


The rain got even more violent as I wrapped my arms around Xavier. His heart thudded against his chest as I rested my head on his shoulder. His calming breaths brought me a sense of peace I wanted to hold onto forever.

My lips tingled as my mind replayed what had just happened a few minutes ago. I could still feel Xavier's lips on mine. My toes curled up even thinking about it. It felt too good to be true.

Like it was all just a mere dream.

And holding on to it was going to be impossible.

"Wanna head back to the car?" His chest rumbled as he spoke.

The rain seemed to have slowed down. So, we started walking to the car. I shivered as the wind changed it's direction. With my drenched clothes, the wind didn't seem to make things any warmer.

We had decided to take turns while driving, so it was Xavier's turn to drive this time. We covered the seats with a few blankets I kept in the backseat and slipped into the car. We turned the heater on and shut the doors.

Xavier turned the ignition on and rubbed his palms together to warm them up. After a few seconds, he activated the wipers and started driving once the windshield got a bit clearer.

I raised my palms in front of the heater to warmth them up and then touched my cheeks. As the warmth finally engulfed my body, my mind began thinking of all the questions, my heart didn't want to answer.

Why would Xavier kiss me, especially after he had told me we were better off as friends?

Did the kiss even mean anything to him?

Did this mean we were dating or was it just a one-time thing?

I looked out of the window and saw the rain drops falling down slowly. I saw myself as that falling raindrop. Falling until I finally hit a surface and scattered around. The sky thundered once again, as the questions didn't stop flooding my mind.

"Stop overthinking everything, Lia." Xavier's voice was hoarse. It had this certain roughness to it that made it even more attractive.

I looked down at my hands and smiled. I had been completely silent but Xavier knew what was going on in my head.

Today was one of the best days of my life. I felt happy. I felt like I didn't need to fake a smile to fit in. For the first time, in a very long time, I felt complete. I hope that today is the memory that replays in front of my eyes when I die.

Xavier's free hand, that rested on his lap, slipped into mine. His fingers intertwined with mine and warmth spread through me. His hand was rough but comforting.

Like an old blanket that had been worn out but you still wore.

I squeezed his hand back and we rode the car in silence.

Once we were back in San Francisco, we had already missed the last period. So we decided to go home directly. Xavier didn't have any shift today but he had to look after the twins. It wasn't raining here, so he turned the heater off.

It took us a few minutes to reach Xavier's house. I was planning to drive back to my house, but Xavier's mum was just at the doorway.

"Oh hey Xavier! How was school hunny? Ophelia, dear! I didn't see you there. I wanted to thank you for dropping my son off safely yesterday. Why don't you come in for some time?"

I smiled at her. Aurora was a really caring mother. The way she worried about Xavier and the twins showed just how much she loved her kids. I wondered if she knew anything about Nicole's whereabouts.

"Don't thank me, Aurora. I brought him to that party, so it was my duty."

She smiled at me, once again and left for the hospital after hugging Xavier.

"So, wanna come inside for a bit?"

There was something about Xavier that had changed after the kiss. Maybe it was the way he talked or it was just the fact that the kiss intensified the feelings I had for him.

But something had definitely changed.

A few days, ago I wasn't nearly as nervous as I'm today to go into his house.

"Umm yea sure."

We walked in together and sat on the couch next to each other.

"So, if it was another guy you'd gone to the party with, would you drop him off too?"

Really? We are sitting in his house alone, and this is the first thing he asks me after that kiss?

"Are you jealous, Xavy?"

Xavier scrunched his eyes and looked at me.

"Nope, just asking. Stop calling me Xavy!"

Thank god he left that topic aside. I didn't know what I was supposed to say. A yes would sound responsible but I don't think he was gonna be happy with that answer.

And a no might make him happy but that's just not ethical.

"So, would you?"

"Oh my god Xavier! No I wouldn't drop him off but I would get him a cab or something! Happy?"

Xavier infuriated me. A lot. But maybe, that was the thing that made me the happiest too. Spending time with him gave me a sense of happiness I spent days looking for before.

"Yeah. I'm happy!"

I shook my head and laughed silently.

"Xavy!! I didn't know you were back, Xavy."

Olivia's squeaky voice pulled me from a trance Xavier had put me into. Her hair were tied into two pigtails and she wore an orange dress. She looked so adorable that I wanted to pull her cheeks so badly.

"Olivia! I didn't know you were up. Come here. How was school?"

Olivia jumped into Xavier's arms and hugged him tightly. She hid her face in Xavier's neck so her voice was muffled.

"My day was okay. Can I ask you something Xavy?"

Xavier's eyes were tired but with Olivia's arms around him, his face shined like a star in a dark night.

"Yea sure, honey. What is it?"

Olivia looked up at and Xavier and then she looked at me with her big green eyes. I smiled at her as she spoke.

"Are you and Phi-Phi dating?"

My eyes widened as I stared at Xavier. That was a question that bugged me the whole car ride.

Were we dating?

Xavier smiled at Olivia and nodded. He caught ahold of my hand once again and spoke.

"Ophelia's my girlfriend. Do you like her, Olivia?"

Olivia jumped out of Xavier's arms and hopped around. There was nothing but pure joy written on her tiny little face.

"Oh yes! Phi-Phi's really nice. I like her, Xavy!"

My heart was pounding as I had waited for Xavier's answer. What surprised me the most, was how my heart calmed down after I heard Xavier.

Like it had finally found it's home.

With Xavier.