
Our Greatest Love

Jung Ji Won, commonly known as Chloe Jung, is a well-loved and famous actress all over the world for her perfect portrayals in various movies since she was 6 years old. She is also known for being a genius, skipping her early education, going to college at 13 and being the youngest intern doctor at the age of only 18. Her life has been smooth sailing until that unfortunate incident 5 years ago... ---- Yoon Ho Young is one of the most successful business man, leading the richest conglomerate in Korea. He was enjoying being a child actor until the death of his parents that forced him to mature early as he is the only heir of HY Group of Companies. But that did not make him a cold and ruthless person. In fact, he is labeled as the perfect man to have as a husband; tall, handsome, a perfect body under his suits (as people assumed), a philanthropist who helps the poor, and is filthy rich. ---- "NOOOOO!!!!!!" Ji Won woke up screaming and sweating. It's been a year since she woke up from being comatose for three years, 4 years in total since she escaped yet she still get nightmares about those dark and bloody months in the woods. Breathing heavily... sweat and tears running down her pretty face... She raised her shaking hand to cover her face, her whole body shaking violently... laying flat on her back, she stayed in that position without moving for almost half an hour. When she realized that she can't seem to relax, she removed her hand from her face and reached out for her phone. With shaky fingers, she pressed and hold number 1 on the dialer and waited for THAT someone to answer her call... ############# ❕DISCLAIMER❕ The photo is not mine.

Crimson_Ronin · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Let's hangout!

HY GROUP headquarters...

Every now and then, Yoon Ho Young drops what he's currently working on just to check his phone. He is checking to see if Jung Ji Won has read his message. He checks his wristwatch and sees that it's almost noon yet there's no response from her.

He bit his lip and made a smacking sound. A habit he does whenever he feels insecure.

His left elbow propped on the table as he supports his head. His left hand on his forehead as his right hand lazily holds a pen.

"Is she angry at me? *sigh* .... What should I do?..." He keeps mumbling to himself while absent mindedly signing some documents that needs his immediate approval. Putting all his trust that his secretary has already read it since he's in no mood to work at all.



Lee Ho Jin came into the office without knocking right after Ho Young pressed the intercom system. Seeing his friend-slash-boss in his current disposition, he simply shook his head and chuckled. Ho Jin approached the table with a growing grin on his handsome face.

"Do you need your awesome one-in-a-million secretary or your irreplaceable amazing best friend?" Ho Jin asked in an amused tone when he's standing right in front of his friend at the other side of the table. He's enjoying himself while teasing this weakened friend who's usually the strongest and most impeccable among their group of friends.

"I need both...*sigh*" He raised his head to look at his friend. His eyes looking so lost as he honestly answered his friend. Ho Young knows that he's being teased but he doesn't care the least right at the moment.

Then he released another long sigh yet again. Ho Young picked up all the signed documents and passed it over to Ho Jin.

"You know what to do with those... But I don't know what to do with this." Retracting his eyes from his friend, Ho Young looked so forlorn when he checked his phone yet again to see that his message has already been seen but still received no response from Ji Won. Ho Young raked his hair. He then took deep breaths to calm his fast beating heart.

Ho Jin himself sighed looking at his pitiful love sick of a friend. "Okay. Give me a moment. I'll just past this over to the marketing department and to give you a heads up that I will clear your schedule for the rest of the day."

Ho Young opened his mouth to protest but Ho Jin raised his hand to interrupt whatever Ho Young was about to say. "Nothing to worry about boss. Everything's already set for the launching and you're currently a wreck anyway. You're honestly more or less useless right now my friend, whether you stay here in your office or not. And you also need a break. So might as well let's just hang out. I'll call the others so I won't be alone with your sad face and everyone else could share your love sickness. Hahaha!"

Ho Young frowned at his friend's words but he can't refute. He knows it himself that he is in no condition to do any productive and efficient work when Ji Won is all in his head at the moment. So he just wordlessly nodded his head for confirmation.

When Ho Jin left the room to do all that needs to be done on his behalf, he leaned on his chair as he intently stares at the phone in his hand. Silently wishing for it to ring. An uneasy feeling building up inside of him.


Ji Won's Condo unit...

She was laughing so hard while rereading Ho Young's message when Ji Won suddenly felt dizzy. Holding her head, she tried to go sit at the sofa. But before she could take a step, everything around her turned. She lost her grip on her phone at the same time that her knees buckled and lost its strength to support her. She fell to the ground with a loud thud.

I was very busy and has no time to edit my chaps. huhu I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

I'll try my best to edit a lot of chapters so I could mass release next week. (hopefully)

Thanks so much ❤❤

Crimson_Ronincreators' thoughts