

Du Jinnian didn't expect Du Jianing to hear what he said to Cheng Zinuo. Surprise flashed across his eyes. He then explained to Du Jianing with a calm expression, "I'm not giving it to Cheng Zinuo. I'm giving it to Xiaojun. Cheng Zinuo will only temporarily operate it for Xiaojun."

Lili's lungs were about to explode from Du Jinnian's anger. She yelled at him, "Isn't giving Xiaojun the same as giving it to Amy? Du Jinnian, are you out of your mind? Amy and Dad betrayed you back then! They even had children! "Do you really think of Amy and her father's child as yours?"

30% of the shares in Du's Group was not a small amount. Was it because Du Jinnian was generous to his ex-wife, or was it because Cheng Zinuo asked Du Jinnian for a favor?

Were the two of them allying together to bully her, her legal wife?

This was simply too much!