

Du Jinnian immediately chased after Lili and stopped her, "Amy, can't you give me some time to explain?"

Cheng Zinuo stared at Du Jinnian with a cold expression and said in a low voice, "Du Jinnian, what else do you have to say for yourself? Forget it. "

With that, she pushed Du Jinnian away and got into her car.

Watching Cheng Zinuo drive off on her own, Du Jinnian quickly instructed Chen, "Chen, follow Amy in my car. Don't let anything go wrong with her."

Chen immediately did as he was told.

Cheng Zinuo tightened her grip on the steering wheel and sped on, her heart aching with the pressure of the car.

The sky suddenly began to rain, and bean-sized raindrops began to rain on the window. The rain-sensing wiper was swaying with the amount of rain, and the view in front of him was sometimes clear and sometimes blurry.