

The moment Cheng Zinuo fell to the ground, she heard the rumbling sound of the collapsing wall. Immediately after that, Du Jinnian hugged her tightly and rolled her to the corner of the wall with all his might.

The switch on the other side of the room was broken, and the wires were cut in a shower of sparks. The next second, there was a loud noise, and stones flew everywhere. The desk was set ablaze — the fire spread rapidly, and smoke filled the entire office.

Fire! Fire again!

Cheng Zinuo was stupefied. She had a serious shadow in her heart, and the moment she saw the fire, she immediately lost all her strength.

In a moment of desperation, Du Jinnian quickly took off his jacket and spilled the water from the vase beside him on his jacket.

He helped Cheng Zinuo up, whose limbs were weak, and covered her head with his coat. He then carried Cheng Zinuo on his back, saying, "Sofia, don't be afraid, I'm here!"