

It's cold, dark and quiet, the only thing to be heard is the sound of my beating heart. I feel as if I've been set adrift in an vast, endless void with no way out. What happened, where am I? I start to regain my vision bit by bit. I'm seemingly floating in endless abyss surrounded by endless dimensions each stacked on one another in the form of crystallised ball called fragments. Each dimension being infinite in size and transcending each other. These fragments emit a dark red aura. When I turn around I can make out a faint red flicker in the distance, there is a path through the endless amount of fragments towards the red flicker that I start to follow. As I get closer I can make out a faint static noise, the closer I got to the flicker the louder it got. I finally got close enough to make out what the flicker was, the flicker was a gateway covered in chains emitting a red glow and aura similar to that of the fragments. As I approached the gate way the chains disappeared into the abyss and the gateway opened. There was a blinding red light being emitted from the gate way. Was it a way out?

I started walking towards the gateway and walked inside. The moment I stepped foot into the gateway I was greeted with absolute pain and terror, it felt as if I was being burnt alive, the pain was indescribable. It quickly faded leaving a small amount of lingering pain. When I reached the other side of the gate way the entrance disappeared. I looked around I was met with the same surroundings as I was when I first regained consciousness. The path had changed however it seemed it be longer. I followed the path again, this time the static noise was even louder. When I stepped foot into the gateway I went through even more pain, the pain I went through previously was nothing into comparison to the pain I was experiencing right now. After it faded the lingering pain was even greater than before, it was hard to breathe and my chest was tight. I repeated this process multiple times before the pain become too much for me to handle. After a careful analysis of what had been happening I came to the conclusion that I had somehow ended up in the forbidden realm.

The forbidden realm is an extra-dimensional space existing beyond all laws and concepts. This space has endless layers each holding endless fragments. Each layer views the layer previous as fiction and what one layer might view as endless will only be viewed as finite to the one above it. These layers are infinite in size and an infinite amount of them are born every second. The forbidden realm is the peak of this whole narrative.