
Our Greatest Love

Jung Ji Won, commonly known as Chloe Jung, is a well-loved and famous actress all over the world for her perfect portrayals in various movies since she was 6 years old. She is also known for being a genius, skipping her early education, going to college at 13 and being the youngest intern doctor at the age of only 18. Her life has been smooth sailing until that unfortunate incident 5 years ago... ---- Yoon Ho Young is one of the most successful business man, leading the richest conglomerate in Korea. He was enjoying being a child actor until the death of his parents that forced him to mature early as he is the only heir of HY Group of Companies. But that did not make him a cold and ruthless person. In fact, he is labeled as the perfect man to have as a husband; tall, handsome, a perfect body under his suits (as people assumed), a philanthropist who helps the poor, and is filthy rich. ---- "NOOOOO!!!!!!" Ji Won woke up screaming and sweating. It's been a year since she woke up from being comatose for three years, 4 years in total since she escaped yet she still get nightmares about those dark and bloody months in the woods. Breathing heavily... sweat and tears running down her pretty face... She raised her shaking hand to cover her face, her whole body shaking violently... laying flat on her back, she stayed in that position without moving for almost half an hour. When she realized that she can't seem to relax, she removed her hand from her face and reached out for her phone. With shaky fingers, she pressed and hold number 1 on the dialer and waited for THAT someone to answer her call... ############# ❕DISCLAIMER❕ The photo is not mine.

Crimson_Ronin · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


She's awake! It's a miracle!

The doctors were baffled by this. With all the serious injuries on her body internally and externally, they predicted only a mere 10% chance of survival. But seeing as Ji Won has woken up and is actually reacting positively and normally to their initial tests as soon as she woke up, they can only say that it truly is a miracle.

The head doctor then turned to the crying family of four after the initial check up on Ji Won's health status. He looked, then bowed, at the head of the second most powerful and rich family in Korea. The doctor cleared his throat and started to explain politely and professionally to the man without showing how nervous and scared he was at the moment. "She seems to have not suffered any after effects from sleeping for a long time as she was able to react and respond normally to all of our questions and tests. But we will still need to go through a series of thorough check up just to make sure that nothing has gone wrong."

Mr. Jung nodded his head at the head doctor of his beloved daughter. "Ofcourse. We have full faith in each and everyone of you and your capabilities, Doc. Thank you for the hard work." Releasing his wife for a while, Mr. Jung shook hands with all the doctors as well as the nurses responsible for helping his daughter's recovery.


At HY GROUP headquarters...

*knock knock*

"Come in." A deep voice was heard behind the massive mahogany door. Lee Ho Jin, the president's most trusted secretary, pushed the door open and closed it shut after he entered. He looks excited and very happy. He is giddy to share the 'BEST news ever' to his ever-so-workaholic boss.

"Sir, we got a news from the hospital!" He looks at the gorgeous man working behind the expensive office table.

When Lee Ho Jin didn't continue to say something after quite some time, Yoon Ho Young stopped what he was doing and raised his head to look at his secretary. He raised both of his brows and slightly bit his lower lip.

"Well?... Are you gonna tell me or will you keep bouncing there like an excited kid?"

He leaned back against his chair as he watch his overly excited secretary. The 'news' seems to be a good one based on this dummy's look right now.

Lee Ho Jin cleared his throat to calm his excited heart. "It's a news regarding the young mis-... The future Madam Yoon, sir... She has woken up! And according to the tests, she didn't suffer any after effects and will only need to recuperate and go through physical therapy to recover fully." Ho Jin finished his report with a series of claps, finally showing his excitement.

Ho Young's heart skipped a bit when he remembered the beautiful girl in the hospital. He smiled so widely and nodded. He looked up at the ceiling and chuckled. Happiness radiating from his persona.

"Thank God for this wonderful news."

Reminiscing, the first time he saw her was when he was only 10. They worked together on a commercial. The girl was only 6 at that time. But after his early retirement from the show business, he never got another chance to meet her. Along his retirement, he completely distanced himself from the entertainment industry so he really never watched any of her movies or heard anything about her until that day when he found out 3 years ago that his childhood crush is actually his soon-to-be bride.

When he found out the truth, it was that time when the rescue operation for her and the other hostages was taking place. And that was the first time since he was 10 when he neglected his duties and sat down to focus all his attention on the television and waited for the news about the little girl.