
Wishful Wish

The Lapland outside the window was an indestructible starlight that shone brightly and without end for twenty-four hours a day.

The elegant old lady with silver hair and green eyes walked over and gently asked Du Jinnian, "Lad, we will close soon. Are you still going to wait?"

Du Jinnian raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was indeed getting late, but the person he was waiting for had not appeared yet.

He smiled apologetically at the old lady and asked in a gentle tone, "Boss, I'm really sorry. May I ask how long it will take for you to close?"

"Sir, we still have half an hour." The old lady told Du Jinnian honestly.

Du Jinnian gave the old lady another large bill and smiled warmly, "Sorry for the trouble, can you let me wait for another hour?"

The old lady looked at Du Jinnian's sincere face and returned the bill to him, agreeing to his request in a friendly manner.