
Our Girl

Life for the Durelos and the Amids is a lot more happy and chaotic than any normal family. Theirs isn't a normal family because breaking the norms is fated for them. The kids and their parents have lots of surprises in store for us all if only we'll be patient. Do read and enjoy, comment(please, I need your comments) and vote too. Xo xo Zee P.S - This is my first book on Webnovel, be patient with me. I'm breaking the norms too.

zeewealth12 · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Welcome to Our home

"Awwwn, your baby is soooo cute"

"Isn't she an adorable little baby"

"Look at her hair, oh my gosh you should braid it"

"Mummy she's suckling on her thumb"

"Mama, Zaara's awake"

"Honey, she's crying!

"Your family is sooo cute"

"She just crawled....Mama! Zaara crawled!!

If a person can bring so much happiness and attention into a person's life, it is Zaara. Kamila always feel she's in an ethereal state since the birth of her third child. Zaara is so beautiful,it is surprising. Kamila is a very beautiful dark skinned lady, so is her husband Amid and the twins, her first children Jamil and Jamal, her first set of blessings. Zaara is very fair skinned and her mother in-law said she might have taken after her because she is fair skinned. The whole family were always food for the eyes but with Zaara here, all attention was on her and nobody really cared.

Kamila and Amid have been married for ten years, with no kids for the first five years, though it was not that Kamila never got pregnant but she always had a miscarriage. It was a very hard time in their lives. Amid being a Muslim got advice from family and friends to take another wife but he never did and his mother was in strong support of their marriage and advised against any external affairs.

Kamila and her mother in-law were close and that made the love Amid had for his wife never falter. As practicing Muslims, they prayed and hoped until kamila got pregnant with the twins and gave birth nine months later to two healthy baby boys and five years later gave birth to their little princess Zaara. The twins are two mischievous beings but they love their sister wholeheartedly and opening.

On waking up, their first mission is to go check on their baby sister whose crib was still in their parent's master bedroom . The lullaby playing machine attached to the crib would still be on by the time they'll go check on her and they'd ooh and awwn to their heart's content watching the sleeping beauty between the bars of the crib since they weren't as tall as the crib but making sure not to wake her up.

Kamila, since the birth of the twins had taken a fascination to photography, wanting to capture every moment of the kids growing up. While the twins would still be dazed watching little Zaara with unguarded affection, she'd take pictures of them unaware and to her, those moments were priceless.

"Good morning boys", kamila always say breaking them from their momentary trance and quickly kiss her husband good morning before they'd both jump on the bed to greet and be cuddled by their parents. Kamila and Amid always tried their best so the twins never feel left out or cast aside since Zaara's birth.

This morning routine was a beautiful tradition in the Bashir's family, something they never want to let go of but rather adjust. It was ample time to check on each other and express one's self.

" Good morning mummy, good morning daddy" the twins always replied in a singsong manner while their mom kissed their forehead before stepping out of bed leaving the twins and their half awake daddy to check on her little baby.

"Arise and shine beautiful", Kamila said picking her eight months old daughter from the crib kissing her chubby cheeks. Zaara being the ever bubbly kid would smile lovingly at her mother, the singsong good morning by the twins is always on the high pitch which is the cue for Zaara to wake up and this the Kam had observed.

Amid stays in bed enjoying the show everyday, he doesn't need a camera to save these events in memory. He had the best time courting Ami, they met through tinder, a hookup site for most, dating site for some. He never thought he would meet a decent lady there, someone he could easily have access to, they attended the same university as at then.....


" Amid Bashir!" Professor Joshua called right after class,

"Yes sir", the shy young Amid answered not really meeting the lecturer's eyes.

"Meet me in my office tomorrow at 12", the Prof replied looking at the young man in a suspicious manner packing his stuffs and left the class.

"Guy, you and Professor love story no be here o", Andre, Amid's closest friend, course mate and roommate said laughing nudging his shoulders.

" I don't know the man's problem with me", he said sounding a bit worried.

Professor Joshua has been Amid's bane since his first year in school, not that he was the only one, just the most obvious among them all. Amid's beauty was a threat to both students and lecturers alike. The lecturers feel he gets the girl they probably want to be in an affair with though knowing it's illegal. A lecturer having an affair with students was an open secret in their school, while his co-students see him as a rival, some female students publicly regard him as a playboy but secretly, they are crushing on him. Amid wasn't just a beauty, his IQ is high and he is from a respectable and well to do family which helped him from being a scapegoat to the lecturers or students but that doesn't mean they don't find ways to torment him. Professor Joshua for example uses the excuse that he is a brainiac to torment him with more school work than usual.

"A full package like you should have problems in a school like ours, probably more than normal students", Andre said. Being the half caste himself, he was eye candy and together, people refer to the as the sugar boys. They weren't innocents either, they've had their fair share of hookups but they make sure both parties know it was exactly that. Never dating any girl, all the girls they've been with come with high hopes only to get it shattered.

" You're fine my guy, maybe one of the girls he's having an affair with is crushing on you", Andre said winking at Amid, causing some nearby students to laugh.

"Well, if that's the case, there's nothing I can do about it", he said grinning like the typical playboy he is.

" Though you know I've never been with any girl in this faculty to avoid this kind of problem", He said seriously as they packed their belongings and left the class.

They left the school and went to their off campus apartment, a two bedroom flat. Though they both had rich parents, they were heirs but they weren't allowed to fully depend on them, thus they had part-time jobs which aided their luxurious style of living. On getting home, they ordered food and right after eating, Andre left to see one of his numerous girlfriends or hook-ups. They love their privacy too much so they never brought any girl home. Amid decided to peruse Tinder, a dating site which he used for hookups and clearly stated in his bio. He replied to some messages and decided to check out some new people. Tinder has all sorts of girls and he always enjoyed the show of seeing those beautiful faces and bodies. He suddenly came across a profile:



University of good vibes,

no hookups please!

And all her pictures were of a beautifully curvy girl in the Shadows. He was immediately intrigued and luckily they marched. He quickly sent he a message and sat attentively like he was in an exam hall, after some hours he got his reply: "Hello, I'm Kamila, nice meeting you". From that point on, he already knew something was different, her message was unlike the usual hookup lines he usually get, his pictures and bio being the reason. Soon they started chatting everyday with Kamila still not revealing a clear picture for months. Later on they found out they attended the same University, met on a particular Friday and now the rest is history.


Returning back from memory lane, he smiled knowing without an iota of doubt that he is blessed.

" Boys, let's go clean up", he said picking up both boys, he carried them to their room to prepare them for the day though not before kissing his girls good morning. Kam and Zaara got to cleaning too and about an hour later, they were all on their way out.

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