
Our world's cross

Two people from different social ladders meet. the other not knowing that each one existed in their own world, till fate push them towards each other. now they’ve got to ignor the difference in the social status they share because of love.

CJTheWriter1 · perkotaan
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22 Chs

Chapter 18.

It felt like a good day to visit the old man.

So Chris took his younger siblings, they both pouted and urged that neither of them would go anywhere without their caregiver, so he had to take Willow along aswell. The air was quite and he could see from the rare mirror lory laying on willows shoulders while Larry played with her hair they were becoming very attached, he didn't know If he should be happy or not, he moved in with them but neither of them seemed to care, here he was behind the steering wheel while they all sat behind him like he was their driver.

They stopped by a stall to get flowers and a box of chocolates.

"Grandpa would love this" lory said picking out some flowers.

"What do you think" she asked Willow shifting the flower to her nose so she could smell it.

She didn't even asked him, and they shared the same grandfather.

"Come check this out". Larry came forward dragging her along to the chocolate aisle.I'm here too, he thought as he pouted.


The visit was quit and sad, lory complained about it, she didn't get why everyone was still sad, they brought chocolates didn't they?.

Hump, when is grandpa gonna get better Larry asked as he held his hand.

"I don't know Larry, doctors said soon" i explained.

They've been saying that for like 6months now, shouldn't we like fly him abroad or something, I don't like it that grandpa's in a coma. Lory's word pierced him, and i knew it was true.

When we were done visiting they both ran out.

Miss Willow? I would like a word with you please I said.

Okay sir, run along lory I'll be right behind you she ordered with a smile.


You wished to see me sir? She asked standing behind me as I looked out the window.

Erm, i think you are doing a great job taking care of the children, and I appreciate that, but I think you should tune it down? You are their caregiver not their Bestfriend instill a little boundaries and rules, do you understand what I'm saying? I asked trying not to sound has pathetic as I feel

I avoided eye contact with her I know she was just doing her job but my jealousy was growing rapidly and I just couldn't stop it.

Okay? Sir? If that's what you want you are the boss. she responded with a tone .

Okay, you may leave I'll be down with you guys in a minute. And with that I dispose her off.


Larry was having troubles with the chocolate vending machine he had his eyes set on the snicker bar but so far he's had five chocolate bar, and none of them was what he wanted, he was running out of dollar notes.

DANG!! He hit the machine.

he looked left then looked right.

Fucking thieves he swore,

He wasn't satisfied he wanted the snicker bar he could already taste the savory sweetness.

He decided that there was no use crying over lost coins he would take his bars and share it with his siblings and Willow,

As he opened one and was about to munch it up, a male nurse wearing a facemask and a green overall walked by him, he didn't think much of it, because of the obvious fact that they were in an hospital and it wasn't an unusual sight to see.

He walked behind the nurse who was pushing a bed on wheels towards the elevator.

They both got in and Larry pressed the button to the first floor.

He was gonna go out and catch up with the rest maybe he could convince Chris to play charades with them, since Willow was here, it would be a boys VS girls match, he could already see them winning and wipeing the stupid smirk off lory's face, he really didn't want to beat Willow but ever since lory broke her damn leg she had become bitchier than usual and it was really ticking him off.

The elevator went ding.

And Larry walked out.

He paused.

"Huh? This isn't the first floor"

He turned around trying to head back in the elevator. He might had pressed the wrong button.


He felt something hit his head.


His head suddenly felt heavier like a whole crane of rocks just dropped on his head.

His eyes were slowly shutting up, he could see a shadowy figure dressed in a green overall.

What the f….

Larry hit the ground, He was out cold

The shadowy figure dragged him to the elevator door.

He picked him up from the floor and placed him on the bed.

Covering him with sheets.

The man pressed the elevator button and up they went.


I don't understand were all that came from, I am just doing my job, Mr Anthony could be really annoying sometimes,

Always acting so high and mighty I have Been working my ass off since I got here, the kids love me, Matter of fact EVERYBODY loved me, except maybe jada I always catch her giving me a death stare, but still, and here I was thinking I was about to get a raise, Talmabout setting boundaries.


Was he jealous? Is Mr Anthony jealous that I'm taking all is siblings attention ?

I pondered on the question.

Nah. I said out loud.

He couldn't be that childish, I mean he like has a lot of companies and he's always well behaved it would be so out of place if he was jealo…


I'm so sorry.

The nurse who bumped into me on my way out of the hospital apologized.

Nah it's okay I said shoving it off, you guys do a really great job here by the way I said ,As he hurriedly pushed his bed with the patient lieing on it.

I hated hospitals that person was probably dead or clinging on to dear life.

Considering the fact that they were being pushed out of the main hospital, they are probably gonna send them off to be cremated.

I sighed as I watched him pushed past me.

My eye caught something.

I know that blue Edox watch anywhere, I thought as I focused my attention on the hand that was wobbling on the bed.

Nah, it couldn't be.

Or could it?.


I called out.

The man turned his head slightly and continued of picking up the pace.


He refused to stop.

It got me more worried and suspicious.

Sir?? I need to ask you something I called

But that only made him run further away.

He took a left and I followed him.

He took another left, and like hell I followed him.

It looked like we were in the parking lot, there were barely people here.

Sir .I called, i was out of breath and finding it so hard to breath properly.

The man finally stopped near a van, he turned to look at me now.

But before I knew it, someone from behind placed a clothe on my nose, I struggled but this person was stronger.

All my struggling and muffled screams felt futile.

The light was fading away, and I could feel my eyes shutting,

I felt light headed, and everything sounded dull, all I could hear was the sound you hear when you switch on a really old T.V it was like a ringing in my ear.

I felt weak, and sweaty.

My eyes finally shut close.


The first thing she heard was the ringing in her ear, she tried to seat straight but she couldn't

She lost her balance every time she tried.

Oww she groaned.

She couldn't see anything her head hurt, and her eyes felt too heavy to open,

There was a sack over her head

What was this?

She tried to scream but later found out her mouth was gagged.

She tried moving, only to find out her hands were tied to her back.

What was this?

Was she being abducted?

Fear gripped her, she had heard of this side of new York but she never knew kidnapping could take place in the surburbs where rich people dwell.

She wanted to speak, atleast to tell them they've got the wrong person. She didn't have a penny to her name.

After awhile of calculating her next move, she came of the knowledge that she was in a moving vehicle.

She tried to stay calm.

What would these people want from her?

If she hadn't followed that man, maybe they though she knew too much, maybe they didn't want her to blow their cover, if she were in their shoes she'd do the same thing.

Her breathing was uneven and her heart was racing fast.

Am I gonna die?

Is this the end for me?

Kidnapped and tortured, maybe butchered for parts or worse, sold to sex trade.

She had seen this in movies but never in a million years had she thought it would ever happen to her.

She gulped down the puke that was threatening to come out.

She heard muffled tears besides her, she wasn't the only one kidnapped?

That's right, she remembered that man carrying someone else.

Her hands slowly moved to the direction she felt the sobbing was coming from she wanted to comfort them who ever they were.

"Who the fuck is this?"

She heard voices, husk voices, male voices, they were probably the kidnappers she thought.

"What are you talking about? I saw her earlier with him so she's probably somebody important"

"That doesn't answer the motherfucking question, who the fuck is this bitch you brought here? You grabbed the wrong girl you pendejo.