

Just when the burly man wearing a black mask and hat was about to stab Du Jinnian with his knife, the police officer suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

When the burly man saw the police chasing after him, he was so shocked that he immediately ran away …

The next second, Kong Linlin's anxious voice sounded at the mouth of the alley, "Jinnian!"

Soon, she rushed to Du Jinnian's side and helped him up.

Du Jinnian's left arm was bleeding and his sleeves were stained red. Lili's heart ached and tears welled in her eyes. "Jinnian, come on. I'll take you to the hospital."

Du Jinnian lost too much blood, so his entire body lost energy. He couldn't even stand properly, let alone walk.

Kong Linlin gritted her teeth and carried Du Jinnian on her back.