
Total Heart

Cheng Zinuo was hospitalized again.

The reason she was hospitalized was that she suddenly vomited last night when she was in a coma.

If she arrived at the hospital later, Cheng Zinuo would most likely die from respiratory obstruction.

Du Jinnian's heart seemed to be stuck in his throat. He nervously asked the doctor, "Doctor, why would my wife vomit when she already has a swallowing function?"

The doctor told Du Jinnian truthfully, "Mr. Du, your wife is suffering from a lack of intestinal motility. In the future, pay attention to the type and quantity of liquid food injected into your wife."

Du Jinnian was confused, "Doctor, I've always been following the standard you gave me to prepare and inject the liquid food for my wife. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any problems here."

The doctor frowned, his voice firm. "But, according to my diagnosis, that's the reason."