

After the postoperative pain, Lili's condition returned to normal. Du Jinnian gently held Lili's hand and cautiously asked, "Sofia, can you see me now?"

Cheng Zinuo took her hand from Du Jinnian's palm and fumbled around in the air. At the same time, she tried to open her eyes wide in an attempt to see Du Jinnian's figure.

However, before her eyes was still darkness. She could not see anything.

Her eyes were still blind.

Cheng Zinuo sat dumbly on the sickbed, not moving at all. Her face was expressionless, but her heart seemed to be breaking bit by bit.

Du Jinnian didn't expect Cheng Zinuo's vision to not have recovered either. He raised his hand with difficulty and slowly stroked Cheng Zinuo's face with a gentle tone. "Amy, don't be afraid. This is temporary. I will definitely find a way to cure your eyes."