
Narrow Road

Cheng Zinuo thought for an entire night before finally deciding to make a comeback for herself.

Since Ann Susu was unwilling to admit that she had betrayed Du's Group, then there was no use in repeatedly teaching Ann Susu.

It was because of her patience with Ann Susu that Ann Susu was becoming more and more aggressive towards her.

She could not tolerate Ann Susu any longer. She had to use legal means to protect herself. Only by sending Ann Susu to prison and making her thoroughly reflect on herself would she be able to turn over a new leaf and return to a new person.

Therefore, Cheng Zinuo felt that the first thing she had to do was to find Du Jinnian to get the original design manuscript and the copy, and obtain Ann Susu's fingerprint on it. As one of the evidence, she could then file a lawsuit against Ann Susu and Lyu Zhenxiong.

Thinking that she had to do it, Cheng Zinuo finished her breakfast and headed straight for the Du's Group.