

In the ward, Cheng Zinuo looked at Xiaojun, who was breathing heavily on the sickbed. Hot tears rolled down her face and burned her heart.

After this period of medical treatment, Xiaojun's ductus arteriosus was still open, and complications of pulmonary hypertension occurred, requiring a lung transplant, the doctor said.

Lung transplantation is currently recognized as one of the most difficult organs to transplant, not only is the cost of surgery frightening, but also the risk of surgery, and organ costs are not reimbursable.

Xiaojun's situation was high-risk. He needed money in every aspect. Cheng Zinuo had to pay up to 600,000 yuan before the doctor could operate on Xiaojun.

Xiaojun's life was hanging by a thread. Cheng Zinuo's heart felt like it was being stabbed by knives. She felt an unprecedented sense of despair, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. She wanted nothing more than to crush Xiaojun into pieces.

All these years, she had spent almost all of her money on treating Xiaojun, so where could she go to get this astronomical six hundred thousand?

However, if there was no money, Xiaojun would have died!

Xiaojun was her life. If Xiaojun was gone, she wouldn't be able to survive either.


She couldn't just accept it like that!

No matter what, she must let Xiaojun live!

Regardless of whether Du Jinnian believed her or not, she had to tell him that Xiaojun was her and his son. As Xiaojun's father, he had to save his own flesh and blood!

After knowing that Cheng Zinuo had reached the first floor of Du's Group, Du Jinnian came in front of Cheng Zinuo with a dark face and coldly asked, "Who told you to come to my company?"

Without waiting for Cheng Zinuo to speak, Du Jianing, who was standing behind Du Jinnian, immediately walked over to Cheng Zinuo. She pretended to be passionate as she held Cheng Zinuo's hand, with a fake smile, "Ms Zinuo, why are you here? We haven't seen each other in years, and I miss you. "

Amy didn't have the leisure to watch Du Jianing act. She pushed Du Jianing away in disgust and looked at the cold Du Jinnian across from her with red eyes, "Jinnian, our son is very ill. If he isn't operated on, he will die. But, I do not have six hundred thousand, please save our son! "

Du Jinnian was stunned. He grabbed Cheng Zinuo's collar and said with a cold expression, "Cheng Zinuo, what nonsense are you talking about? You and I have been divorced for five years.

Du Jianing, who was standing to the side, clenched her fist. A sharp, cold light seemed to flash in her eyes.

"Shortly after our divorce, my parents both died of illness, and on the day of the funeral, I found out that I was pregnant with your child. For the past five years, I have been raising Xiaojun on my own. Xiaojun has congenital cardiovascular disease. At this point, if I wasn't at my wit's end, I wouldn't have come looking for you. " Cheng Zinuo told Du Jinnian in tears.

Du Jinnian slowly let go of Cheng Zinuo. He stared at Cheng Zinuo and said, "So, you worked so hard to earn money just to treat Wu Tie's illness?"

Cheng Zinuo nodded with tears in her eyes. "Yes."

Du Jinnian's heart ached. He finally understood why Cheng Zinuo was working as a flight attendant, selling alcohol and cigars to the bosses at a snack center. She didn't even hesitate to be his bed tool, allowing him to torture her with a vengeful attitude.

Du Jianing didn't expect Cheng Zinuo to give birth to a child for Du Jinnian. Worried that Du Jinnian would feel sympathy for Cheng Zinuo, she deliberately undid the scar on Du Jinnian's heart. "Mr Jinnian, you have to do a paternity test to know whether Xiaojun is your son or not. Don't forget, Ms Zinuo was in Dad's room on your wedding night. "

What she meant was that Xiaojun was most likely Du Jinnian's father's son, and Cheng Zinuo was trying to make Du Jinnian become the scapegoat.

Cheng Zinuo was furious. She went up and gave Du Jianing a resounding slap!

"Du Jianing, clean your mouth!" Xiaojun is the son of Jinnian and me! "

Du Jianing covered her face and hid in Du Jinnian's embrace, pretending to cry out of grievance. "Mr Jinnian, I'm speaking the truth. Ms Zinuo actually hit me!"

The gentleness on Du Jinnian's face instantly disappeared. He remembered the scene of him personally seeing Cheng Zinuo standing by his father's bed and reaching her hand towards his father's neck, as well as the scene of his father pointing his finger at Cheng Zinuo while he was on the verge of death.

The next second, Du Jinnian gripped Cheng Zinuo's arm tightly, his gaze was terrifyingly deep, "Cheng Zinuo, I have to do paternity test, the results will be out in eight hours. If you dare to mess with me, I'll show you!"

In order to save Xiaojun, Cheng Zinuo had no choice but to follow Du Jinnian's wishes. Xiaojun was originally the son of Du Jinnian and her, so she wasn't afraid of Du Jinnian doing paternity testing.

However, at noon the next day, when Cheng Zinuo came back to the ward from the washroom, she felt as if she was struck by lightning — Xiaojun had disappeared!