

Seeing Ann Susu in a daze, Du Jinnian asked in confusion, "Sis, what are you thinking about?"

Ann Susu jumped in fright and couldn't help but to shake her shoulders. She came back to her senses and looked flustered, "Jinnian, what did you say just now?"

Du Jinnian couldn't help but tighten his grip on the chopsticks as he wondered: Why does Ann Susu look so nervous when I mentioned Ha City?

He didn't show any abnormalities as he looked at Ann Susu with a calm expression. "Sis, I mean, if you understand Ha City, you can tell me what specialties are there. I'll buy some and share it with everyone."

Ann Susu forced a smile and told Du Jinnian while averting her eyes, "Oh, specialty, specialty, like ginseng, hazel mushroom, wood ear, these are all pretty good. If you like pickled vegetables, you can buy some pickled orange stems. That's all I know. "

Du Jinnian nodded in understanding, "OK, thank you, Sis."