
jj - the pogue

I looked at JJ, standing on the end of the Pogue; smiling and laughing. I had no idea where John B or the other two were but I was just happy to see JJ happy. The smile looked real, and I truly hoped it was.

JJ deserves happiness, I wish I could give it to him.

"So, let's jump in!" He suddenly exclaimed, turning around and looking at me with a gigantic smile on his face.

"I'm down, but why?" I questioned, we had jumped in plenty of times before and of course, I wasn't going to miss a chance to see JJ shirtless.

We've had a thing for a while now, we aren't in a relationship but we act like a couple. Sometimes it confuses me, but I think that if we were in a relationship it would be even more confusing.

"Come on" He started taking his shirt off, and was about to jump in until I spoke up "Wait for me"

I stood up and took my shirt and shorts off, of course, I had a bikini on underneath.

"So, no skinny dipping then?" He asked, a smirk on his face.

I laughed as he jumped in and I followed, the water was perfect.

We were only in the water for a few seconds before I heard JJ shriek in terror. I looked over at him in shock, to see him splashing and climbing back onto the boat.

"Hurry up! I got stung" He yelled, I just laughed. JJ was an idiot, he could rob a drug dealer and hold a gun but he sooks about getting stung by a jellyfish.

I was never going to let him live this down.

"Aw, do you want me to kiss it better? You big baby." I asked.

"Sure, it's on my dick tho" I scoffed as I climbed back onto the pogue, we hadn't even made it that far yet.

JJ was always more interested in one night stands at a party, and I was scared that if we got together like that it would change everything.

"Grow up, JJ" I laughed.

He walked closer to me and my heart started beating faster, no matter how many times we've been in this position before nothing changes. JJ always makes my heart race, he brings me a certain feeling I don't know how to explain.