
Our Greatest Love

Jung Ji Won, commonly known as Chloe Jung, is a well-loved and famous actress all over the world for her perfect portrayals in various movies since she was 6 years old. She is also known for being a genius, skipping her early education, going to college at 13 and being the youngest intern doctor at the age of only 18. Her life has been smooth sailing until that unfortunate incident 5 years ago... ---- Yoon Ho Young is one of the most successful business man, leading the richest conglomerate in Korea. He was enjoying being a child actor until the death of his parents that forced him to mature early as he is the only heir of HY Group of Companies. But that did not make him a cold and ruthless person. In fact, he is labeled as the perfect man to have as a husband; tall, handsome, a perfect body under his suits (as people assumed), a philanthropist who helps the poor, and is filthy rich. ---- "NOOOOO!!!!!!" Ji Won woke up screaming and sweating. It's been a year since she woke up from being comatose for three years, 4 years in total since she escaped yet she still get nightmares about those dark and bloody months in the woods. Breathing heavily... sweat and tears running down her pretty face... She raised her shaking hand to cover her face, her whole body shaking violently... laying flat on her back, she stayed in that position without moving for almost half an hour. When she realized that she can't seem to relax, she removed her hand from her face and reached out for her phone. With shaky fingers, she pressed and hold number 1 on the dialer and waited for THAT someone to answer her call... ############# ❕DISCLAIMER❕ The photo is not mine.

Crimson_Ronin · Umum
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11 Chs

She's Awake

For three long years of being comatose, the unconscious beauty has shown a sign of waking up for the very first time. But there was no one to see it. The doctor has strictly advised the schedule for the visiting hours while the most highly-skilled nurses are the only ones who comes and goes every 30 minutes to check on Ji Won.


Two weeks has passed by since the first movement from Ji Won. After that first time, she has not shown any signs until the next day.


The next day...

At around three in the afternoon, a black maybach entered the underground parking space of HY hospital. Following behind are 2 black SUVs. The maybach parked at a designated parking lane for the JUNG Family while the two SUVs was parked at both side of the maybach, securely and effectively covering the luxurious car.

A middle aged couple and a teenage girl and boy got off the maybach. With just one look, one can tell that they are a family. The father and daughter duo both carrying a pot of rose plants while the mother is carrying a new set of linens and the son is carrying a small box full of a few letters sent by Ji Won's fans. They made their way to visit their eldest daughter/sister.



The elevator doors opened when it arrived at the top floor of the hospital that is meant for the VVIP's and the immediate members of the Yoon Family.

The corridor that was brightly lit by the fluorescent lights is very quiet. Only the sound of footsteps of the 4 Jungs could be heard. They entered the room at the end of the corridor. That room is where Ji Won stays. The spacious VIP room has a mini living/waiting room, a mini kitchen, bathroom, and a bed room wherein the beauty sleeps.


With the sound of the outer door opening, Ji Won's eyes fluttered. Slowly, a pair of beautiful gray irises was revealed behind the eyelids that's been shut for 3 years. She squinted her eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the brightness of her surroundings.

The four people that entered the room are still completely clueless as to what's happening with the beauty on the hospital bed. They were still outside and were all busy with their own tasks like putting what they're carrying at an appropriate place in the room and going to the bathroom to get a towel to wipe Ji Won.

Going back to the beauty, she is looking at the ceiling as she tries to assess what happened and where she is at the moment. She remembered the moment before she lost consciousness at the middle of a forest due to exhaustion and blood loss. After that, she does not have any idea at all. She tried to speak but the inside of her mouth and her throat is dry. She furrowed her brows.

'Where am I? What happened?... Water, I want water.' She was thinking hard when she felt the urgent need to drink water to ease her parched throat. She tried to speak again.


She took deep breaths as she felt the frustration. For the third time she tried to speak again.

"Wa-wat-ter.. wat-er... water."

Her brother, Ji hoon, heard someone speak. As he is in the bedroom sorting out the fan letters, he was able to hear Ji Won's whispered demand. He jolted straight from his crouching position when he finally realized where the sound came from. He turned around with wide eyes to look at his sister. What greeted him was the beautiful gray eyes of his sister. Seeing those beautiful eyes again, Ji hoon rushed to the bedside and cried, "Sis!"

He then called for his parents and sister. "She's awake! Mom! Dad! Ji Su! She's awake! Big sis is awake!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and cried his eyes out.


Hearing the distressed cries of Ji hoon, Mr. and Mrs. Jung as well as Ji Su rushed into the room.

Here you go ?

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