

At 1: 05 A.M., Cheng Zinuo was pushed out of the operating room by the paramedics.

Cheng Zinuo was still in a coma.

Du Jinnian quickly grabbed a doctor's arm and asked worriedly, "Doctor, how is my wife?"

The doctor told Du Jinnian truthfully, "Don't worry, the operation went smoothly. However, given the time available, patients still needed to be transferred to the intensive care unit to observe daylight. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning we will transfer to the ordinary ward. "

Hearing the doctor's words, Du Jinnian felt that his previous worries were unnecessary, so he heaved a sigh of relief.

It was finally 10 AM when Cheng Zinuo was transferred to the ordinary ward. She was already awake.

However, the anesthetic failed and the postoperative pain struck. Cheng Zinuo became agitated and annoyed at whatever she saw. It was completely different from the previous state she was in. However, Cheng Zinuo herself did not notice.