
Our Crown (Daughter of the Duke)

Being born in the family that lacks nothing. On top of that being gifted with everything, beauty, brains , talent and power. Just imagine that being taken away from you.

RavenYagamiVM · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

As it was already dark. And it didn't seem like they were getting followed by Isaac's people. No.0 discussed with Vivian if they should camp out.

" Lady Vivian, I think it would be best if we camp here. You see ,some of our knights are injured and I think we should rest and treat their injuries. Is that okay with you?" , asked No.0 .

Vivian nodded as she answered in a law voice, " Okay let's do that. You can put me down now. ". She paused and continued talking, "From here on, I'll be walking on my."

"YES my lady." , answered Captain No.0.

No.0 looked around and saw a tree log and placed Vivian on it. He then went to the knights and gave them orders.

"Cliff and No.2 go stand by lady Vivian's side. Make sure to stay alert, this place is not safe after all.", ordered No.0.

(Tip: Shadows are given numbers not name. And they are numbered by how strong they are.)

No.2 answered without hesitation, "YES sir." ,then she went to Vivian's side.

Cliff stood there looking down and said while stuttering, " wel... well, Captain... No.0, I d... I don't think ... It's best for me to do this job." He took a deep breath , and continued talking lowering his voice, with a sad puppy face. " I don't... think lady Vivian will be happy having someone... like me by her side."

No.0 thought to himself that Cliff was hopeless in other areas except for his strength. He then said to Cliff with a serious face, " Go do your job and stop thinking too much. You don't want lady Vivian's life to be in danger right ."

Cliff nodded and said "YES, I don't even want her to be in a tiniest little tip of danger."

Captain No.0 petted his shoulder and said, " Then you are perfect for the job. Go get in position."

Cliff responded, " YES Sir." Then went Vivian's side.

Captain No.0 continued giving orders , " No.5 ,7 and 8, each of you create a team of 5 people in each group. Scatter and scout the area. Make sure to report back if something suspicious happens. "

He continued, " As for the remaining standing knights, go and hunt something to eat. I'll start the fire and take care of the wounded. "

Everyone got down to the job they were given .

Vivian had a thought of helping out but she thought that she will just get in the way. She thought with her being in low spirit, she might affect the group. So she decided to keep to herself. No.2 looked at Vivian and sighed in her heart and thought, (Poor lady Vivian, I just don't get it. What did you see in that sissy looking Prince? When it comes to strength you might be stronger than him. Hm?! , no, I'm sure you are stronger than him.You know what my Lady, the day you get on your feet again, make sure he kneels infront of you and begs for mercy. But of course don't show it to him. Especially that wicked Kady, um...what was she called again?...Guppy,,,,no...oh, Gracie!! Make then pay with their lives .wow... The moon sure is bright today. Eh... no no no, focus No.2. ), she slapped her cheeks and tried to focus on standing watch. But of course with her nature of thinking too much and being an air head. She lost focus from now and then.

After few moments, No.8's group came back to the camp running.

No.8 reported "Captain, there is a group of dark wolves coming this way, there's a lot of them. Around over 60."

Captain responded, "Blow the whistle, call the others back. I think they might have been attracted by the smell of blood."

He gave the order, "Those who can't fight stand with lady Vivian, If you think you fight come and help."

When the whistle was blown , the knights who were near the camp returned and they all stood in formation. No 5 and 7 's group were not able to make it back to the group because they were a little far away . But they did hear the whistle. So each group decided to make their own plan to help the camp in their own way.

The group of dark wolves arrived at their camp and started attacking, as they intended to press in on the side of the injured but thanks to Cliff and No.2, they were able to hold them. Sure it was dangerous because the wolves attacked like an endless wave. No.5 and 7 's groups arrived at the scene and decided to attack the wolves from behind blocking their exit. That made the wolves to be off their game because they felt surrounded. The battle that was in the wolves favor changed and they ended up being the ones who hunted. Some wolves were able to escape and the battle was won. Few got injured but it wasn't that serious. They could heal in about 1 week if treated well.

After a long close fight, Everyone settled down for a rest and the injured were given the first aid treatment . Vivian saw the situation and decided to help out. She decided to help with the injured because that seemed more important at the moment. At first they wanted to stop her but she insisted that she could not just sit down and do nothing while the people who came to her rescue were in need. So they let her help because that could also help her get her thoughts off what happened.

Cliff tried to lighten the mood and said , " I guess we are having wolves meat for a midnight snack."

The looked at him , some smiled and some sighed.

Knight*56 sticked his tongue out and responded to his words, " I want mine well done."

They laughed and the mood was lifted. Everyone ordered how they wanted their meal done , but of course in the end they just had grilled meat. And it was an enjoyable meal.

At the palace. While walking to his office after Vivian's escape. The 9th Prince wasn't pleased with how things turned out. He started to furiously giving orders to the knights who were next to him .

"Send the second Order Knights and soldiers after them. Block all the roads that lead to their territory. Make sure she does not make it there."

The 9th Prince was anxious that he felt like what he ordered was not enough. He rang the bell to summon his personal butler. The butler came to him then they went to the Prince's office. They arrived at the office, then the 9th Prince set on his chair and gave the order to the butler.

"Find me the best assassins, the once who never failed their missions. I don't care about the price. Tell them to end Vivian DeLunar's life. On top of that , put a bounty on her head. Make sure you post that 'dead or alive' poster in every corner of the kingdom. ", ordered the 9th Prince with clenched fists .

The butler responded to him, "Your highness, I think you should focus more on the upcoming ceremony. These mett..."

9th Prince cut into the butler's words, hitting the table with his fists and shouted, "NO!!! THERE WILL BE NO CEREMONY IF SHE GETS HER REVENGE!!!!".

9th Prince took a deep breath trying to come down and continued bitting into his teeth, "Butler, do as you're told. Make sure you report good news to me when the news comes."

The butler helplessly responded, "YES sir" the butler asked after a little pause, " Your highness, is the ceremony still going to happen?"

The 9th Prince smile and responded, " Of course, this will not stop me from being the Emperor . Even if the sun and moon falls, I will still be crowned Emperor. Triple the security. I don't want any mistakes. As for Vivian DeLunar, even if she survives until then, her life will only get worse."

9th Prince paused and gently murmured Vivian's name and that complicated feeling he had returned. His head started to hurt again then he chased the butler out of the office and set back on his chair facing up. Then his mind went blank , after few seconds the headache stopped and his hatred for Vivian and the DeLunar family grew even more.

Gracie was sent to her home that night by the Prince's people. Of course she too was displeased by the fact that Vivian escaped. And now not knowing how the 9th Prince was planning handle things, only made her more anxious because she knew that if Vivian really makes it to the DeLunar territory, things could get more unfavorable for her and the 9th Prince. She wanted to do something about it but she couldn't because compared to the status Vivian had, she herself felt more like a commoner. After all, Vivian never looked at people's status but how they lived. Even with how frustrated Gracie was about not knowing anything about the situation, she could do nothing but wait for a word from the 9th Prince.

To be continued...


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