

Du Jinnian rushed to the hospital from the company after receiving a call from Du Jianing.

He pushed open the door of the ward. Du Jianing was lying on the sickbed, crying softly.

"Jianing, you've been crying on the phone, and now you're still crying. What happened to you?" Du Jinnian was worried.

Du Jianing threw herself into Du Jinnian's embrace, her tears falling like rain, "Mr Jinnian, the doctor said my leg is finished, I'm crippled! What difference do I have between me and a dead person in the future? It's fine if I die! "

Du Jinnian's heart skipped a beat, and he grabbed Du Jianing by the shoulder with an incredulous look on his face. "Sofia, did you mishear what I said this afternoon? What I'm telling you is, the doctor said your leg will heal and you won't be crippled. "