
Outside is Apocalypse But I am Safe inside My Dungeon

That day when the apocalypse fell, was a normal day without any big events. like any other, people are busy in their lives and work, some enjoying their lives some are struggling to live. Life was going in a usual routine until changes in the earth started to show up on the surface. while they were living a normal life, the earth was undergone a massive transformation without being noticed. Mysterious energy started to leak from the underground and living or non-living beings that were exposed to this energy began to evolve. Zombie and mutant beasts are roaming in the City. Due to large numbers and sudden appearance, armies from all over the world fail to withstand their attack. Big cities became a playground for savage beasts. Following those events, another catastrophe came that forced humanity to its knees. The environment of Earth has turned into a mess, green lands have turned into deserts and heavy rainfall causes river overflow. the length of winters increased and it has become very harsh for a normal human to survive. Food and shelter became scarce objects that very few people could afford. Instead of fighting mutant beasts and zombies, humans started to kill each other for easy resources. In this world, a piece of bread is more precious than a human life. This is where the story begins, in this horrible world, Sam is the only person who has a safe place with warm meals and every need that people could only imagine. Sam's life was always not that good, at a young age he lost his parents and the people he trusted most betrayed him. He fell into a debt trap that was impossible to escape. But Everything changed after he received his ability as a dungeon lord. At a young age, he faced many hardships and spent all his time working which is why Sam decided to lead a relaxed and enjoyable life even in the apocalypse.

Bidas5924 · Fantasi
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37 Chs

Capabilities of a Superhuman

That guy who had a terrible scar on his face kept walking towards them, he stopped his leg at a certain distance and when he had stopped all the other guys behind his back also stopped.

That girl said "Who are you and why are you surrounding us"

He didn't answer any of her questions and silently took a glance through the sunglasses and kept smoking. He acts like they don't have any value, he doesn't care much since he thinks about what could three kids do to him.

Now they are a little nervous, they might not have expected this kind of reaction.

While they are distracted a man from the gang goes to the shop, and a few seconds later a scream comes that surprises both sides.

"Boss! There is nothing here, this store is completely empty"

The gang leader appeared to be quiet but his brows curved to furrowed as he is a little angry now.

Suddenly the skinny boy shouted, "The store is empty what do we do now"?

The girl named Pixie, quickly covered his mouth with her hand to stop the situation from getting worse but it was too late. That gang leader was already furious, here the words from the boy worked as fuel to increase the fire.

He said with an angry tone "Are you kidding with us, do you think we are idiots who would fall for your obvious cheap tricks"?

Pixie replied, "That's not true, we just arrived here a few minutes ago and we also didn't know that the store was empty."

"Chee! Don't waste our time" he turns his eyes to give signs to his gang members "Go check her bag"

From that gang, a person came out and went towards them.

"Hey, you! Quickly hand over your bag before the boss gets angry."

Pixie eagerly declared "Why should we give our bag to you, in it there are many important things that we gathered after a lot of effort, what will we do if you break them"?

When he saw she had no intention of giving the bag, he decided to use force. She also grasps the bag tightly in her hands.

He grabbed one corner of the bag and pulled it out of her hands but was not able to catch any good part of the backpack he started to lose grip over it.

"Stop resisting and give me the bag."

"There is not anything in the bag, only our collected things inside that are completely useless for yours."

"Then Don't blame me for being cruel to kids, You forced me to do it."He vigorously twirled the baseball bat in his right hand at her.

"Oh no, it directly heading at her head if things go on like this she may be hurt badly."

She closed her eyes from fear but out of curiosity she opened them slowly to why she did not hurt even though she heard the sound of being hit.

Then she realised that the fat boy beside her used his body as a shield and saved her from the critical strike.

"Fatty, are you ok "

"Yeah, don't worry it didn't even scratch me."

That man attempts another strike, but before that, he is knocked out by a single punch from the fat boy.

After seeing this the gang members were stunned they never imagined that he would lose to a boy.

The gang leader yells at the members "Why are you looking at my face, go take him down or do you need an invitation?

Before their boss busted from anger and punished them, they rushed at the boy together.

That boy keeps his distance from others to avoid them getting involved and is prepared to face the gang members that rushing at him.

They all attack together but the boy stops their attacks with his big body. By using his hands as a cover He avoids getting hit on the face and the attack on other body parts is not that effective.

I wonder if he is ok, he got hit several times and he also didn't try to avoid it.

When he bore all of those attacks using his body suddenly one man used this opportunity to strike his head using a Steel tube.

However, an unexpected thing happens, after hitting him he is instantly pushed back by Impact, his hands are shaking along with the steel tube as if he had struck the wall instead of a human being.

Now I understand it is his power, he has a defensive ability which is why he can hold all of them back. now Instead battle of attack it became the all-game of stamina.

When they see the situation is hopeless they shout "Boss His skin is very tough like a rhino, no matter how hard we attack it doesn't affect him."

That gang leader yelled loudly "What nonsense you are spouting! useless things didn't even take care of one kid."

I suppose I was right they are tired and can not keep the attack of their all strength like earlier. Their movement speed also decreased a lot now he can able to land a hit them.

That fat boy also understands the situation and uses it to his advantage, even though his punches are slow but very heavy, every one of them is enough to break off their capacity to stand up.