

The underlying meaning of Xu Zhiwen's words was: Luo Manli, no matter what we guessed the reason for Du Jinnian and Cheng Zinuo's break up, even if you have to go to a remote mountainous area to teach, don't secretly tell Cheng Zinuo Du Jinnian's difficulties behind my back. I want to reconnect with Cheng Zinuo for a very simple reason. I want to protect her and not let her get involved with Du Jinnian.

It was because of this that he didn't drive away immediately after sending Luo Manli back to the residential complex. He thought for a long time in the car and finally decided to go to Cheng Zinuo's house to remind her again not to say anything bad. At the same time, he did not want Luo Manli to go to the remote mountainous areas where he did not want her to suffer.