

Cheng Zinuo tried her best to resist and finally got away from Lu Xuanyu. She ran towards the door, but Lu Xuanyu caught up to her and blocked her in the corner.

"Lu Xuanyu, are you crazy!?" Let me go! "

Cheng Zinuo panted and wanted to slap Lu Xuanyu.

Lu Xuanyu suddenly grabbed Cheng Zinuo's wrist and buckled it on top of Cheng Zinuo's head. He was breathing rapidly and his eyes were filled with greed, "Amy, I can't let you go. I really love you, so just let me be, okay?"

With these words, he forced his head into Cheng Zinuo's neck in an attempt to plot against her.

In a moment of desperation, in order to protect herself, Cheng Zinuo raised her knee and mercilessly attacked Lu Xuanyu's vitals.

Lu Xuanyu fell to the ground in pain.

Cheng Zinuo took the opportunity to leap over Lu Xuanyu and was about to open the door. Unexpectedly, Lu Xuanyu grabbed her foot again and she collapsed on the tea table on the side, caught off guard.