

Marine Headquarters

Since the death of Fleet Admiral Akainu Sengoku was reinstated until another be brought up for the position.We see that he has summoned many of his Admirals and Vice-Admirals to a meeting room to discuss recent events.In the room we see Vice-Admiral Tsuru, Vice-Admiral Garp, Vice-Admiral Momonga, Admiral Kizaru, Admiral Fujitora, and the newer Admiral Aramaki.

Garp: Why are we here Sengoku?

Sengoku: I have heard reporting of 3 of the emperors meeting in Kaguya's territory as well as The Straw-hats and the heart pirates.

Tsuru: was there some confrontation between these parties you mentioned?

Sengoku: no, though I do know that a confrontation has happened between Shanks and Kaguya at one point but we don't know the outcome of this.

Fujitora: What is so important about this meeting that you brought all of us here just to talk about them meeting if nothing happened?

Sengoku: I believe that the Straw-hats and the heart pirates are planning to attack Kaido.I think Kaguya may have helped to train them some before letting them leave.

Aramaki: Why would an emperor train potential rivals to her power?That just sounds stupid.

Garp: Aramaki, have you ever encountered The Kaguya Pirates?

Aramaki: No because If I had then they would have perished.

Momonga: Foolish of you to think that you would stand up against her.I have faced the monster known as Kaguya and she has shown very little in terms of what she is capable of.I have heard she has an attack that can turn you into ash if it so much as touches you.You believe that just by attaining the rank of Admiral that it makes you some powerhouse that is nigh untouchable.Former Fleet Admiral Akainu believed the same and yet he was killed by someone trained by Kaguya and her crew and joined them.Big Eater Bonney was one of the worst generation and she is now a crew member the Kaguya pirates and a powerful one at that.

Garp: Momonga is correct in this.

For once we can see Garp is serious and all of his jovial and joking manner is not present at the moment.

Garp: I have watched a clash between Kaguya and Whitebeard and felt the force behind there attacks.If you were to face either you would not survive.

Tsuru: I think we are leaving out an important individual here.Kaguya's first mate, has been highly speculated but I believe her to be Yamato.She is powerful and I witnessed the clash between her and Kaguya back a while ago in passing.I believe they were training.When they left I went to check this Island they were on and the devastion left in there wake was astronomical.The island was barely holding together.

Sengoku: Either way, I believe they are heading to deal with Kaido.A clash on that scale can be devastating.We need to prevent at least the Kaguya pirates from entering Wano.

Garp: How do you propose we do that?

Kizaru: I can lead an attack and head them off.I am no rookies like the newbie here.

Fujitora: I can go with him to ensure that Kaguya is dealt with.

Sengoku: Agreed but Garp is going with you as well as Aramaki.

Garp: Fine, I'll probably at least make it out alive.


It has been a week since they set sale for Wano and in this time Kaguya had been infusing her armament haki and conquerors haki into Masamune with relative success.Yamato has been with her training alongside her.Valen and Nojiko have been spending time with Nami and Pudding has been helping Sanji cook.Zoro was doing his own training and Robin has been reading as usual.

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Everything was going fine until Yamato noticed Kaguya tensing.

Yamato: What's wrong Kaguya?

This caught everyone's attention as said person stood and walked to the front of the ship and stared out to sea

Kaguya: It seems the Marines are heading out way.To stop us from getting Wano or not is undecided but they have quite power on that ship.

Luffy reaches his senses out as well as everyone else who can and agrees.

Kaguya: It seems Garp is there going to be in this scuffle.

Luffy: We'll deal with them as they come.

As the two ships get closer to one another Garp starts shouting to the Luffy.

Garp: Oi brat, I'm coming over.

Then garp soru's over onto the deck of the thousand sunny.

Everyone has there weapon drawn except Kaguya.

Kaguya: what does Garp want from us lowly pirates?

Garp studies Kaguya for a minute.

Garp: We are here to arrest you Kaguya and your crew.

Kaguya: and the strawhats?

Garp: they can continue but not you and those with you.

Kaguya: I see.Well, what happens if we don't comply, your little crew of marines are going to strike us down?

Garp: yes.

Yamato: There lies the problem though.We are pirates and none of us are pushover.Hell, even Pudding could probably take out a Vice-Admiral now on here own.

Kaguya: There was an uninhabited island some way back, I would prefer to not wreck Luffies ship.I am sure you understand.

Garp smile and nods.

Kaguya: We will head to that Island as soon as The Straw-hats are out of range for your crewmates.

Garp studies Kaguya for a moment and agrees and heads back to his ship where they head towards the Island.

Kaguya: Pudding, stay with the Straw-hats.The experience you can get from helping them will be invaluable but stay alive.We will make our way towards wano once we have finished here.

Pudding nods and agrees to move forward.

Nojiko: Well, looks like we get to have some fun Valen.

Valen: Whoever defeats there opponent first get to choose a punishment for the lower.

Sparks fly between Nojiko and Valen and their predatory smiles make Nami sweardrop and their antics.

Nojiko: Agreed and when I win you be the bottom for a year and take whatever I decide to give you.

Valen: What do you know?I was thinking the same for you!

Nami leans over towards Yamato.

Nami: are they always like this?

Yamato: Yes.They are always like this.Have been since they met.Not only ate they competing for the highest bounty between them bit in everything else they do.Who make who c-

Nami: Okay okay, I get it.No need for mental pictures.

Kaguya: Luffy, keep heading for wano and we'll stay behind to deal with the marines.

Luffy: We will help you.

Yamato: No, as much as I want to take out Kaido, this needs to be handled first and when Kaido learns of your arrival it will makes things harder for you.Best to arrive before he turns his sights on you.

Robin: They are right Luffy, getting there is out priority right now.

Kaguya: Garp will survive, I have no desire to see what a Marine should be die.

Luffy nods gratefully and with much reluctance agrees.

On the Marine Ship

Garp lands back gives orders t9 head t9 an Island.

Aramaki: Why are we not just attacking them now?We can get rid of many troublemakers at once.

Fujitora: Because this is not a battle that can be won through sneak attacks or open war on the sea.Kaguya has had her eyes on us since we entered her range of perception.She still watches us to make sure we keep to their accord with Garp.

Kizaru: How do we know they will keep their end?

Garp: Despite what many believe about her, Kaguya will not run from us because she honors her agreements.Something we Marines should learn to do.

Fujitora: She is indeed honorable for a pirate.It saddens me to know one such as her had turned to piracy.

Garp: Not by choice.We forced her hand there and made a terrible enemy of here due to low life marines in the east blue.

Once they arrive at the Island and see it is uninhabited the stand waiting for the arrival of the Kaguya Pirates.They did not have to wait for long as soon the see them arriving on a black disc floating with Kaguya sitting at the front, Yamato to her right, and Nojiko and Valen to her left.

Once they arrive and see just the four Marines they each pick an opponent.

Kaguya: I want Garp, I can tell he is the strongest these marines.

Garp just grins hearing this while Aramaki starts complaining and saying he is the best.

Yamato: hmmm hmmm from these here I'll take

Fujitora: I want the One just talking now, She has a good soul.A respectable opponent.

Yamato:... okay then, I'll take the blind swordsman.He seems fun.

Valen: I want kizaru.

Nojiko: Fine fine, I'll take the arrogant asshat.But just know, your gonna be a bottle for some time now.Why do I get the weakest among them.

Aramaki: WHY AM I the weakest of these?

Everyone just stares at him, the marines included.

Kaguya: umm Garp, he does know we can sense ones overall strength through observation haki?Right?

Garp: I would hope so.

Aramaki: what!?!

Yamato looks at Fujitora.

Yamato: How did he become and Admiral?Even Momonga knows that?

Fujitora: Your crew taking quite of few powerful marines doesn't help.

Valen: They should just leave us alone then.

Kizaru: Ah, but we can't do that.You're pirates.

Nojiko: Don't you have some new crews to take care of?We deal with our fair share of new pirates trying to take out Kaguya.

Kaguya hearing enough of the talking sends a wave of conquerors haki at all four of the marines with the only one countering being Garp who grins in anticipation.

Kaguya draws her blade and before anyone knows what's happened Garp and Kaguya disappear and appear in the middle clashing fist to sword with excited grins etched on their faces with the clouds above parting to split the sky!