

“You’re bloody” Rebecca commented on her husband’s appearance.

He’d forgotten that he had blood on his clothes. “Thando is in hospital”

Rebecca scoffed. “Of course she is. I’m guessing that’s the reason you came here?” Marcus rubbed his face, feeling extremely tired He couldn’t understand why his wife was starting a fight with him when they could be celebrating.

“How is she?” He decided to change the topic and move to the reason he was at the hospital, well one of the reasons.

“You can’t touch her looking like that she’s susceptible to…” Rebecca sighed. It felt useless trying to reason with him, he never listened. At least not to her.

“How are you? Shouldn’t you be asleep?”

“Would you be asleep knowing that while you’re in labour your husband was taking care of other people instead of his family? You’re a father now, but honestly I don’t know what I was thinking… I thought you’d at least be here for her, if not for me.”

Her words left the room tense.


Meanwhile on the other side of the hospital it was just as tense – if not worse. Jordan was looking for a way to escape before Adam found out that he was the culprit. But a part of him was not shaken; he did not allow himself to fear a man who’d stolen from his future wife and a father that left her at the first sight of trouble- even if his fists were deadly.

Thando who was quite attractive as per Jordan’s observation and seemed like a gentle soul had been discarded by those she’d trusted the most. She’d been let down by the people she’d tried to please with everything she had. This gave Jordan a new insight into things. He could not help but realise how much gratitude he lacked in his life. He could not help but see how much he’d taken his family through.

All he needed was a moment that wold force him to compare his life with another’s. That stranger had to be Thando. She had to be the moment he truly wanted change. A change in mind-set and in lifestyle and he’d told himself he work on it – that is if he didn’t end up in prison. Jordan was facing serious charges for speeding in a public area and even worse landing someone in hospital due to him being irresponsible. And if – only if the young lady does not survive, he’ll face murder charges. Life had changed drastically for everyone that day.

February 15th, only a day after valentines, the time Adam had decide it was good to celebrate with his betrothed danger followed her. If she ever woke up she’d realised that it was not love that urged him but rather guilt and shame and the sense of offense towards he soon to b wife.

It was not completely horrible, Marcus and his wife had welcomed a new life into their family and more than anything it was a blessing. Perhaps it was a sign for Marcus- to change his priorities- as per his wife’s wishes…

One thing was sure* they all changed in ways they never thought they would but…

They all changed because of that fateful day.