmering golden light in his wake.

Lupusregina, her descent now transformed into a calculated attack, braced herself for the impending clash. Her eyes narrowed with focus as Son's figure materialized before her, their meeting in midair imminent. The air crackled with an electrifying tension, and time seemed to slow as their weapons drew closer.

With a thunderous impact, their weapons clashed once again. But this time, the outcome was vastly different. Lupusregina's colossal battle-ax, once an emblem of her formidable strength, shattered like fragile glass upon contact with the Son's divine might. The resounding echo of its demise reverberated through the heavens.

Lupusregina's eyes widened in disbelief as she felt the weight of her shattered weapon slipping from her grasp. The realization of her vulnerability hit her like a tidal wave, threatening to consume her resolve. Yet, even in the face of such adversity, she refused to yield.

Her shattered weapon was scattered into shards that sparkled like fallen stars, fading into the abyss below. Unfazed by the loss, Lupusregina's determination blazed anew within her. She knew that her loyalty and unwavering spirit would serve as her true weapons in this desperate battle.

But... when faced with a foe that surpassed even the Supreme Beings she worshipped, such a realization was a bitter pill to swallow. The Son's power was an unstoppable force, and Lupusregina's heart weighed heavy with the burden of her limitations.

With a grim determination, the Son tightened his grip on his mace, his gaze fixed upon the falling Lupusregina. In that pivotal moment, his divine energy surged through his veins, radiating from every pore of his being. The very air around him crackled with energy as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

As Lupusregina hurtled back towards the earth, her descent seemed to stretch into an eternal nightmare. The ground rushed up to meet her, its unforgiving embrace inevitable. With every passing moment, her hope flickered like a dying flame, overshadowed by the overwhelming might of her adversary.

And then, as if guided by the hand of fate itself, the Son's fist descended like a hammer of divine wrath. The sheer force behind his strike was cataclysmic, surpassing the limits of mortal comprehension. The earth quaked beneath him, trembling in fear as his blow connected.

With an earth-shattering impact, Lupusregina crashed into the ground, her form disappearing in a cloud of dust and debris. The sheer power unleashed by the Son created a shockwave that rippled through the surrounding landscape, uprooting trees and shattering boulders. The force of the impact carved a deep crater into the earth, a testament to the overwhelming dominance of the Son's divine might.

The villagers, who had watched with bated breath, gasped in horror as the dust settled, revealing the aftermath of the devastating blow. Their eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before them. Lupusregina lay motionless within the massive crater, her body battered and broken from the tremendous force that had been unleashed upon her.

Silence hung heavy in the air as the villagers struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what had transpired. Their defender, now lay defeated and seemingly lifeless. A veil of sorrow descended upon the once vibrant village, its inhabitants mourning the loss of their protector.

The Son landed just on top of Lupusregina, looking down at her in disappointment.

"According to our information, you are a level 59 Battle Cleric. Well, I didn't expect much from you since you are at that level. I didn't even use a single ability and yet you lie motionless before me," the Son remarked, his voice tinged with a mix of arrogance and disappointment.

Lupusregina breathed raggedly, struggling to regain her composure amidst the pain that enveloped her body. The weight of defeat pressed heavily upon her, threatening to crush her spirit. Her purpose was to protect the Supreme Being, the Supreme Being they are hunting right now. If she can't fulfill her purpose, then what's her existence worth?

As Lupusregina lay there, battered and broken, a surge of determination coursed through her veins.

"I'm not done yet!" she bellowed, her words echoing with a raw intensity that pierced through the silence.

In that instant, a tremor rippled through Lupusregina's form, dark energy coursing through her veins. Her body contorted and writhed in a painful metamorphosis as if responding to an ancient call. Bones snapped and muscles stretched, reshaping her once-human frame into that of a fearsome creature of the night.

The air crackled with an electric charge as Lupusregina's transformation neared completion. Her vibrant red hair darkened, intensifying into a fiery hue that resembled the very essence of her lupine nature. It thickened and cascaded down her back in a wild, untamed mane, framing her lupine features with fierce elegance.

Her once-pale skin, now kissed by the sun's embrace, took on a rich, earthy brown hue that spoke of her connection to the natural world. It glistened with a subtle sheen as if imbued with the power of the earth itself. Each muscle in her lean and powerful limbs rippled beneath her transformed form, conveying strength and agility beyond mortal bounds.

Adorning her elongated fingers were sharp, curved claws that glinted ominously in the dim light. Each claw held the promise of swift and devastating strikes, capable of rending through armor and flesh with ease.

Her eyes, once radiant, now burned with a fiery crimson glow, mirroring the ferocity of her spirit.

The Son's eyes widened with a mixture of amusement and arrogance as he witnessed Lupusregina's transformation. A wicked grin stretched across his face, revealing his confidence in the face of her newfound power. The sight of her shifting form did little to stir any concern within him.

"Oh, I forgot," he sneered, his voice laced with condescension. "You're also a werewolf. Well, it doesn't matter. Even if you transform into your true form, you won't stand a chance against me."

His words hung in the air, a taunting challenge that only fueled Lupusregina's determination. But before she could fully embrace her transformed self, The Son's actions revealed the depths of his cruelty.

With a thunderous stomp, he brought his foot down upon Lupusregina's neck, his callous disregard for her life evident in the act. The force of his blow drove her body deeper into the already deep crater, sinking her further into the unforgiving earth.

The impact reverberated through the surroundings, amplifying the shockwaves of pain that coursed through Lupusregina's battered form. The weight of the Son's foot pressed upon her, restricting her movement, and choking her to the brink of unconsciousness. Agony seared through her being, each breath becoming a struggle as The Son's merciless grip tightened around her throat.

"Don't kill her yet, Son. Bring her back here," The Father's voice commanded, cutting through The Son's intent to deliver the final blow.

Confusion knitted The Son's brow as he grappled with the sudden change of plans. His mind had been consumed with the mission to eliminate Momonga and his NPCs. This unexpected deviation left him unsettled, questioning the motives behind Father's command.

"What? I thought our task was to eliminate Momonga and his NPCs?" The Son's voice carried a mix of frustration and curiosity.

"Just follow my command," the Father's voice resounded, leaving no room for further debate.

With a resigned sigh, the Son relented, reluctantly accepting the Father's directive. The weight of his divine power receded, and he removed his foot from Lupusregina's neck, granting her a momentary reprieve from his suffocating grip.

Seizing the opportunity, The Son's hand closed around Lupusregina's neck, his grip firm and unyielding. In a display of supernatural strength, he propelled himself into the air, carrying the transformed werewolf with him.

Their ascent was swift, like a soaring comet, and landed gracefully in the heart of the village. His feet touched the ground, causing the earth beneath him to quiver and the dust settled around them in a hazy cloud. The village square lay before them, a tableau of trepidation and anticipation etched on the faces of the gathered villagers.

The Son casually threw the werewolf to the ground as if she was some sort of a rag doll, her body landing with a thud. Lupusregina's form crumpled upon impact, her once majestic transformation fading back into her humanoid state. Bruised, bloodied, and barely conscious, she lay sprawled on the ground, her spirit flickering like a dying flame.

"Beta…" Enri muttered. "Is she alive?"

"Don't worry, she is just unconscious, she still has a sliver of health points left," The Holy Spirit assured Enri. "Now, tell me more about this invasion of the Re-Estize Kingdom by the Sorcerer Kingdom."