
Overlord: The Demon King

a young man is reincarnated with the body and powers of muzan kibitsuji in overlord, with some modifications. Overlord AU from over 200 years before Canon. some modifications in the powers of the oni to adapt to the new world. I'm not native English, I'm using a translator in my native language. last but not least all rights to Demon Slayer and Overlord belong to their respective creators I only own my OCs.

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In a huge hall above a stage with a crowd in the audience was a boy who appeared to be in his twelfth year, with black hair and pinkish-red eyes, a slender but firm build, and a devilishly handsome face. Chains were on his limbs keeping them on the ground while a masked man spoke next to him.

"My dear guests, for today's last attraction we have a special item!"

He gestured scatterbrainedly with his arms as he continued.

"A rare specimen, a healthy young boy with a unique constitution can be used both on battlefields as a powerful warrior, and to satisfy your any other desires."

"His talent endows him with a regenerative ability comparable to that of vampires, as well as possessing astonishing strength. Taking into account his age his talents can develop further being this a unique product, the kind that can never be seen in this hall again."

"Allow me to demonstrate."

Sticking one hand in his pocket he took out a small dagger, making a relatively large but shallow cut on the boy's arms, to which it regenerates instantly moments later.

As soon as the announcer ceased his presentation several murmurs of anticipation and excitement rang out in the venue, many lamented that they had not prepared enough for the occasion by not bringing the necessary amount of money to compete for this boy, while others although showing interest knew they did not have the necessary amount of money to buy him.

"The Starting Price is 100 gold coins"

The announcer waved goodbye after opening the auction, ushering in a rain of overwhelming bids, mostly from the women in the crowd.

After a few minutes of bidding and contesting the price ended up at over 1000 gold coins, the buyer was a well-known brothel owner in the city's capital, Madame Yama (known for her peculiar tastes, opulence and exaggerated narcissism).

With a semblance of victory on her smug face, Madame Yama slowly approached the stage to confiscate her precious merchandise, now that she had obtained this little one she would not allow him to stay another second in this filthy place full of greedy savages.

After all she was a benevolent class woman and would not treat her belongings badly, she bought him mainly for his exotic beauty, but also for his talents, even she who had seen all sorts of things had never heard of anyone with a regeneration talent and strength that reached the vampire race.

She would need to test her new toy as soon as possible to understand exactly its potential.

Madame Yama besides owning a brothel is also one of the main suppliers of talented competitors for the capital's coliseum, her "toys" are usually quite powerful, she has a special eye for individuals with potential, thanks to her talent, All-seeing Eye and her keen business instinct.


Now let's look at how it all started.

Aiden, the slave being auctioned off, or rather David the person who replaced him after having a tragic end in his past life.

David was an orphan boy who was born with a special terminal illness on his world, they commonly call it the demonic curse, a strange illness that appeared a few decades ago where the bearer can not sunbathe regularly and suffers from severe insomnia and can sleep at most one or two hours a day.

In the middle and final stages of this disease the person can finally sleep, but they fall into a deep sleep which starts for days, months, years until finally they are gone forever.

David was born with this disease an extremely rare case as normally the symptoms appear throughout life.

Being also an orphan, it was clear that he would not be able to have a normal life from an early age, but by a fluke of fate a wealthy middle-aged couple adopted him and provided him with great comfort while he was still alive. Although he could not go to school, he learned at home, and with the large collection of books in his personal library he learned about the world, lived adventures, and unfolded his greatest fantasies.

Unfortunately, all through his own imagination. As the curse worsened his adoptive parents' mental state also degraded and at the age of 19 he left not in pain or dissatisfied though with unfinished business to do he met his inevitable end.

But... after encountering darkness for a time he could not calculate or even understand, he found himself reborn in a cage.

As he looked into a container of water on the floor and observed his reflection, he saw someone quite different from him. Although pale he was not as unhealthy as his original body, although small and slender the boy in the reflection was undoubtedly strong for his size. And lastly, his hair and eyes in his past life were white and blue, and those of the boy were clearly black and light red.

For a moment he felt confused, until the memories of his body flooded his mind, causing a momentary discomfort accompanied by relaxation and clarity as he went over the memories in his head.

Apparently he was in a medieval world where there were knights, monsters, and even magic. The former owner of this body was sold by his uncle as a slave to pay the bills, no one in his family questioned this because his parents had already passed away, his mother soon after his birth and his father a while later overworked because of the pain of loss and passed away.

The boy's closest relative was his uncle passing on the responsibility to him, at first he was used as a manual laborer, but after an accident that revealed his "talent" his uncle saw an opportunity to profit from this, selling him as a battle slave.

This is how the current situation comes about.

Raising his hands and reflecting a bit David, now Aiden found himself trapped by fate.

'It seems that no matter what world I am in, I am always chained to something or someone.' He thought as he looked at his soft, white hands.

'In this world, I will try to do differently. Finally I can live the adventures I read about in all those books!' Standing up excitedly he felt ready for his new journey.

Only one problem... how will he free himself after this?