

Chu Xiaolu did not expect Du Jinnian to know that she had instigated Liu Liyang to beat Xiaojun. Luckily, Du Jinnian did not know the purpose of her actions, so she shook her head with a feeling of wishful thinking. "Jinnian, I didn't do that. I am also a mother, how could I do anything to a child? "

"Chu Xiaolu, you need me to prove something before you admit to it?" Qin Songping forced you and your father to leave this place. I was kind enough to take you in. You almost killed Zinuo, but Zinuo let you off the hook on behalf of you and Zhuzhu. But you? "He won't change even if he's dead. He won't even let Zinuo's and my child off!"

At this point, Du Jinnian would no longer believe Chu Xiaolu's lie. His heart was thoroughly cold.