

After careful consideration, Du Jinnian decided not to look at Cheng Zinuo and Xiaojun.

He couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't break down when he saw them.

If something went wrong and Cheng Zinuo and Xiaojun found him, how would they feel when they saw that he was disabled and unable to walk?

He didn't want to add to their problems.

Therefore, he decided to keep Zinuo and Xiaojun on his mind. It had also been a lifetime since then.

Qin Xiazhi's heart ached for Du Jinnian. He couldn't bear to see Du Jinnian suffering from lovesick all the time, so he had to think of a way for Du Jinnian to meet Cheng Zinuo and Xiaojun.

More importantly, what method should I use?

When dusk fell, Cheng Zinuo packed her desk and prepared to go home.

Suddenly, her landline rang.

The extension number showed that it was the front desk.

Cheng Zinuo quickly answered the phone, "Hello, Little Yu. What's the matter?"