
Struggle for

Du Jinnian quickly grabbed Chu Xiaolu's shoulder and pushed her against the back. His black eyes turned cold. "Chu Xiaolu, are you crazy!"

"Jinnian, I know exactly what I'm doing. I really don't want you to suffer from loneliness. I can satisfy you, and I don't need you to take responsibility. "

Du Jinnian took Chu Xiaolu's clothes off the ground in disgust and threw them onto her body heavily, "Who do you think I am? Hurry up and put your clothes on! "

He went into the bedroom and locked the door.

Chu Xiaolu instantly felt distressed. She put on her clothes again and silently walked out.

Through the window, Du Jinnian saw Chu Xiaolu standing by the side of the road, waiting for the car.

Considering that it was the rush hour, Du Jinnian probably wouldn't be able to get to the taxi anytime soon. He called Chen, who was living nearby, "Chen, please come out. Chu Xiaolu is outside my house right now, you drive her home."