
Overlord: The Tree Demon(Dropped)

Tyler a Great solider died and is now in Overlord as the tree demon.

Kagethewriter · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Fighting a Goblin Chief

[Also tell us if there are any grammar errors I will fix them]

{Author note:In Yggdrasil as long as you're a close level to the person you're fighting you can use skill to overtake the level difference and against monsters all you need is dodging skills and speed but generally it depends on what type of monster.}

After hunting 5 goblins in total I went on to find more and leveled up to Lv 4 that is when I stumbled into a cave.I saw a bunch of goblins going inside so I thought it be like a hideout.

Well it was a dungeon and there was bug that would not let me leave so I had to fight a lot of goblins which was easy since I put my skill points towards Physical Atk and Agility.

It was going well until I met a fat goblin which was twice my size and I started fighting him.

______1 Hour after meeting the boss_____

'Fuck this is too hard for a Lv 1 boss' I thought as I kept stabbing the bosse's legs when I had the chance. I already ran out of Mana and the worst part is that I did not even mean to enter this stupid dungeon!

'I was just looking for any groups of goblins and I stumbled into a cave which I could not leave and I have been fighting this boss for an hour! Already.' I was thinking before dodging a huge club *BOOM* I barely dodged it and I did a quick stab to his arm with my Spear before jumping on the club and riding up his arm until reaching his shoulder where I stabbed his eye causing a critical hit.

I jumped down before he hit me with his open arm, Then I started circling around him waiting for any movements since in this game the enemies's fighting style is randomized every second it is like they are alive.

'I am only Lv 4 and have gotten stronger with some new spells but all my mana is already gone and this guy is tanky.The only advantage I have is speed so I need to chop his health down slowly.' I kept circling around for a while. We were in a cave but it was more like an arena so it was very round and clean except for the top which had many spikes.

The huge goblin stomped forward and raised his club up about to slam it down on me so I rolled away but-*BOOM* I got kicked after I rolled away by his leg and got slammed into the wall.

'It seems they are adapting, now I know why a whole group is needed to fight these monsters, even a Lv; dungeon boss is too hard!'

'I lost 80% of my hp already but I am glad this boss has no magic or Aoe attacks if he did I would be dead a long time ago' I saw the big goblin coming towards me so I got out of the wall and casted {Sleep} on the big goblin which made him pause for a quick second which allowed me to throw my Spear into one of his eyes with amazing accuracy.

'I found out something earlier when fighting goblins when you throw your weapon it does not disappear so logically it should remain so he cannot see out of that eye anymore with that in his eyes' So I charged forward and equipped another Spear and charged forward before he could take out the Spear in his eyes.

I slid under between his legs and did multiple precise jabs in his groin then I twisted around while getting back to do a wide slash across his legs. By the time I did all of this he had already pulled the Spear out of his eyes so I had time to do some more quick attacks before he could attack.

I stabbed his back multiple times before he turned around to smack the ground with amazing strength cracking the ground which I of course dodge and got a quick jab at his arm for the 100th time.

'Fuck wish I did not have this huge attack debuff and there are no trees nearby so I have no increase in stats' I ducked a swide swing and slashed at his feet and hip then I run behind him while doing a Jab at anytime I could get a hit off making the goblin angry.

Suddenly a notification went off on my screen.

{Warning!:Goblin ChiefLv1 has went below 10% health:

Rage mode has been activated all stats Increased by 10%}

{Condition has been met: to be rewarded High rank weapon:Spear of Ice. Defeat the Raged boss within 30 Minutes}

{Hidden Condition has been met: Be below Lv10 and defeat the boss alone when you first enter the dungeon:

Reward:One Medium Rank Equipment and Rare skill choice}

I smiled before getting as far away as I could from the boss just to see him turn around with bloodshot eyes and red veins pumping through his skin.

I twisted my Spear around my fingers and pointed it forward while holding it with both of my hands in a stance with me sideways and crouched down.

'I need this equipment so I use everything I got including using this stance which I learned in wilderness training although we only got the basics of it even so this stance is made for big animals and i can adapt it to my Spear so I will try this' I smiled before charging at the same time the goblin charged and he swung his club diagonally which i jumped over and stabbed the hunched over goblin's head and then kept it in his head and grabbed with full force and rotated it sideways making the blade go upwards and downwards cutting his skin more and with that I applied full weight dragging the Spear down his body cutting it from the inside.

The goblin screamed as I did and tried grabbing me with his hand. I twisted around my Spear's hilt and jumped off flipping mid air while smiling. I turned around mid air and In my hand appeared yet another Spear.

The goblin looked at me with angry eyes as his body had little cubes piecing his skin back together.

'Hehe how many trash Spears and armor you think i got from killing a lot of goblins my whole fucking invetory is filled to the brim with these things so keep tasting them until you die' I threw the Spear mid air hitting his his arm which was used to block it and he let his arm drop to look for me just to see a Spear in his eye.

I kept circling around him while throwing them. I am glad that stamina is not a thing or I would have ran out ages ago and finally he fell down but I did not get a notification.

'I see playing dead are we?' I thought smiling every time you kill a enemy you get a notification in a log but for bosses In the guide it appears automatically in front of you which means he is playing dead.

I walked over and used the spell {Silent} making it where I make no noise for 10 seconds and I stabbed his head finally killing. I fell back on the ground and sighed. I was wearing basic leather armor which matched my appearance so I looked weird but it protected me at least.

{Dungeon has been cleared treasure chest are now spawning and Health/Mana will be regenerated}

{3 Conditions met:

Kill the boss within 30minutes:Completed

Kill the boss alone and be under Lv10:Completed

Clear the dungeon first:Completed

Rewards granted:

High Rank:Ice Spear{Fit to you weapon can be change in the Inbox}

Medium Rank:Goblin Chief's Ring,

Unique Skill option rewarded, Please pick one of the skills below:

Create Tree:Can create a tree at anytime anywhere

Archer Eyes:Can see much better within the game and can shoot bows with 4% more accuracy

Warrior Eyes:Have the eyes of a warrior which allows you to see movements much better}

I tapped on the first option giving me a new skill which will help me at any given time and I accepted the inbox rewards. I did not get an achievement which does make sense since they are super rare.

I checked the details of the new weapon and equipment by tapping on them In my Inventory.


{Ice Spear: High Rank Item: A silver Spear which was left in the freezing ice land, over the decades it has absorb the frost and now has ice damage while applying slow:




Details of each effects:

1.Applies slow on each hit, can be stacked but once the user either misses an attack or gets hit or if you do not hit within 20 seconds then all slow will disappear from the enemy.

2. Does 20+ ice damage Physically and Magically

3.Can be used to negate weak ice related attacks


{Goblin Chief's Ring:Medium Rank:A gold ring made by magical goblins and the tooths of other chief orcs which gave it the name of the Chief's Ring}

{Note:Special Item:Effect of Special item/When equipped do 10% more damage against goblins}



Extra Mana:3%

Mag Atk up:5%

Mag Def up:10%

Details of Each Effect:

Last Fight::A skill which came from the souls of all the dead chiefs, with this ring it allows the user to go into a rage when under 10% Health.


I smiled before equipping both and a golden ring appeared on one of my fingers and a 5ft Spear appeared with a silver hilt covered in ice and a chilly blade at the top and after doing that another notification appeared.

{20:Class points gained and 10:Racial clas points gained}

{Author note:Changing the exp to class points you gain both from killing and fighting but some are evolved through specials mean or leveled up through specials means}

I smiled and looked at the huge goblin's body and used {Absorb} on it because bosses should have some rare skills so I try my luck.

Branches came out of the ground and wrapped around the dead body pulling it into the ground and then a notification appeared

{Goblin's body absorb generating random skill out of 3:

Generated skill:Goblin smell:

The goblin has a very good nose for smelling blood or other people nearby}

'Wow that is disappointing but i guess I can hunt goblins down easier'

I smiled before opening the chest and getting some gold and materials but one important thing which was a medium rank necklace called {Speed Necklace} and what it does is basically increases speed by 4% which was neat and applied some defence to myself which was also nice.

I went out of the dungeon and hunted some more goblins since I need to test my new weapon so I found a goblin and went ahead and attack it by stabbing it once in the foot and I noticed when it stabbed the goblin his foot slowly got covered in ice and his speed was considerably slowed.

I looked at his hp through the health bar above his head and saw it went down by 90%.

'So originally it took 3 hits to kill one so now it is 2 and 1 for critical hits. I am happy with this spear. It should help in the near future' I thought before getting a notification.

'Man so many notifications today'


{Developers note:Nice fight we were watching it and saw a couple of bugs we need to edit so all dungeons will be closed temporarily and we shall allow you to leave dungeons from now on unlike before because we did not know that was bugged}

{So this is Compensation for it:Unpenalised death x2:If you die and lose some stuff you will not lose this ticket and can use it to get everything back making it where your death has no consequence}

{Thanks for playing this game Mr.Tyler and only in certain situations will we give compensation for any bugs unless you died or almost died and have fun playing our game!

{Sincerely Devs}


'Well it is fine that boss was easy since it only had one attack' I was lucky, very lucky to not have met a boss who had any higher level or attacks.

I smiled before logging off.Today was a good day for me, it seems.