
Otsutsuki traveling the Multiverse

My first attempt at writing something. Constructive cristiscm would be appreciated. The story starts in Naruto, with a guy that 'reincarnated' in the Narutoverse as an Ōtsutsuki. He got 3 wishes and starts his journey though the multiverse towards becoming a true God.

Ol_T4 · Komik
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28 Chs


As I stood opposite of my opponent, I quickly went through different strategies. However, realising once again that I don't have any real fighting experience at all, I couldn't be the one to controlling the flow of the battle.

So I waited until he made his first move.

It was quite an obvious thing to do for a person that has chakra and knowledge of some form of jutsu. He simply made some handseals, took a deep breath and spewed a fairly large fireball in my direction.

Normal people would have been scared at the sight of that, however, not me. Inwardly I was totally excited because I could finally test out another one of my inborn traits as an Otsutsuki.

Chakra absorption.

I was curious about what was going to happen to the chakra once I absorbed it, and now I had the chance to find out.

So as the flaming ball of fire came flying at me, I stretched out my hands and let my instincts guide me. Once the fire hit my hand, it kind of felt like my chakra network went into overdrive. I couldn't add the absorbed chakra to my own reserves, however I could temporarily use it as if it was my own. I don't know if there's a limit as to how much I can absorb but this is definitely going to be useful in the future.

I couldn't help but let a grin form on my face, it must've looked quite terrifying to my opponent, seeing as he already had that beginning look of despair on his face.

He tried to shoot another fireball, but I just absorbed it again, then simply used the absorbed chakra to strengthen my legs and with a burst arrived in front of the man within one to two blinks of an eye.

I simply punched, trying to catch him off guard, and it worked. He flew backwards, crashing with his back into a tree and started groaning.

I took a few steps back, picked one of the swords laying around and calmly walked forwards. He was still trying to get his bearings so I wasn't in any rush. I had already realised at that point that the man may have had the ability to throw some fire around, but was otherwise not particularly skilled.

Since he couldn't even properly track my movement, there's no need to fight an unnecessarily lengthened battle. I was hoping for a good taijutsu match to learn something, but it seems that it wasn't meant to be. I didn't even use my burst on the punch, just for speed in my legs and he barely handled it without dying.

As I stood in front of him, I felt nothing. No pity, no remorse, simply nothing.

He was at least honourable enough not to beg for mercy, probably knowing that it wouldn't make a difference either way. He was still disoriented and I wasn't going to give him more time to pull himself together.

I swung the sword down without giving him the opportunity to say any last words and cut off his head.

I looked at him for a few seconds, before holding my right hand above his body and commanding my mist to envelop him. Again I felt, through my instincts, the ability to 'choose' what exactly it is I want to devour from this human. I of course had the option of his life energy, his bloodline (normal human), his traits or his chakra.

I was tempted to choose his traits, simply for his seemingly affinity to fire, however I decided against it. I wanted to see what would happen once I absorb someone's chakra through my devouring power.

'When I devour life energy, it strengthens my body, as well as my soul, I believe, since I don't have any proof. But what's going to happen once I absorb his chakra?'

While my mist spread throughout his body, I could tell how it concentrated on the humans chakra system, and reserves at first however after I pulled the mist back in, there wasn't anything left of the body either way.

'Truly peculiar how even if I only absorb chakra the body disappears as well..'

I concentrated on the changes within my body and could immediately tell what was happening. My chakra wasn't growing, however it was being refined and the quality improved. While it didn't make a huge difference, considering my chakra was already pretty dense for the amount I had, I felt it clearly.

My reserves got denser and and I had a breakthrough right that moment. I could finally safely try to activate my Dōjutsu without negative repercussions and see what it is.

I quickly went in the middle of the camp, and simply let my mist flow freely enveloping the whole camp area, safe from a sword I placed outside the perimeter so I could take it with me.

Within a minute everything was broken down into mist and I pulled all the energy back into my body.

I picked up the sword and took off into the sky, searching for a comfortable looking clearing to have some space and test out my new dojutsu.