
Our Greatest Love

Jung Ji Won, commonly known as Chloe Jung, is a well-loved and famous actress all over the world for her perfect portrayals in various movies since she was 6 years old. She is also known for being a genius, skipping her early education, going to college at 13 and being the youngest intern doctor at the age of only 18. Her life has been smooth sailing until that unfortunate incident 5 years ago... ---- Yoon Ho Young is one of the most successful business man, leading the richest conglomerate in Korea. He was enjoying being a child actor until the death of his parents that forced him to mature early as he is the only heir of HY Group of Companies. But that did not make him a cold and ruthless person. In fact, he is labeled as the perfect man to have as a husband; tall, handsome, a perfect body under his suits (as people assumed), a philanthropist who helps the poor, and is filthy rich. ---- "NOOOOO!!!!!!" Ji Won woke up screaming and sweating. It's been a year since she woke up from being comatose for three years, 4 years in total since she escaped yet she still get nightmares about those dark and bloody months in the woods. Breathing heavily... sweat and tears running down her pretty face... She raised her shaking hand to cover her face, her whole body shaking violently... laying flat on her back, she stayed in that position without moving for almost half an hour. When she realized that she can't seem to relax, she removed her hand from her face and reached out for her phone. With shaky fingers, she pressed and hold number 1 on the dialer and waited for THAT someone to answer her call... ############# ❕DISCLAIMER❕ The photo is not mine.

Crimson_Ronin · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

A Knight in the Shadows

At HY GROUP headquarters...

Yoon Ho Young became very impatient and agitated during his 10:00pm meeting. He's been tapping his pen rhythmically on the table and repeatedly peeks at his wristwatch. He didn't even listen to the business presentation of his employees.

It's because it's already so late and he still haven't spoken to Ji Won the entire day. He also never got any chance to even send her a message that day. He's been forgetting to bring his phone with him because of his packed schedule. He doesn't even have the time to have a little bit of a shut eye, what more to check his phone.



The meeting has just ended yet he still needs to go to the marketing department to personally inspect their new product scheduled for launching next week. He exerted all effort just to focus on the work at hand. His whole being is distracted because he is so worried when he was not able to call her.

He knows all about her having nightmares from her parents. No one knows what her nightmares are about but he was informed of how severe her reactions are the moment she wakes up. Worried sick for his fiancé, he planned to always call her at night right before her bed time just to check on her. He does not end the call even after she's fallen asleep in fear that she might have a nightmare. Ho Young always felt relieved when morning comes and Ji Won's sleep never got disrupted by any nightmares.


3:50am the next day...

All initial preparations for the product launching is done. Physically exhausted while his mind is elsewhere, he faced his employees who's been working hard for his company. "Let's call it a day. Everybody go home and rest. Get some sleep. I'll see you again in the afternoon later... Good job everyone!" Ho Young instructed and complimented his employees at the marketing department as he clapped his hands. He humbly bowed to show his gratitude. His employees followed suit and enthusiastically clapped their hands even though tired. They all respectfully bowed to him at a 90° angle. "You've worked hard, sir." They all said in unison as if they rehearsed before hand.

When the whole building was cleared out of the tired employees, Ho Young also sent his secretary home. "You should also go home, Ho Jin. You've been working hard since yesterday morning. I'll just get my things at the office and will drive myself home... You drove your car, right?"

Lee Ho Jun didn't have the energy and the will to talk so he just tapped Ho Young on the shoulder. He wordlessly nodded his head and smiled at his boss which he only does when they're done with work. He's already a very handsome man with his stoic 'business' face. But once he lets go of his secretary persona and goes back to being the energetic friend of Ho Young, he exudes a totally different aura.



With a screeching sound, he abruptly stopped his car at the front lawn of his mansion. Holding his phone tightly on his right hand, he opened the car door and without closing it, dashed towards the main door. He didn't even change his shoes as he ran as fast as he could to his bedroom at the second floor of the house.


In the bedroom..

He rummaged through the drawer at the bedside table to look for his phone charger. He plugged his phone to charge and waited impatiently. He stands on guard and just stared for about 5 minutes for his phone to turn on. He feels like it was the longest 5 minutes in his lifetime. He was cursing everything and everyone within that time.

When the screen finally lit up, Ho Young picked up his phone in a flash. And without a second thought, he dialed Ji Won's number. When he's about to press the call button, he gave up at that action. It's already so late, so he assumes that Ji Won is already asleep.

Disappointed that he won't be able to hear her voice, he slowly pressed on his phone to delete Ji Won's number one by one on the dialer when a notification suddenly appeared on the screen. Looking at the message details, it was sent to him at 11:30am yesterday and the sender is Ji Won!

[Hey! How's work? Don't forget to eat your meals on time, 'kay? -Ji Won]

With an adoring smile, he started to type his reply for his angel. He vented all his frustrations like a kid and secretly expresses how much he misses her.