
Overlord: The Tree Demon(Dropped)

Tyler a Great solider died and is now in Overlord as the tree demon.

Kagethewriter · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Meeting the Siblings and huge update

{More of classes then actual gameplay but I needed to get the classes and skills out of the way for the future}

{Also reasoning behind why the siblings appeared halfway through the chapter}

{Drop your Powerstones since we are in the rankings now and for longer chapters}

[Also chapter will become longer then previously for more details and story}

I was exhausted after training for a bit before leaving the game I won 5 times out of 11 because of stupid luck although it makes sense for how many enemies there are and they always had an archer or two.

Honestly archers are the most annoying of all classes except for mages which come close but if they have a good weapon and you have just a Spear and no protection spells then you're basically dead.

Now the three spells I learned at level 15 was {Lightning},{Fireball} and {Iceball} with {Lasting speed} the other two was more situational, the other two spells being {Friendly truce} and {Friendly revenge} the {Friendly truce} is if you go into another person hunting ground or find another person you can use this spell to call a truce and it gives them a option for the truce as well if they do not have the spell and the other one is if a person that was within your party leaves and suddenly attacks you and you use this spells then it reflects the damage back to them for 20 seconds.

So I went back to the game menu and scrolled for Yggdrasil until I found it and pressed play just to see huge terms and conditions appear on my screen. Most of it was just referring to any Sexual acts or cheating so if you get caught in doing any of these actions you will be permanently banned from the game and you cannot have two accounts in Yggdrasil so it makes sense you would not want to do this.

I pressed accept, and waited for a while and appeared in the main menu. I was about to press play until I saw my Inbox was full of some notifications so I clicked the message inbox to see a message from the Dev.


{Hi! Beta Testers, We Devs decided to make a class that only exists for beta testers and give some gifts. Thanks for playing our game!}

{High class:Beta Tester} {Accept?} {Yes or No?}

{Medium starter gear}

{Beta Tester profile picture and badge}

{Title:Beta Tester}

{Beta Tester starter pack}

{Beta Tester Gacha Ticket}


I read the message and accepted the rewards except Beta Tester. Because there might be better classes in the future so I need to be patient and most of the buffs only help in the early game and are useless later after some time.

I pressed on another email.


{To Mr.Tyler}

{Hello Mr.Tyler we have changed many things relating to Class jobs and Racial Jobs while changing your classes buffs and weaknesses.}

{Also we changed how skill and status points work}

{Sincerely the Devs.}


{Job Class: Magic Warrior}

{Evolvable 1/3}

{Stats gained: +5Phy Atk, +5Mag Atk, +5Phy Def, +5Mag Def}

{Gain Exp from doing certain missions or killing certain monsters}


{Name: Magic Knight: Skill #1(Passive): Can use both Magic and Melee Simultaneously}

{Name: Link Status: Skill #2 (Passive): Everytime you input a status point into Phy Atk or Phy Def it automatically put points in the counterpart Mag Atk and Mag Def}

{Name: Life Exchange: Skill #3 Activated: Can waste your health for Mp or Mp for Health Ex:1 Hp can turn into 5 Mp while 5Mp can turn into 1Hp}{Cooldown:10 Minutes}


{When dead and do not have a Revive Ticket you will lose this class and the required levels forever}


{Racial Class: Dead Tree Demon}

{1st Evolution of 3}

{Gain Exp from killing any monster}

{Unlocked Racial Story mode: Evil or Good: Details: You are an ancient race that has finally been revived after dying but now you are corrupted will you turn on the path of evil and evolve or turn to the path of good and try to revert back to the Guardian of the World tree}

{Act 1 of 5}


{Name: Wooden Sage: Skill 1 Passive:Can now go down a new path of spells and can have access to most spells unlike other races}

{Name: Friend of the trees: Gain 10% more on every stat when near trees}

{Name: Natural Sage: Skill 2 Passive: Have more Mag Atk and Mag Def than normal races}

{Locked: Name: Good Guardian: Skill 3 Activated :Can summons the blessing of the World Tree to give you Mana and Hp}}

{Name: Evil Guardian: Skill 4 Activated: Can summon the the blessing of the dead who you have killed to give you more Atk and Def}{Cooldown: 20 minutes}

{Name: Corruption Seed: Skill 5 Activated:Can apply a curse when you attack that Devours the enemy health or Mana on a 50% chance of working while applying slow and making the enemy do 10% less damage and take 10% more}{Cooldown: 3 minutes}

{Name: Absorb: Skill 6 Activated:Can take one skills from a species but cannot absorb the same species again}{Cooldown: 1 day}

{Weaknesses} and {Racial Penalty}

{Hurt by fire and Holy spells 10% more}

{Cannot use certain magic like undead magic}

{Cannot enter cities}

{If you die all related achievements or status buffs from title or skills will be erased}

{Some monster that hate your kind will target you no matter what unless a skill distracts them}


While reading I had many emotions going through me but the first thing i thought of was 'OP' Like damn this is even better then taking cocaine and have a ##### party although I never did that but I have heard of it so it is like first hand experience.

The only problem was to make sure I did not die and the weaknesses of the racial class were a lot.

'Although I will get a lot of resources from the people that I have hired and I can use them to gain information by making them join other guilds secretly without any connection to me.' I gave a bloodthirsty smile before seeing one last notification.


{Reward For Mr.Tyler for being the first player of the whole game and being the first player of Niflheim}

{Evolvable class {Knight}

{First Player Badge}

{First Player title}

{Emperor Of Niflheim Title}

{Niflheim Badge}

{Enjoy Mr.Tyler we expect great things from you in the near future}


I smiled with viscous eyes. It seems Titles and achievements are different since Achievements give rare weapons or Classes while titles give passive buffs like extra damage and other things while badges just are for collections.

This class can be evolved so I take it since it means it can be turned into a rare class while I got three titles in total.

'With the {World Champion} and 2 Rare classes how powerful would I be and along with 2 rare racial classes, I will turn into a powerful being.' I laughed to myself until I calmed down.

I accepted all the rewards and then went back into the main menu to play. I pressed the play button and appeared In a safe zone.

'Well they did add many things to the interface and it says safe zone, So I guess that means no Pvp here?' It must have been from my investments since I do not remember safe zones in Overlord.

I looked around and saw that there are many players spawn in all races, most of them were humans though, since Heteromorphic are more powerful has a lot of….downsides well not like I care, nothing can hurt me except for bosses and players that has a good teamwork and that will stay until I get in the upper 50s since leveling is so hard people will catch up when I am stuck on a level.

I saw many new things in the interface which surprised me because now there is a cash shop and gacha while having two shops that take gold for armor and weapons.

'Pretty neat but even with farming for a week I only have enough gold for a medium chest piece which I already have' Right now I have the same Spear,Ring and the necklace but all different armor which is now Iron and most of it is medium except for rings and jewelry so I am almost maxed out.

I took out my Spear from my inventory and headed off before hearing someone calling over to me in a cute voice.

"Oni Channnnn please wait up." A girl screamed. I looked behind me to see a pink slime walk over with a bird man who had white feathers and his mask was brid like and had 4 wings while his hands were talons.

'The siblings are here?' I thought confused 'In the novel I never heard anything about them being in the beta test, must have been from the livestream.This makes it easier for me to gather the members and make them more powerful than before' I stopped and looked behind me my characters height is around Momongas but more bulky than his skeleton form so I was generally big compared to these two.

"Sorry for stopping you but I was wondering if you played before considering your equipment." the bird man said while scratching his cheek.

"Hey I was talking, don't interrupt your big sister and it sounds like you're trying to get carried." the slime said with an entirely different voice looking towards the bird man.

"But I thought we were going to be carr-" He got interrupted by the slime.

"Be quiet you dummy!" She then looked toward me "So sorry for my brother's behaviour, he is rude and hasn't seen any people." She said.

I looked at them with a blank face before laughing in front of them, surprising them.

"Oh" I chuckled. "It's fine. It was a bit funny. You need help right? Considering what I just heard, I will help you guys but before that, you guys need to know something important. I gained early access through special means so I know this better than anyone here so follow me, name is Lignis, you two?" I asked with my hand out pretending not to know them.

{Authors note: For the Beta testers this game was downloaded a hour ago so they might think this guy has already been here before considering his Spear}

They both smiled although both were creepy. 'Wait how can a slime smile….well I guess it does not matter, it must be another added feature in the game' After thinking that they both shook my hand and said their names.

"Peroroncino is my name, I hope we can become good friends" The bird man shaking my head up and down while the other one said her name in a cute voice "Bukubukuchagama is my name and you know my idiot brother I also hope we can become friends" She said with a cute laugh at the end.

I ignored the 'laugh' part and smiled before talking "Well follow me and you should have the medium starter pack correct?" I asked them.

They both nodded and equipped their items. Bukubukuchagama picking nothing? and her brother picked a bow.

"My race does not allow item but instead really high stats and regeneration so I am fine" She said with a slimy thumbs up coming from her head I chuckled before nodding and waving my hand while walking towards a nearby forest area since the easiest parts of this map are forest since they contain low level monsters normally.

They both followed close behind me when I found out there was a party option.

'How dumb can I be" I smacked myself on my head before sending a part invite to each of them.

They both got the party invite and accepted.


{Party group Chat}

{Bukubukuchagama has joined the party.}

{Peroroncino has joined the party.}

{Alert!: Since one or more people has joined your party this chat will stay even if the party is disbanded unless someone leaves}


"Woah, so many cool functions!" Bukubukuchagama said while checking out the party settings.

"Wish there was a Voice changer then I can sound like a cute girl and trick people hah–"I heard a bang over their mics.

'It seems that they play in the same room and must be pretty near each other considering Bukubukuchagama can hit him without seeing him in real life." I just smiled and noted not to mess with her in game and in real life.

Well covering our tracks I went near a goblins hideout which is not a dungeon I made sure of that and told them to get used to fighting together

"You two will fight together against the goblins most of them are Lv:1 and pretty easy just watch out for the archers and aim for the head if your about to die just scream for me I be waiting in the tree checking some stuff" I said and hopped into a tree leaving them to fend for themselves

They nodded and started fighting the enemies while I read through the titles and new class.

'Nice skills but pretty normal and these titles are great though' I thought while checking my titles.


{Title Menu and Achievement Menu}

{Beta tester Title: You are one of the thousands Beta Tester take pride in that: 20% More Exp for whole game}

{Emperor of Niflheim Title:You are the first one to appear in Niflheim making you its Emperor: In Niflheim your stats increase by 10% except in tournament and gain 20% more treasure from everything while in Niflheim}

{First Player Title: You are the first player of the whole 9 Nine Worlds so the gods have given you a gift: Kill over 100000 monsters to gain the World Item {Map of Chaos}

{ First Heteromorphic Player Achievement: Rare class obtained and 10% more chest}


'Oh that's right I did not check that class' I clicked on my classes and clicked {Knight} then{Original Heteromorphic} to check them out.


{Racial Class:Original Heteromorphic}

{Stats: All Stats +3}

{Kill monster to get exp}


{Name: The Center: Skill 1 Passive: When in a party each friendly heteromorphic gives 1% boost to stats}

{Name: Killing boost: Skill 2 activated: When activated any player you kill within 5 minutes drop double everything}{Cooldown: 1 Week}


{When dying you drop everything you have in your inventory.}


{Job Class: Knight}

{+5 to Phy Atk, Health and Phy Def}

{Kill Monsters for exp to level and evolve this class}


{Name: Great Melee:Skill 1: Every Physical attack has an increase of 5% more damage}




'So I have {Knight} {Original} {Dead Tree Demon} {Magic Warrior} and it seems they have changed a couple of things about my classes this is my stats'




{Achievements 1}

{Monsters Killed:245}


{Hp:25} (+8)

{Mp:21} (+3)

{Phy Atk:18} (+13)

{Phy Def:19} (+13)

{Agility:17} (+} 3

{Mag Atk:18} (+} 8

{Mag Def:19} (+} 8

{Resist:20} (+} 3

{Special:21} (+} 3

{Total: 178 (+62)}

{Skills: Absorb}

{Absorbed: 2 skills from a Goblin and a Wolf}

{Main Quest:Level up to Level 40 and find clues on the world eater}

{Race quest act 1/5: Either help monsters by saving them from humans or Kill humans and monsters}


{Magic Warrior: Lv:3/5}

{Original Heteromorphic: :Lv:2/5}

{Dead Tree Demon: Lv:11/15}

{Knight: Lv:0/15}

{Background:A Guardian who use to guard the world tree before dying in battle now revived and corrupted he is the last of his kind will he turn back on the path to righteous or continue being corrupted}


I smiled looking at my stats before seeing the siblings walk over to me exhausted.

"Well fun is it not? I will help you next time, sorry about that I was looking at my stats" I said and used my normal smile on them.

They both look up saw me sitting in the tree branch and at the same time said "Yep it is really fun" and Peroroncino said "Get your ass down here and help us you laz-" *SMACK* Bukubuku Chagama hit Peroroncino again and he apologized right after getting reprimanded by his sister. I just laughed at their antics.

'Maybe it is not that bad having friends after all it gets lonely farming by yourself' I hopped off the tree and smiled before running into the goblins while laughing at the sibling's small argument behind me.