

[ ongoing] keturah was in her room, when she was frightened by one of the maid who dashed into her room without even knocking. the maid had come in with an excruciating look on her pale face, keturah noticed tears at the brim of the maid's eyes that were threatening to fall. " what going on" keturah said as she looked at the maid's pale face. "it your mother, your highness" the maid said looking scared and worried "m-m-m-other?!" keturah said stammering. Upon hearing her mother's name from the mouth of of the trembling maid, she knew something was wrong. she dashed out of the room and ran to her father and mother's quarters. when she got there, her jaw dropped from what she saw " m-m-m-other!!!" keturah yelled as everyone turned around to see the devastated young vampiress on the ground sobbing hard. Keturah crawled to were her mother's lifeless body was and rested her head on her lap. keturah cried hard till noon. soon it was getting late, the guards were sent to pick the dead body in room by the king. when they came, keturah was resistant about taking the body away, she begged and begged the guard but yet no avail and her mother corpse was taken away. When keturah wanted to leave the room, she noticed something on the cabinet that was place under a golden jug filled with water. she went towards it and removed the object, and to her surprise it was a letter written in her mother's name. keturah opened the letter and it read " Dear keturah, I know I'm not with you here right now and I have gone to rest in a better place that I deserve, but I want I want you know that I'm always with you and I will never leave. this letter that your reading consist of how my life was ended by your father. Your father tortured me when I was alive. he will always hit me, time me up and starve me till I sometimes pass out due to to severe lack of good and constant food. he will rape me and threatened me not to tell anyone what going on behind the closed doors. He will bring his miststress to the room and get intimate with her in my present. the pain was unbearable and and I decided to confront him this noon. after a long quarrelling, he raised his hand and hit me hard till I fell unconscious. so decided to poison my self because I couldn't bear the pain anymore, but before I did, that I wanted you to know the kind of godforsaken bastard he was. please take care of yourself baby and always remember momma loves you child. Good bye forever. your mother". keturah went on her knees and cried loud while cursing her father. " mother I promise you that I will work hard and avenge your death, that is my oath to you. ****** Keturah is a young vampiress whose father is a king. she was every thing a man could ask for. from her lovely nature to her perfect curves. everything was perfect in her life until something tragic happened. Her mother committed suicide due to maltreatment from her godforsaken father. Keturah world shook, she decided to avenge her mother's death. but what happens when she decides to become a mafia leader. What happens when keturah crosses path Mr frowny face and his twin brother as they become sworn enemies. they both ran different companies in the mafia world. but later, they start to fall head over heels for each other. they fight for their right to love each other against those who questioned their love. *** join me in this wonderful story of how keturah and Mr frowny face love story blossom. I mean in every love story there is a fair war to be fought.

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16 Chs

CHAPTER 7 - " 60 whip" part 2

Keturah and Kingsley were chatting out side and they were strolling through the palace garden. " owwwww, my hand, it hurt" keturah cried as a nail had pierced through her palm.

" let me take a look at that" Kingsley said taking her hand. " ouch, that deep" Kingsley said trying to remove the nail and he finally succeeded after many attempt because keturah was flinching as he was trying to remove the nail. Kingsley took a little handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped her hand with it to stop the blood from dripping. " thank you Kingsley, you are a good man" keturah said thanking Kingsley.

Keturah was about to stand up, when Kingsley trapped her on the chair in-between his arm.

" I have been good, don't I deserve a reward maybe one night or a kiss will do " Kingsley said to keturah. Keturah jaw dropped and she turned red from embarrassment. " w-what are you saying" keturah said trying to push Kingsley. He grabbed keturah and pushed to a wall and tried to kiss her. " if you resistant, I promise that I will make your life a living hell when we get married. " I don't remember tell you that I like you and I want us to get married" keturah said frowning her face. Keturah got really mad and threw him across a wall and it broke.

" what going on here" king Dylan said as he came down to the garden with Queen pricila

where they saw Kingsley lying on the ground. " can you believe Kingsley tried to take advantage of me and threatened me" keturah said as her eyes turned as red as blood.

Queen pricila was astounded by what she heard and couldn't believe Kingsley could do that. she had seen him assisting one of the maid in carrying the plate after the table was set for breakfast. " Kingsley, is this true" asked king Dylan.

" No sir, I only told her I liked her character and will love to have her as my wife" Kingsley lied with an excruciating look on his face trying to be pitied by the king. Keturah was astounded by the lie as her jaw dropped. " how dare you hit a king" king Dylan said. " he was the one who star-" Keturah's words were cut short by a sudden slap that landed on her face by her father. she was surprised as she held her face with shame and anger. " you have crossed the line young lady, and today you shall be punished. guards take her to the dungeon and give her 60 stroke of cane" king Dylan said.

" please don't do this, let talk this out like a normal family" Queen pricila begged on her knees. King Dylan didn't pay heed to her pleading and walked away. she followed him while begging until they both got to the room. " why are you doing this, what will you gain in ruining Keturah's life. this is your daughter for Chris sake, do you want her to hate y-"

SLAP !!!

king Dylan slapped her. " it's like you haven't been punished for a while, come here" king Dylan said. Queen pricila walked toward him in a slow pace as there was fear and in her eyes. king Dylan grabbed her and pushed her to the bed as she falls flat on it. he unbuckled

his belt and forcefully had sex with her.

After a while of crying in the room, king Dylan stood up and buckled his belt again. whilst on the bed, Queen pricila cries as half of her clothes were thorn. she was sad at the same time filled with anger. king Dylan was about to leave when Queen pricila said " you this bastard, why won't keturah hate you when you want to destroy her innocent live, every day you hit and rape me threatening me not to talk. imagine what will happen when keturah and her siblings will do to you when they find out what you do to their mother behind the close door. Always remember that 'what happens in the dark, will surely come to light '

get out" queen pricila said as tears flowed from her eyes.

In the dungeon keturah sat down, resting her back on the wall. she is covered with sweat and blood all over her body. she heard the dungeon door jiggle as she knew someone entered. " princess keturah, please get up" general Frank said looking at the girl who had an excruciating look on her face. he felt pity for her as himself didn't like the fact that she was always being tortured by the king, deep down he knew she was strong and will oneday be at the top of the world and people will worship and adore her for who she is.

keturah slowly stood up with the help of general Frank as he helped her walk to her room. Frank opened the door as he spotted Alicia arranging Keturah's clothes . " Alicia, let her have her bath and when she is done serve her some food" Frank said to Alicia whose eye were widened at the sight of keturah who looked half dead. Frank noticed the look on Alicia's face and said " don't worry she will be fine, we vampires heal quicker than humans" who patted Alicia hand with his huge hands. Alicia blushed at the touch of Frank as he noticed the blush giving her a small smile. Alicia nodded her head and walked toward the bathroom to prepare a bath for keturah who was on the bed asleep. Frank left the room and was walking back to the training grounds where he had unfinished business.

"so she a crush on me, I'll have to find out my self" Frank said to himself as he continued to walk.

Keturah who was done bathing and eating, was getting a massage from Alicia. " uhhhhhhh, isn't he cute with angelic eyes if his" Alicia said as she daydreamed of Frank whilst patting Keturah's back with a hot towel.

keturah tries to get up as her back was numb from not sitting down right. " your highness, please don't get up" Alicia said as she snapped out of her daydream.

" don't worry, I will be okay. can you help me pack some casual outfits, I will spending some days at Chris and Amira's house.