

The post on Weibo was about Du Jinnian having a tax problem. Currently, the relevant departments had already been involved in the investigation, and the shares of Du's Group also had quite a bit of fluctuation because of this.

Cheng Zinuo stared at the phone in astonishment, her heart seemed to be caught in her throat.

What was going on?

How could Du Jinnian have a tax problem?

Cheng Zinuo could not believe it. She came back to her senses and immediately dialed Du Jinnian's number. However, no one answered for the time being.

Could it be that Du Jinnian is still under investigation?

Cheng Zinuo was nervous. She hurriedly made breakfast and told Xiaojun not to forget to eat, but she didn't have any appetite.

After arriving at Du Family, the one who opened the door for Cheng Zinuo was a nanny. Cheng Zinuo anxiously asked, "Where's Mr. Du?"