
Our world's cross

Two people from different social ladders meet. the other not knowing that each one existed in their own world, till fate push them towards each other. now they’ve got to ignor the difference in the social status they share because of love.

CJTheWriter1 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 6.

The expiration date on this beverages are too short, get our Food scientist's to handle this disadvantage, Chris said as he sat at the end of the huge conference table, two of his employees where presenting their latest packaged Cookie, But his phone kept ringing, during the presentation, Lori kept calling.

She was probably really excited about going on the yatch ride tomorrow or so he thought.

After the meeting he took out his phone to call her.

Chris?? Mom's locked herself in her room and she fired all the maids, driver's, gardeners all the help around, I am banging at her door begging her to come out but she won't listen to me, Lar isn't here he's out preparing for his game tonight, and am all alone I don't know what to do, i don't understand ple please come quick.

Calm down I'll be on my way okay.

Minutes later Chris arrived at their house with his assistant following behind, as he walked in, Lori ran down from the stairs to come hug him crying.

she's been quite for some time I don't know what she's doing in there, she talked as she hugged him tighter.

Hey, it's okay. he said, breaking the hug and placing his hands on her shoulders.

stay with her he told his assistant.

He walked up the stairs and took a right down the hallway to the last room on the left side.

He knocked on the door and called out to her.

Margret?. are you in there? He asked.

He placed his ear on the door he could hear sobbing, what was she sad about this time? He sighed, he was only here because of his siblings, he really didn't have time to baby a mother of two teens.

Are you gonna open the door, or should I knock it down? he asked.

After awhile he heard the door click and slowly opened.

She looked like she had been crying for hours.

He walked in and folded his arms resting his back at the entrance of the door.

It was so dark in here and the room looked scattered like she was searching for something.

She slowly walked to the position he felt she was before and she sat on the floor.

She sniffed, they took it all she said and a tear fell from her face as she stared at what seemed to be a jewelry box in her hands.

He was quite, because he tried assert the situation.

The only thing I had left of him, they took it, she said in a quite voice.

He breathed out, when did you notice IT was gone?.

Just this afternoon, I come here to look at it everyday, it didn't cost much, because it was something he won for me at a carnival, it looks expensive but it wasn't, they took it, along with every other expensive jewelery I own. She explained now gently dropping the empty box.

Do you have any suspects? He furthered.

I think the kids live in tutor took it.

Tskss why didn't you hire someone from a trust worthy agency? He asked fustrated.

She looked at him with a teary eye, I did, you know me, I want the best worker's, and the agency assured me that she was the top at her line of work.

He sighed again, it seamed she wasn't all that bad, maybe the jewelry was actually expensive, and she didn't want him think less of her than he already does, Because he knew her she wouldn't cry over something worthless, anyways she seamed strongly attached to it.

I'll find her, just send me a name and a picture, He said and left the room.

Is she alright Lori asked him as she saw him walk through the stairs.

Yeah, you can go talk to her now her door is opened.

She looked at him with relief expression, thanks Big bro, She breathed out, I'll just quickly check on her then head to Lar's game she said.

Oh shoot, he completely forgot about that.

On their way out, cancel any plans I have from 5 till 8,and contact a private detective, make sure they're the best, also find new worker's, I'll be needing reports starting tomorrow, He said.


Chris only had 20minutes to get himself ready, he completely forgot about Larry's junior Football game.

He knew Margaret wasn't gonna be there, she never paid attention to things like that, and with the state she was in crying over a jewelry he doubt she even knew her only son had a game today.

He sprayed his signature Calvin Klein manly attraction perfume.

He opened his drawers and took out the key to his sports car, He wanted to show off for his brother, the kids loved it when he arrives in flashy things.

He arrived at the school's stadium and took his seat, it was Late, about five in the evening, the game was about to start, and Alot of single moms wouldn't stop looking over him, giving him the sexy side eye, he saw Lori on the field, cheering, she was a cheer leader, doing her thing, when she turned around he yelled her name and gave her a small wave, she was so excited she almost missed a rhythm.

The Guest team was Good but Chris had his money on THE HOUNDS Even if it didn't look like they were going to win, he saw as his little brother paced anxiously as he was benched yet again.

He had faith in Larry, even if he looked scrunny and had legs like fiddle sticks, he knew he was fast, that would be an advantage in the game, with much practice he will attain a buffed body.

The game ended with the Guest team winning with 37 to 28.

It was quite fun and intriguing Larry didn't get to play, maybe next time.


I waited by my car as the two came out into the school's parking loth.

Hey, I waved and they both hugged me, I smiled and messed up Larry's hair with my hand.

Woah. when did you get this? he asked examining my car,

It's recent I said pressing the button and the door slowly lifted up.

Wooooah!!! They both exclaimed.

This is so cool, the inside is All black, just like the outside o my God, is that a touch screen with easy Bluetooth connection? He asked.

It's voice activated, I said.

Whaaaat? voice activated, awesome, even if Larry seamed blowed away by my sports car, Lori wasn't really into it.

it's just a car Lar, she said Rolling her eyes.

Come-on I'll drop you guys home, I said as I watched fight over the front seat.

I called shot gun.

Na huh I called it first loser.

Great game. I said looking at them both from my rare mirror.

what's great about it? we lost and I got benched AGAIN!. He grumbled from the back.

You wouldn't have played well anyways with those tiny legs, Lori teased.

shut up he flared back.

Heyyyy. it's like that sometimes, you don't get things handed to you that easy, these are people who don't work for you so if you want to be the best in football you'll have to work for it. I wasn't that good at football at first, i tried cheering him up.

That's a lie, your literally good at everything Chris, he's just saying that so you won't feel like a loser, which you are by the way. Lori added gas to fire.

I exhaled. Teenage girls are mean I thought.