

"Mom, please remarry your father!" Xiaojun so much hope that Cheng Zinuo and Du Jinnian can be reunited.

"Sofia, Jinnian has always loved you. After the misunderstanding was resolved, he had always been making up for the mistakes he made in the past. You should know what he had done for you. Especially in the months that you've been sick, Jinnian has taken care of you. If he didn't have you in his heart, he wouldn't do it for you. So, marry Jinnian again, okay? " Amy was also pleading with Cheng Zinuo.

Xu Zhiwen felt that he wasn't fit to stay here at this moment, so he tactfully walked out with a sad expression.

Cheng Zinuo raised her head and stared at Du Jinnian. Her lost heart was returning, and the road in front of her began to brighten up.

Yeah, if Du Jinnian didn't love me, why would he sacrifice so much for me?

He knew he was wrong and was wholeheartedly trying to save me. In that case, am I really unable to turn back?