
Too Late

Her eyes were misty and her heart throbbed in pain. Cheng Zinuo held back her tears and looked at Du Jinnian who had a face full of regret. She said in a low voice, "Du Jinnian, do you think that just by saying sorry to me, you can make up for all the harm you did to me? Would it be enough to revive our dead child? It was useless. It's too late! "

With that, Cheng Zinuo pulled Xiaojun's hand and left.

Cheng Zinuo's mood crumbled the moment she got into the taxi. Tears fell like rain from her eyes as she sobbed silently.

Du Jinnian, I am a woman who loved you dearly but was hurt all over by you.

I'm not the kind of clothes you want or don't want!

It's been so many years since you let go of my hand, and I can't remember how to smile sincerely.

I've been waiting for you to show up, to give me a hug, to tell me that it wasn't my fault.

But again and again you push me into the abyss of darkness, until my heart shatters to pieces.