

Du Jinnian didn't get any calls from Cheng Zinuo until noon the next day. Feeling that something was wrong, he called Cheng Zinuo. In the end, Cheng Zinuo's phone was turned off!

Why did his phone suddenly shut down?

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Du Jinnian's mind. Without giving it much thought, he immediately drove to the Lu family.

Arriving at the Lu residence, Du Jinnian asked Lu Xuanyu anxiously, "Lu Xuanyu, where is Zinuo?"

Lu Xuanyu, who was sitting on the wheelchair, pretended to cover his face and cry. He was in extreme pain, "Zinuo, she … "She …"

Du Jinnian saw that Lu Xuanyu couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time. His heart was burning with anxiety. "What happened to Zinuo?"