
Overlord: Еmptiness

Overlord. Careful, there's Russian humor here and I don't know how the AI translated it.

Lord_Citxow · Komik
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12 Chs

Chapter 8 Stone Elemental

+ 0.1% Experience

+ 0.15% Experience

+0.06% Experience

Okay, not a stream, but what else would you expect from a group of eleven people.

After boring the group of heteromorphs like that for another 5 minutes, I decided it was time.

- Well, we've switched places, Zabraal. - I began to mock my opponent by sending a spitting smiley face.

- So you're the leader here, now release me and the rest of my squad immediately. If you don't, I'll send a thousand of my legions at you. - he started playing a role I didn't know I knew. Another schoolboy with eighth-grade syndrome, because the game allows you to embody this aspect in digital reality.

But for the video, you can play along.

- The only thing you can control is rats like you. - I put as much venom in my words as possible.

I was hoping for an interesting verbal battle...but he just hovered.

It wasn't until he texted his friends that he was able to respond.

- You're just a future corpse that doesn't know it, one fourth of this field belongs to heteromorphs, I'm the great devil Zabraal. - after a minute he answered me.

Just what it was, I can't understand why he said already known information to me, and afterwards he repeated his nickname.

In response to his speech, I send off an emoticon with a question.

- I have summoned my friends here and now you will be destroyed by my genius. - the devil spoke with enthusiasm.

- So you are so scared that you called for help, and then even after the RP could not play back normally? - I ask this devil.

But he just shut up. Too bad I can't see his face or reaction, he's embarrassed right now anyway.

- It seems to be true, I've been informed that some players are leaving their positions. - Kunitz informed me.

I wondered who I was dealing with, since he was able to find out such information in a couple of seconds.

- Since it's so hot, maybe you can call someone here. - I thought I'd ask him right away.

- I don't know, I'm not sure anyone would want to. - He started to get a little defensive.

- Too bad, it would have made a good video of me coming back to get revenge on my abuser. - I decided to use my last argument.

- Seriously, you make videos too? - he was surprised.

- I'll call four squads. - immediately followed by a response from Kunitsa.

I was freaking out, if I understood correctly, then now we'll have twenty more people coming, who did I run into, if he can call so many players here.

Ten minutes later we were surrounded by three dozen players playing as undead, elementals, devils, slugs, etc.

We, on the other hand, pauperized ourselves into a circle of eleven to kill at least some mobs while keeping enemy players away.

After another five minutes, at the dawn of the third day, a cavalry of four dozen female characters arrived at the last minute. As soon as I saw them, I immediately realized that they were all guys, the lack of all clothing other than underwear looked too suspicious.

- I thought when you said teams, you meant groups of five, but who cares, why are they all without armor? - I asked the logical question.

- Starting armor doesn't give any bonuses anyway, so they took it off to enjoy their characters. - As if something happens as a matter of course, Ares answered me.

What perverts, it's good that the game banned any 18+ content, but that doesn't cancel out erotica. It's even scary to think what these guys-girls started to do with poor reanimated corpses of skaven, and now they can't even grasp their breasts.

- Never mind, the main thing now is to block the hetero's ability to kill rats. - I repeated my orders.

- To the Amazon clan!!! - was heard from everywhere.

Seeing such injustice, and when a slug is poked in the face with a size six chest, not allowing him to kill rats, it can be nothing but injustice, and seeing our superiority in players, the rest of the hetromorphs began to retreat.

Gradually they became fewer and we began to surround Zabraal's group.

- That's it, this is your defeat. I need your clothes and I'll let you go. - I decided to end with a spoof of an old Terminator movie.

It's no good, I've been running around in one diaper for so long.

- Never, I am the greatest demon lord and no one me not ... - began his speech the devil, but just disappeared, leaving the game. Seeing the fate of their leader, his comrades decided to repeat, pressing the exit button.

I'm not getting my pants today.

Not that I would be stressed by the situation, where I would stand alone, and around me were five dozen half-naked models, but I'd rather refuse, let others have such happiness.

- That's it, I think it'll make a good video. - I informed Kunitz of our victory.

- Great, don't forget to send it to me later. - Kunitz was happy.

And what could he be so happy, he was nothing ... Amazon clan, well, I take back my words, not a bad advertisement, I even understood not immediately.

After that I already asked my group for clothes, anyway these perverts will only be happy.

I added all ten of them as friends, but only Ares and Kunitsa were allowed to write. Why do I need eight more statistic freaks? The two most active ones are enough.

- Okay, well, this has been interesting, but I'm gonna go. - I'm announcing my departure.

- Wait, wouldn't it be more logical to stay here, we can quickly pump you up, and then we'll give you quality equipment. - this fox made a suggestion.

Much you do not know, Kunica, it is more logical to go straight to the Nazarick bow, collecting all the things in the game, reach level 10000 and become a god for the gods. But I can't do all that and I'm just trying to survive.

- After all, I'm a streamer and for me it's important to be interactive, no one will be interested if I just like that, in an empty place, get the power that my father never dreamed of. - I ended it all with a phrase for which they were too young.

I turned around and started to walk away when someone called out to me.

- Hey, you're the sweet boy that interested Kunica and for whom my girls worked so hard. - said to me a green creature, completely painted in green color, wherever my gaze fell, hair, skin, elven or animal ears, everything was in this green color, the only thing it did not paint was the sclera. That's just how he managed to get THAT outfit dyed black. This individual's name was Flora.

Looks like the guys' pimp started talking to me.

- Yes, I was lucky enough to meet these beautiful ladies. - I'm just going to answer this crazy man right off the bat.

And that's the only way to deal with them, until you're sure he doesn't have a gun and you're the main nutcase with a nuclear remote.

- I'm sure it was a unique story, full of love and heroic sacrifices! - said the psycho, who seemed to have decided to play the girl completely.

- Before you go, accept my friendship. - He took pity on me, letting me go, but taking me on the hook before doing so.

I don't care if they make you wear dresses or worse.

- Even if you look like a girl, rest assured, I like boys, even as tall as you are, and I'd drink you like a cup and a half unfiltered! - the psycho said cheerfully. Not forgetting to dip me one last time.

During his words I felt my face pale, I began to sweat, and my pulse increased, threatening to throw me out of the game, so that I did not catch a heart attack.

There was a reason I wanted to get away from them as early as possible. Choosing the long and arduous path over being near THEM is a better way to go for the hedgehog, too.

When I looked back, I saw Kunica whispering something to the crazy guy. I decided to use [Small Aura of Acceleration], leaving as quickly as possible.

...I never found out about the payment, but there was some good news. I was the leader of the group, so I chose 100% of the resources for myself, which made my inventory full of tails, but skulls didn't drop after 50 kills. Let's assume that they paid me by dropping rats.

During the whole time I got 2 data crystals, a bit of gold and even one item.

Gray Gloves

Requirements: level 0

Quality: low

Energy: +1

{Open description}

What else would you expect from an item that has a level zero requirement, even though the minimum in the game is level one. Too bad in this regard, the first location for training newbies.

But this is something and I already have a small plus, the equipment and so rarely enough falls out, from which it is usually knocked out in dungeons, where the chance of falling out is much higher. And the higher the difficulty of the dungeon, the greater the chance and better things.

If I put them on sale now, I can earn about 50 gold, all the same it is not the main element of equipment, because it costs more. But I'd rather continue hitting with my hands while still wearing these gloves.

After returning to the city, I passed the quest for skulls and 3 times completed the quest for tails, from which I was able to get level 2, and my characteristics doubled.

The amount of experience and gold I got in such a short time paid off. If I had been running around alone, fighting players for every rat, I would have earned a lot less.

It would be weird if I go to another starting location with a crossbow and start killing other rodents there and that's with THAT weapon.

So I change my role to brigand and go buy bolts for my crossbow.

I still have the spells, but this way leads nowhere. It's silly to take a warrior, train a mage, and then switch to warrior again, it's better to take a multiclass right away.

There's no reason for a warrior, who is pumped stamina, to take skills on the mage, if his equipment will give reinforcement on the characteristics of the warrior.

So I was only going to swing with a crossbow and only after that take the Oracle back.

Just in case, I buy healing potions with the remaining money.

Leaving the city, I headed for a high-level location. After traveling a great distance through the dead steppe, I finally arrived in a lifeless and stony wasteland. I saw huge, oddly shaped boulders scattered chaotically throughout the area. And between the haphazardly piled boulders were narrow gaps and passages.

I came to a region that was home to level 8 monsters, mostly things like stone elementals.

The terrain in this area was strange and unusual. There were narrow passages between boulders where only one person could pass through. It was easy to get lost here, and most importantly, claustrophobic people should not come here.

As I walked through the narrow passages, I came upon a gray-colored stone elemental that was about twenty meters away from me. With a huge and sturdy body, the stones were tightly pressed together, held together by magic. It had a lot of moss on its head.

To realize that it was exactly a monster, I was able to realize it very easily.

- [Minor Grade]. - I said while looking at the large boulder.


A brief reply came from the system.

- [Minor Grade]. - After a moment, I look at the other one.

Insufficient skill level

Why did I take the grade as a starting skill...and I don't know, I think all trapped people do that, after which they become an imba. But most importantly, I did not fail and this skill is useful to me, although, it probably should not be used that way, but the main thing that works.

I took out my crossbow, holding it with my left hand, and began to adjust it, making sure that I had chosen a good place for the first attack.

The elemental was supposed to be big and clumsy, so it wouldn't be hard to kill it if I hid behind the other rocks.

The crossbow was already loaded with bolts, 3 seconds later, 5 bolts went into the stone body.

*Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!

Five shots followed to their target.

* Pfft! Pf! Pf! Pf! Pfft!

Five crossbow bolts struck the Elemental almost simultaneously.

- 10

- 10




Five damage values popped up above the stone head. Because of the huge difference in levels, there was a big gap between us, and I was lucky to have gotten the damage past its resistance threshold, if there was someone with a speed bias, I might not have been able to hit it at all because of the huge difference in levels.

Now all I had to do was monotonously beat up the unresisting elemental.

Better to take advantage of the bugfights in the game than to stay with Flora.

After the Elemental was attacked, it rose to its feet, making it grow to 4 meters tall. In anger he went for the offender, starting to mindlessly attack me, like he's here to protect his lesser living boulder companions, which doesn't stop him from mindlessly pummeling them, even though it won't do them any good.

I started walking around the boulders shooting back at this giant, constantly reloading my crossbow.

Suddenly there was a jerk animation, but from the applied skill I did not even need to dodge, and maybe I would not have had time, but the textures of the boulders were on my side, which probably saved me from the mob.

And this was dangerous, one hit and I'm dead, it turns out he knows how to make a jerk.

- [Weak Damage Enhancement]. - I say my third skill.

- 11

- 11

- 11

- 11

- 11

He's so far ahead of me that my spell almost did nothing.

- [Small Aura of Acceleration] - I cast my basic skill.

If the boost did nothing, I would use my crown skill, which would make the arrows fly faster and reload more often.

Seconds were turning into minutes, and I had already used up the first quiver of a hundred bolts.

I might have fallen asleep if I hadn't been talking to chat the whole time, though it was still better to shoot a giant than to beat up rats.

And at one point I got a text at all.

Kunitsa: I see you're having fun there, we're going to go to the kobold lair in a few days, are you with us?

If it were a stunning beauty with cute ears, who calls to a party where there will be only top models, I would not hesitate to agree. But unfortunately, it's a different situation altogether.

Angie Asura: Is Flora coming with us?

Decided to clarify the most important thing, that's who, but that psycho I don't want to go out with. At first glance Kunitsa and Ares are normal guys, and the fact that they chose female characters, so I'm not without sin.

Kunitsa: No, the head has other plans. But I'll be sure to tell her that you asked about her.

P****, can I not, such happiness.

If the first two dungeons were not plot dungeons, did not consider his proposal at all.

The main thing is that the main psycho won't be there, and the rest of the non-RP play without playing off the insane.

Angie Asura: No problem, then we'll discuss the price of my participation later, but now I'm disconnecting, I can't write.

I decided to agree to his proposal, after all I was not paid for the last time, with my last words I put the point, if this clan of lunatics have money, then we are on our way.

Kunitsa: Let me first discuss it with my superiors and then give an answer.

Decided marten did not immediately agree with my proposal, which was logical.

Finally, after three hundred and ten bolts, the mob was killed.


You have unlocked the title [Killer of Titans 4] by killing a monster 4 times your level.

When equipping this title, your damage on monsters above your level will be increased by 4%.

How is this possible, in all works heroes get titles to kill all living things, take additional classes. Yes with these titles you can play the game, even without weapons and armor, and I have some kind of divorce.If I was level 100, I'd have to kill a 400 mob to get this useless title.

That's it...I cooled down, but it's a real injustice, other people's system gives hundredths and tenths of a percent, but mine is only four and I obviously won't get more.

I immediately equip it instead of [Small Leader].

After looking at the experience bar, I realized that I got a measly 30% and that was for a monster 4 times my level.Damn Korean grinds, how many beanbags will I have to eat to get to level 100.

As I approached the loot that was left from the monster, I saw a data crystal, 50 gold, and a sword.

At least it's good for something, I don't have to go to town to find out the sword's characteristics.

- [Small Evaluation]. - I use the skill, looking at the sword with a straight hilt, not very sharp but thick blade, made entirely of stone.