

Vampires are subjected to experiments on a space shuttle. Ryker, the only vampire who survives with two humans, Zoe and Wilder, learns to coexist on the moon after the space shuttle is shot down and lands on the moon, damaged, and loses contact with the world. They later manage to come back to the earth, only to realize all the supernatural factions (Werewolves, Witches...) no longer exist, Ryker being the last vampire discovers new abilities gained from meditating on the moon's surface. Later on, he is faced with new threats rising from, space, the underworld, and earth itself.

Reagan_Siwa_5443 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


"Finally, we can go home. Can't believe the pod managed to hold all of us." Ryker was hyped up.

"Everyone hold on. Launching in three, two, one." Wilder set the launching toggles controls and the prototype pod-shuttle blasted off the moon's surface. They were off the ground leaving the moon crater.

The thruster force made the shuttle take off at bullet speed. The crew in the shuttle were pushed against their seat, by the thrust force, with their eyes wide open. They were shocked by the effects. Everyone was praying for a Miracle, deep down to make it to earth in one piece.

Within no time they were a hundred miles away from the moon. Suddenly, the rocket thrusters went off. The shuttle came to rest in the vast space. It was a moment of relief as they took acute precious time to take a breath and observe the majestic ginormous world. The visor of their space suit helmet restricted them from taking a clear wider view of the earth.

"It's beautiful." Zoe complimented.

"Yes, it is," Ryker reassures Zoe, laying his hand over Zoe's right shoulder. Zoe felt like a burden was lifted off her back. She turned and smiled at Ryker, placing her hand over Ryker's on her shoulder. Ryker sensed a rapid increase in Zoe's heartbeat, he could tell she was overjoyed and warm from his action but she was still scared of the unpredictable journey.

Zoe loved Ryker but found it hard to admit it, she hoped to tell him once they were done with the nightmare journey.

"Zoe, how's the life support system status?"

"Umm, guys," Zoe called in a frightening voice.

They simultaneously turned to her. Shockingly, her helmet visor was becoming foggy and cloudy as the air in her spacesuit helmet was decreasing in temperature. It was freezing. She was losing her visuals.

Ryker immediately jumped off his seat and floated to her. He focused and concentrated on her, scanning the issue with her space suit, using his heightened senses as a Vampire. His eyes had turned to a cat-like bloody red.

He hid his face upon coming to contact with her. He never wished to show her his monstrous side.

"Zoe listen to me closely. Your helmet is fractured and you're exposed to the external environment…" He paused a bit as he holds her by the shoulder, as he faced down in front of her.

"It's minus 250 degrees out here. Your blood is cooling off rapidly. And you're… injured somewhere… it might be an injury I can smell your blood… but it's a minor issue for now."

"Hold on Doctor, Zoe, we got you. Help her out Ryker." Wilder was frightened too. The readings on the system were critical at the moment. He started doubting if they will make it. He imagined his life before taking the contract on the SpaceEx Faction program. His life was simple, a fair job at Nevada-r corporation and going back to his family to have a warm meal, and enjoy time with them. He regretted ever meeting Agents Black.

"I'm afraid, I…I… can't see anything." Zoe stammered. As her vision was completely immobilized.

"You're not alone, he took her by her hand and squeezed it softly, I'm not gonna allow anything to happen to you." Ryker composed himself.

"Do you trust me!?" Ryker asked.

"Yes, I do Ryker." Zoe believed in him.

"I'm gonna need you to hold your breath and detach your helmet momentarily, I'll be with you throughout the whole process. In three, two, one."

Zoe removed her helmet, with her cheeks popping out filled with air, she was apnea. Ryker assisted her as he helped her lift her faulty helmet of her slowly, leaving it floating in the zero gravity space shuttle. He apnea, then took off his space suit helmet.

His eyes were bloody red and course veins popped under his skin around the eye socket.

Zoe saw this and was terrified momentarily. It was the first time she saw his transformation in close-up. Ryker felt her cold heart skip a heartbeat. He hurriedly moved his helmet over her head. She shook her head side by side rapidly, implying she didn't want to wear it.

Ryker forcefully put it on for her and connected it to her life-support pack of the suit. He saw her concerned face through the visor. She was able to breathe again.

Through the vacuum into the helmet, he could her shrill screaming and yelling at him. 'What about you?' 'I can't lose you, I love you.'. She thought he could hear her because the sound couldn't travel through a vacuum, space. But she simply let it out showing she was upset and concerned about him. They could only communicate through radio transmitters in their space helmet.

Ryker quickly moved and grabbed the faulty helmet and wore it. He then settled back to his seat and fastened his seatbelt.

"Are you okay now, sunshine? Was a hell of a ride." Ryker smiled at her.

"I hate you, do you wanna die? Will you even be okay with that faulty Helmet?" Zoe's eyes were filled with tears.

"Zoe, I'm not going anywhere, I'll be fine. I'll manipulate my suit air condition, the advantages of being a vampire. I'll be with you to the end. I'm already dead if you forgot, but I won't allow you to pass on my watch, love" Ryker as he laughed hysterically.

"Thank you. I'm grateful." Zoe, as she composed herself.

"Now that we're done with the battle let's get back to war back to earth. I'm glad you're okay, Zoe, the suit was just a prototype they were not readily made for space activities. Let us go home." Wilder assured her.

They were back on course.

"Launch the second thruster system, Ryker," Wilder said as he took hold of the control lever.

Ryker taking readings on the control panel in his spot and pressing some buttons and pulling levers. "Rocket thruster, online. Ready for launch and touch down."

"Update on Life-support system, doctor?" Wilder confirmed with Zoe on the shuttle pod functions.

"Life support system, online. Ready and set." Zoe responded.

"Setting landing coordinates." Wilder paused.

"Fellas hold on to your guts, let's go home. Commencing final launch."

Wilder clicked on various buttons, and switches, and pulled various levers. The thrusters lit and grabbed firm onto the steering controller with both of his hands. They resumed their journey back to earth.