
Amongst the chaos .

Lindi tried running as she had a shoot next month ,this modeling career she sometimes wonder why she even went for it in the first place .

You work hard without a break ,limit food intake ,for a foody like her she actually risked a lot of things to just be a model .She didn't know why but today she just woke up nervous and her manager called her and told her she got a contract to be a ambassador of some big company .Now she was at it again starving herself and all.

She came to a stop at her house . The house was big the family was obviously doing well for themselves . Lindi went in , a tall guy in a business suit came out looking Handsome and all .

" don't starve your self too much " he said with a cold face but his words were obviously worried for her.

" don't worry brother i will not starve ,after this shoot I'm taking a break to maldives ,i need a fresh air " .Lindi said as she went close to her brother Lynncon .

He stepped back as his nose wrink " you wreck of sweat go take a shower you clearly need it "

" who said i need a shower? " she jokely looked around as she acted as if she doesn't understand her brother.

" Lindi hello im talking to you " Lynncon laughed with her as he pretended to not know what's she's on about .

" where are you going ? " Lindi asked as she looked at him .

" i have a meeting with that mysterious company ,i have to know the person behind it ." Lynncon prepared himself to leave.

" I also have to go to this company ,they said they have to see me .This might be the biggest break through for me " .Lindi said as she went upstairs.

Lynncon went out as he hurrying went to his car . He was on the top chain in business but there was this one company he couldn't beat,for years he's been trying to work with them but he couldn't .Now they scheduled a meeting he was finally meet the man behind all of this . He was very sure it's an old man . He have to give it to him he's talented .

Working together with this company is going to be the biggest breakthrough she needs .

Linda was also nervous for everything that was happening,the funny part is she didn't know where the nervousness came from.

As she walk along the corridor with her manager hot on her tale ,she didn't realize that she was going to meet her worst nightmare . The secret that she buried 5 years ago was about to come out .

The deeper she walked the more nervous she got ,sweat was dripping down her forehead as she tries making her breath even ..

" it's everything okay ? " her manager noticed her odd behavior as she asked while going near her .

A white as snow ,slender fingers stretched as they passed the water towards Lindi ,with unstable breath Lindi stretched her hand trying to get the water . As she raised her head the scene in front of her scared her .

' How ? Didn't she die that night?

What's going on ?'

" surprised?" With an evil smirk ,the woman looked at her with nothing but disgust .

" you didn't really think I'll die did you ? Didn't i tell you I'm the devil's reincarnation ,I will never in this life die easily will i ? " The smiling woman seem to be the catching up with Lindi as they were close to each other .

" I missed you so bad in the past years ,but you choose love over me didn't you ? " the woman made a sad face as she looked at Lindi ,the moment Lindi wanted to run away but for some odd reason sh couldn't .

The woman walked away with grace . You could tell that she is rich and she had a lot of money at that .

Lindi's face went through a lot of process as she couldn't accept this . The question remains ,how did she survive ? She was there when they buried her Now she's back to life looking healthy and well . For a moment she wanted to piss on herself because she was scared . But she had to hold his ground and not do anything crazy .

The manager looked at her suspicious as she lean against the wall behind her .

" I want to go home " Lindi said with tears streaming down her face .." Take me home " as she shouting not caring about people around her .

Her heart was in a mess .