

After a long period of silence, Master Xi finally compromised. He said in a low voice, "Du Jinnian, take Zinuo and leave this place. We will write off all the things that happened in the past."

After saying this, Master Xi actually felt relieved.

Ever since Ann Susu had sent Cheng Zinuo over to him and told him to keep an eye on her, he hadn't slept peacefully for a single day.

Even if he arranged for people to keep an eye on Cheng Zinuo at all times, he was afraid that Cheng Zinuo would be discovered.

In this fear, he owed Cheng Zinuo, he owed Cheng Zinuo's husband and children, and as time went on, he owed them more and more.

In order to make up for his indebtedness, he could only make up for Cheng Zinuo's insanity in material terms and give her his full support in his work.

When his son became reliant on Cheng Zinuo, she treated him sincerely. In addition to being moved, he also felt a mountain of guilt.