

In the kingdom of the great dragon, people were very rich. But the human race, which was always poor, has only been suffering from oppression. Vampires and dragons were never meant to be together, but some wizards separated them, Where vampires and rich Godess lived. A place was made far away from there, when the dragon , wolf and the poor people could live. But being a great state, some hidden secret was causing problems.Similarly, the queen of fairies also had to go to the dragon's and wolf's part. In order to protect the dragon's queen from the evil kings, the queen is read to pollute her pure blood. Arora has to bear the brunt of the devil's death.

Ashu_20 · Fantasi
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3 Chs


Everyone sitting at the dinner table looked very happy.Everyone had a glass full of blood in their hands. Blood was kept separately in some special vessel for some old man and woman."You did a good job son." The old man talks to the boy holding the plates.The boy also smiles."This is the gift of the master." The boy and the old man respond.Then the rest of the old people listen to him and say."You are absolutely right. "The old man's voice had enough drawl to attract others."Why are you saying this now?" Mrs.Marcus Smith who started first he speaks , "Why not, have you forgotten the old days when we used to kill people just to drink human blood."mr kawalski says,"There was power in his words." Then a woman sitting on the other side who was a little older to see says to them in an attractive voice."But if the truth is to be told, it is all due to Lord William Bentinck Bonden. And the thing is that today it is just a game of money." Everyone was calm, but everyone's face was showing that he also agreed. But only then some other women say with interest on this matter."By the way, it is absolutely true that people do everything just for their appearance. That's why he just knows how to use his throne properly."It was talked about that she didn't decide a single word from her mouth at all while she was saying wrong words and people were watching her. "They are spending money on something that is of no use to them." A woman sitting with other women says this and you become silent. It seemed as if people did not agree with his words.

On the other side of the dining table, there was complete commotion. Everyone was happy and talking happily to each other. It is said that the new Goddess are very happy to collect their energy.Most of the men were here, the number of women was very less. But here something was different from the rest of the table. There was only a high table where the greatest Godess were sitting.There was nothing but a table in front of them and chairs below where some small gods were sitting. The greatest great Lord Curzon does Lofid Hamilton."We all should be respected.Mr. Fulghin Anunhal's, which he has included us in his happiness."Everyone starts nodding their heads while supporting him.

Lord started the food first,he says, accompanying his remark by glancing at the food."By the way what is this 🍲 of."He asks the girl standing next to him. She also bows her head, she speaks in a very sweet voice."It is the juice of a substance made from some special hill flowers and the stars made from some selected fruits are of red color. And along with it are pieces of fresh meat." He makes a good face and picks up a spoon and tastes the soup. "Very nice, everyone starts eating."Hearing his loud voice, everything starts eating. There was happiness on his face.

It was more silent than anywhere else.People were sitting on their own separate fun. No one was talking to anyone.But something strange was going on in the middle part. She was a bundle of beautiful woman, she was more than a slim and fit figure girl.

In the rest of the place, the boys were sitting and there were common girls and there was also a woman along with them.

The boy talks to a woman."Am I looking good today?"To whom he is asking she speaks looking at him. "Your long thick hair is looking very nice, and the black coat paint you are wearing suits you perfectly and what else is needed, and in the same way you are very handsome to see."The boy smiles looking at her sidelong."It is absolutely true that I am a handsome."

Others start laughing after listening to him.

"So you think you are handsome, what is Zac and who is Edward."Making fun of him, both the girls leave from there, while the boy stands there staring."Adam don't pay attention to what people say. They just know better than you so much about love."

Madam, what happened to him, he says making a strange face."It is not wrong, Sofia, you are also crazy about him, when I see, I can only hear the name of Zac, Robert from your mouth, so I do not need to tell you all this." That girl becomes completely silent after listening to his bitter words, and cannot speak anything else.

Ruby or Arora were also being taken out from there. That's why everyone was looking at them.

Rubu was leading Arora by the hand. Arora asks her to walk slowly."Everyone is watching us, if you run like this someone will surely catch you." Ruby was going out of the way behind.Was getting out of both the corridors in a hurry, Ruby knew about this palace. After all, she is the daughter of the maid here.

Eventually they get stuck at some distance. He was standing there in front of the 3rd corridor. where it was very dark. Both were scared to go ahead."Are you sure there is nothing further from here, we will get out of here."

"Yes, I have run away from here many times. Today for the first time the lights are not working here." Ruby says this expectantly.

Suddenly, with a loud noise, the light goes off where both were standing.Arora's hand is released from Ruby's hand.

She looked around in the dark but no one was there. But at last a familiar voice stopped the breath in his throat."I told you that you will wait for me and not run away from here."

Ruby could hear completely, could not get a sound out of her throat.David whispers in her ear again."How many times I missed you in 1 hour, yet you were bereft of seeing Edward, you will definitely be punished for this." Before Ruby can say anything, David banishes her from there.

Arora was only a little distance from both of them but still she could not see both of them and was trying to free herself from that girl.

"Have you forgotten about your mother who has been looking for you since long, do whatever you think about her, after all she raised you so much and you give her such a result."The boy who was holding Arora tightly says in her ear. Arora climbs up from this bar and starts shaking harder and tries to free herself."You will not believe like this, you will take me to her whenever she will."Starts going from there.

Ruby was lying motionless on the soft bed. David slowly moved the window posts, closed the door, and turned off the lights.He tossed his sister's jacket on the couch and took off her shoes and threw them on the ground. Lies down on the bed with Ruby, his eyes first read on Ruby's body and fall on the soft thin fabric which was slightly stiffening.Without stopping he put his hand inside her shirt and started rubbing her waist slowly."You know that I cannot live without you even for a moment. While they were together last night."

David whispers in her ear but she also does not respond."You know why I have given you this punishment.

You were watching Edward and then you tried to run away."

Reaching his hand from the waist to his stomach, he pressed it hard.Ruby suddenly starts breathing fast.David tries to make her breathe by placing his lips on her red lips and starts kissing her.

He was soft, both his hands were on his waist, Ruby was trying to distance herself from him. She didn't want to kiss him. She pushes him away from herself by applying a little more force.

David was very angry with his act which was visible on his face.Ruby speaks quickly."You know what would happen if someone saw us like this. I will be killed, I will have to be separated from you."David melts for her when he hears her cry. She was crying, he quickly wrapped her in his arms. Ruby also started crying coming close to him.

David speaks kissing her forehead."When you will consider me, as the mother of my child, no one will be able to separate us. "