
Our Fate and Destiny

After being reincarnated as a female lead in a reverse harem novel. Avery, who possessed Avyanna Brooke's body, a female lead who us beautiful, wise and strong. Every man wanted her to be their muse. And there are four male leads that seek the lady's hand. But, turns out the soul that possessed her body is a lesbian. Avery was loved at first sight at the innocent faced villainess Yelena Royal, a woman who is also candidate for the throne.

Renzi_Rei · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

Chapter 21

Yelena's Pov

The beat of my heart became abnormal as soon as I saw her face shining beneath the light of the moon.


"What... the hell are you doing?" I panicked and pulled her down. 

"Why are you here? Don't you know that you're trespassing on people's property?! OUR! Property at that!"

"I'm sorry." She quickly apologized.

"What are you doing here? In the middle of the night?"

"Well, I promised I'd attend your birthday but something urgent came up, so I'm here to make up for it."

Although she was just smiling and standing there. My heart feels like it's about to explode inside my chest. I don't know why I feel this way when I'm supposed to hate her.

"So? My birthday party is over." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yes, but the day isn't. We still have two hours until midnight. Do you want to go with me?" She stood on the railing of my balcony.

"Hey! Get down from there! What if you fall? I can't have a corpse under my balcony!" I hold onto her legs.

"Don't worry. I've got magic, right?" She knelt down and reached her hand out to me.

"Do you want to? I swear you're going to love this."

Why would I trust this woman? What if she's got something up her sleeve?

"Your eyes are full of suspicion, My Lady." She let out a small laugh.

"Don't worry. Do you trust me, Your Grace?"

"Hmph." I looked away and grabbed her hands.

"You swear with your life. Do you understand?"

"Yes, of course, My Lady."

She pulled me up and held onto my waist. I was startled and stiffened.

I glared at her after recovering.

"Hold tight, My Lady. This will be scary at first."

As soon as she said those words, my feet didn't feel the ground anymore, so I looked down. But it was a very bad decision as I saw everything below me start spinning.

I panicked, so I closed my eyes tightly and put my arms around this person's neck. I'm not sure why she drew me closer to her, but I feel so safe.

The wind became stronger than before, and I trembled in fear.

"My Lady." She called. Her voice was soft and gentle.

"W-what? Y-you said I'd like it, but I-I don't! B-bring me down now!" I said, panicking. It's normal to stutter if you find yourself floating in midair.

"You will. Open your eyes now."


She laughs again. That made me annoyed. She sure enjoys looking at my pathetic, scared self.

"D-do I l-look pathetic to you?! J-just bring me down already!" I demanded.

"Haha. My Lady, it's not that." I felt her fingers on my face, drawing it to the back of my ears. "You actually look cute."

I slowly opened my eyes and was stunned by the scenery I was looking at. Everything down there was beautiful.

The lights that are normally an eye sore to me are shining brightly.

"Is there a festival down there?" I asked in confusion because I could hear music even from up here.


I shivered in the cold. But I felt something warm on my shoulders.

"It's cold today, isn't it?" She asked with a smile.

I stared at her and I just realized. She is beautiful, just like others have said. I don't know why I hated her besides that she took Roshan away from me.

Was I too spoiled because everyone told me I was the most beautiful woman in the Empire that wouldn't be matched by anyone? But when she appeared, everything changed.

My heart is abnormal again. Every time I think of her or I am with her, it feels different than before.

I would feel so irritated that I wanted her dead. But now.. I don't know anymore.

I clenched my chest tightly. Why do I feel my chest beating like this? Why do I feel this way?

"My Lady? Is there something wrong?"

I immediately canceled all my thoughts and raised my gaze to her.

"Nothing." I answered, but she kept staring at me.


"Ah. Nothing. It's just that you're so quiet. Normally, you'll get hyped up and talk nonstop."

"Huhh??" My expression naturally becomes bitter. 

Of course, I am offended! Why would you say that to someone who has a higher status than you?

"The hell are you so tall?" I just cursed, changing the topic.

"Eh? Uhm.. Isn't it from genes?" She asked back.

"The Baron is small though. Are you sure that you're his daughter? I have my doubts." I said casually.

"Pfftt." She suddenly burst into laughter.

"Are you out of your mind already?" I asked in suspicion. What if this one has already gone insane?

"Haha. No, no." She wiped the tears from the side of her eyes. "No one has ever told me that." She laughed.

"Look at that, My Lady." She pointed somewhere, and I saw the sea.

"It would be nice if we went here at sunset. You'll see what I always see." She mumbled, but I couldn't hear them clearly because of the wind.

"By the way, how do you do this? This... floating thing?" I asked, looking down from where we were.

"Ah.. There's a wind beneath us that makes us float. It's not visible though." She explained. "Ah. Let's go down there. Hold on tight!"


It was too late to react when we sped up on going down. I couldn't help but hug her tighter and squeal a little.

"M-m-my lady. W-we've landed. C-can't breath!"

I immediately let go of her neck and she gasped for air. My legs trembled like they had no strength in them and I just fell on the sand.

"My Lady?"

"My Lady! My Lady! It's so irritating! My ears are ringing for that word! I always hear it!" I irritatedly, with my clenched jaw.

"Oh.. Okay. Then, should I call you whatever I wanted?" She asked, sitting down beside me.

"Yeah. Whatever. I just hate being called 'My Lady' by you. It doesn't feel right."

"Ah? What's that supposed to mean?" She brought her face close to mine and I was stunned as I stared at her innocent eyes.

I looked the other way and pushed her face. "It doesn't mean anything!"


Suddenly, it became quiet. All I can hear is the waves of the sea.

I turned my head to her and when I was about to let out a word, she finally spoke.


Something rang in my head and I heard the same word.


"How about I call you that?" She happily asked. Even smiling radiantly.

I didn't know how to react. It's the same nickname that the woman gave me in my dreams. It feels oddly familiar to me.

"Y-yeah... W-whatever." I just said and rolled my eyes.

"Really? I can just call you Yena?" The happiness and excitement were in her voice.

She's easy to please. It's just a mere nickname, and it makes her happy.

"Yeah, But not in public." I reminded.

"Okay!" Her face is really glowing. "Then. You can also give me a nickname."

I looked at her with one raised brow.
